const unsigned int bb_number,
const unsigned int function_index)
void WriteGlobalDeclarations() override
Writes the global declarations.
void WriteFunctionDeclaration(const unsigned int funId) override
Writes the declaration of the function whose id in the tree is funId.
void WriteBBHeader(const unsigned int bb_number, const unsigned int function_index) override
void WriteFunctionImplementation(unsigned int function_index) override
Write function implementation.
void WriteExtraCodeBeforeEveryMainCall() override
void DeclareLocalVariables(const CustomSet< unsigned int > &to_be_declared, CustomSet< unsigned int > &already_declared_variables, CustomSet< std::string > &locally_declared_type, const BehavioralHelperConstRef BH, const var_pp_functorConstRef varFunc) override
Declares the local variable; in case the variable used in the initialization of curVar hasn't been de...
void WriteExtraInitCode() override
Write additional initialization code needed by subclasses.
boost::graph_traits< graph >::vertex_descriptor vertex
vertex definition.
void WriteMainTestbench() override
Writes the main() of the testbench C program.
Template definition of refcount.
DiscrepancyAnalysisCWriter(const CBackendInformationConstRef _c_backend_information, const HLS_managerConstRef _HLSMgr, const InstructionWriterRef _instruction_writer, const IndentedOutputStreamRef _indented_output_stream, const ParameterConstRef _parameters, bool _verbose)
void WriteBuiltinWaitCall() override
Writes implementation of __builtin_wait_call.
void writePreInstructionInfo(const FunctionBehaviorConstRef FB, const vertex statement) override
Write extra information on the given statement vertex, before the statement itself.
void writePostInstructionInfo(const FunctionBehaviorConstRef fun_behavior, const vertex) override
Write extra information on the given statement vertex, after the statement itself.
const DiscrepancyRef Discrepancy
Template borrowed from the ANTLR library by Terence Parr (http://www.jGuru.com - Software rights: htt...
void WriteTestbenchHelperFunctions()