Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2 +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
3 | CHStone : a suite of benchmark programs for C-based High-Level Synthesis |
4 | ======================================================================== |
5 | |
6 | * Collected and Modified : Y. Hara, H. Tomiyama, S. Honda, |
7 | H. Takada and K. Ishii |
8 | Nagoya University, Japan |
9 | |
10 | * Remark : |
11 | 1. This source code is modified to unify the formats of the benchmark |
12 | programs in CHStone. |
13 | 2. Test vectors are added for CHStone. |
14 | 3. If "main_result" is 0 at the end of the program, the program is |
15 | correctly executed. |
16 | 4. Please follow the copyright of each benchmark program. |
17 +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
18 */
19 /*************************************************************************/
20 /* */
21 /* SNU-RT Benchmark Suite for Worst Case Timing Analysis */
22 /* ===================================================== */
23 /* Collected and Modified by S.-S. Lim */
24 /* */
25 /* Real-Time Research Group */
26 /* Seoul National University */
27 /* */
28 /* */
29 /* < Features > - restrictions for our experimental environment */
30 /* */
31 /* 1. Completely structured. */
32 /* - There are no unconditional jumps. */
33 /* - There are no exit from loop bodies. */
34 /* (There are no 'break' or 'return' in loop bodies) */
35 /* 2. No 'switch' statements. */
36 /* 3. No 'do..while' statements. */
37 /* 4. Expressions are restricted. */
38 /* - There are no multiple expressions joined by 'or', */
39 /* 'and' operations. */
40 /* 5. No library calls. */
41 /* - All the functions needed are implemented in the */
42 /* source file. */
43 /* */
44 /* */
45 /*************************************************************************/
46 /* */
47 /* FILE: adpcm.c */
48 /* SOURCE : C Algorithms for Real-Time DSP by P. M. Embree */
49 /* */
50 /* DESCRIPTION : */
51 /* */
52 /* CCITT G.722 ADPCM (Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation) */
53 /* algorithm. */
54 /* 16khz sample rate data is stored in the array test_data[SIZE]. */
55 /* Results are stored in the array compressed[SIZE] and result[SIZE].*/
56 /* Execution time is determined by the constant SIZE (default value */
57 /* is 2000). */
58 /* */
59 /* REMARK : */
60 /* */
62 /* */
63 /* */
64 /*************************************************************************/
65 #include <stdio.h>
67 int encode (int, int);
68 void decode (int);
69 int filtez (int *bpl, int *dlt);
70 void upzero (int dlt, int *dlti, int *bli);
71 int filtep (int rlt1, int al1, int rlt2, int al2);
72 int quantl (int el, int detl);
73 int logscl (int il, int nbl);
74 int scalel (int nbl, int shift_constant);
75 int uppol2 (int al1, int al2, int plt, int plt1, int plt2);
76 int uppol1 (int al1, int apl2, int plt, int plt1);
77 int logsch (int ih, int nbh);
78 void reset ();
80 /* G722 C code */
82 /* variables for transimit quadrature mirror filter here */
83 int tqmf[24];
85 /* QMF filter coefficients:
86 scaled by a factor of 4 compared to G722 CCITT recomendation */
87 const int h[24] = {
88  12, -44, -44, 212, 48, -624, 128, 1448,
89  -840, -3220, 3804, 15504, 15504, 3804, -3220, -840,
90  1448, 128, -624, 48, 212, -44, -44, 12
91 };
93 int xl, xh;
95 /* variables for receive quadrature mirror filter here */
96 int accumc[11], accumd[11];
98 /* outputs of decode() */
99 int xout1, xout2;
101 int xs, xd;
103 /* variables for encoder (hi and lo) here */
105 int il, szl, spl, sl, el;
107 const int qq4_code4_table[16] = {
108  0, -20456, -12896, -8968, -6288, -4240, -2584, -1200,
109  20456, 12896, 8968, 6288, 4240, 2584, 1200, 0
110 };
113 const int qq6_code6_table[64] = {
114  -136, -136, -136, -136, -24808, -21904, -19008, -16704,
115  -14984, -13512, -12280, -11192, -10232, -9360, -8576, -7856,
116  -7192, -6576, -6000, -5456, -4944, -4464, -4008, -3576,
117  -3168, -2776, -2400, -2032, -1688, -1360, -1040, -728,
118  24808, 21904, 19008, 16704, 14984, 13512, 12280, 11192,
119  10232, 9360, 8576, 7856, 7192, 6576, 6000, 5456,
120  4944, 4464, 4008, 3576, 3168, 2776, 2400, 2032,
121  1688, 1360, 1040, 728, 432, 136, -432, -136
122 };
124 int delay_bpl[6];
126 int delay_dltx[6];
128 const int wl_code_table[16] = {
129  -60, 3042, 1198, 538, 334, 172, 58, -30,
130  3042, 1198, 538, 334, 172, 58, -30, -60
131 };
133 const int ilb_table[32] = {
134  2048, 2093, 2139, 2186, 2233, 2282, 2332, 2383,
135  2435, 2489, 2543, 2599, 2656, 2714, 2774, 2834,
136  2896, 2960, 3025, 3091, 3158, 3228, 3298, 3371,
137  3444, 3520, 3597, 3676, 3756, 3838, 3922, 4008
138 };
140 int nbl; /* delay line */
141 int al1, al2;
142 int plt, plt1, plt2;
143 int dlt;
144 int rlt, rlt1, rlt2;
146 /* decision levels - pre-multiplied by 8, 0 to indicate end */
147 const int decis_levl[30] = {
148  280, 576, 880, 1200, 1520, 1864, 2208, 2584,
149  2960, 3376, 3784, 4240, 4696, 5200, 5712, 6288,
150  6864, 7520, 8184, 8968, 9752, 10712, 11664, 12896,
151  14120, 15840, 17560, 20456, 23352, 32767
152 };
155 int detl=32;
156 #else
157 int detl;
158 #endif
160 /* quantization table 31 long to make quantl look-up easier,
161 last entry is for mil=30 case when wd is max */
162 const int quant26bt_pos[31] = {
163  61, 60, 59, 58, 57, 56, 55, 54,
164  53, 52, 51, 50, 49, 48, 47, 46,
165  45, 44, 43, 42, 41, 40, 39, 38,
166  37, 36, 35, 34, 33, 32, 32
167 };
169 /* quantization table 31 long to make quantl look-up easier,
170 last entry is for mil=30 case when wd is max */
171 const int quant26bt_neg[31] = {
172  63, 62, 31, 30, 29, 28, 27, 26,
173  25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18,
174  17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10,
175  9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 4
176 };
180 int deth=8;
181 #else
182 int deth;
183 #endif
184 int sh; /* this comes from adaptive predictor */
185 int eh;
187 const int qq2_code2_table[4] = {
188  -7408, -1616, 7408, 1616
189 };
191 const int wh_code_table[4] = {
192  798, -214, 798, -214
193 };
196 int dh, ih;
197 int nbh, szh;
198 int sph, ph, yh, rh;
200 int delay_dhx[6];
202 int delay_bph[6];
204 int ah1, ah2;
205 int ph1, ph2;
206 int rh1, rh2;
208 /* variables for decoder here */
209 int ilr, rl;
211 int dec_dlt;
212 int dec_deth = 8;
213 int dec_detl = 32;
214 #else
216 #endif
218 int dec_del_bpl[6];
226 int dl;
229 /* variables used in filtez */
230 int dec_del_bph[6];
232 int dec_del_dhx[6];
235 /* variables used in filtep */
240 int dec_sh;
244 /* G722 encode function two ints in, one 8 bit output */
246 /* put input samples in xin1 = first value, xin2 = second value */
247 /* returns il and ih stored together */
249 int
250 abs (int n)
251 {
252  int m;
254  if (n >= 0)
255  m = n;
256  else
257  m = -n;
258  return m;
259 }
261 int
262 __attribute__ ((noinline))
263 encode (int xin1, int xin2)
264 {
265  int i;
266  const int *h_ptr;
267  int *tqmf_ptr, *tqmf_ptr1;
268  long int xa, xb;
269  int decis;
271 /* transmit quadrature mirror filters implemented here */
272  h_ptr = h;
273  tqmf_ptr = tqmf;
274  xa = (long) (*tqmf_ptr++) * (*h_ptr++);
275  xb = (long) (*tqmf_ptr++) * (*h_ptr++);
276 /* main multiply accumulate loop for samples and coefficients */
277  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
278  {
279  xa += (long) (*tqmf_ptr++) * (*h_ptr++);
280  xb += (long) (*tqmf_ptr++) * (*h_ptr++);
281  }
282 /* final mult/accumulate */
283  xa += (long) (*tqmf_ptr++) * (*h_ptr++);
284  xb += (long) (*tqmf_ptr) * (*h_ptr++);
286 /* update delay line tqmf */
287  tqmf_ptr1 = tqmf_ptr - 2;
288  for (i = 0; i < 22; i++)
289  *tqmf_ptr-- = *tqmf_ptr1--;
290  *tqmf_ptr-- = xin1;
291  *tqmf_ptr = xin2;
293 /* scale outputs */
294  xl = (xa + xb) >> 15;
295  xh = (xa - xb) >> 15;
297 /* end of quadrature mirror filter code */
299 /* starting with lower sub band encoder */
301 /* filtez - compute predictor output section - zero section */
304 /* filtep - compute predictor output signal (pole section) */
305  spl = filtep (rlt1, al1, rlt2, al2);
307 /* compute the predictor output value in the lower sub_band encoder */
308  sl = szl + spl;
309  el = xl - sl;
311 /* quantl: quantize the difference signal */
312  il = quantl (el, detl);
314 /* computes quantized difference signal */
315 /* for invqbl, truncate by 2 lsbs, so mode = 3 */
316  dlt = ((long) detl * qq4_code4_table[il >> 2]) >> 15;
318 /* logscl: updates logarithmic quant. scale factor in low sub band */
319  nbl = logscl (il, nbl);
321 /* scalel: compute the quantizer scale factor in the lower sub band */
322 /* calling parameters nbl and 8 (constant such that scalel can be scaleh) */
323  detl = scalel (nbl, 8);
325 /* parrec - simple addition to compute recontructed signal for adaptive pred */
326  plt = dlt + szl;
328 /* upzero: update zero section predictor coefficients (sixth order)*/
329 /* calling parameters: dlt, dlt1, dlt2, ..., dlt6 from dlt */
330 /* bpli (linear_buffer in which all six values are delayed */
331 /* return params: updated bpli, delayed dltx */
334 /* uppol2- update second predictor coefficient apl2 and delay it as al2 */
335 /* calling parameters: al1, al2, plt, plt1, plt2 */
336  al2 = uppol2 (al1, al2, plt, plt1, plt2);
338 /* uppol1 :update first predictor coefficient apl1 and delay it as al1 */
339 /* calling parameters: al1, apl2, plt, plt1 */
340  al1 = uppol1 (al1, al2, plt, plt1);
342 /* recons : compute recontructed signal for adaptive predictor */
343  rlt = sl + dlt;
345 /* done with lower sub_band encoder; now implement delays for next time*/
346  rlt2 = rlt1;
347  rlt1 = rlt;
348  plt2 = plt1;
349  plt1 = plt;
351 /* high band encode */
355  sph = filtep (rh1, ah1, rh2, ah2);
357 /* predic: sh = sph + szh */
358  sh = sph + szh;
359 /* subtra: eh = xh - sh */
360  eh = xh - sh;
362 /* quanth - quantization of difference signal for higher sub-band */
363 /* quanth: in-place for speed params: eh, deth (has init. value) */
364  if (eh >= 0)
365  {
366  ih = 3; /* 2,3 are pos codes */
367  }
368  else
369  {
370  ih = 1; /* 0,1 are neg codes */
371  }
372  decis = (564L * (long) deth) >> 12L;
373  if (abs (eh) > decis)
374  ih--; /* mih = 2 case */
376 /* compute the quantized difference signal, higher sub-band*/
377  dh = ((long) deth * qq2_code2_table[ih]) >> 15L;
379 /* logsch: update logarithmic quantizer scale factor in hi sub-band*/
380  nbh = logsch (ih, nbh);
382 /* note : scalel and scaleh use same code, different parameters */
383  deth = scalel (nbh, 10);
385 /* parrec - add pole predictor output to quantized diff. signal */
386  ph = dh + szh;
388 /* upzero: update zero section predictor coefficients (sixth order) */
389 /* calling parameters: dh, dhi, bphi */
390 /* return params: updated bphi, delayed dhx */
393 /* uppol2: update second predictor coef aph2 and delay as ah2 */
394 /* calling params: ah1, ah2, ph, ph1, ph2 */
395  ah2 = uppol2 (ah1, ah2, ph, ph1, ph2);
397 /* uppol1: update first predictor coef. aph2 and delay it as ah1 */
398  ah1 = uppol1 (ah1, ah2, ph, ph1);
400 /* recons for higher sub-band */
401  yh = sh + dh;
403 /* done with higher sub-band encoder, now Delay for next time */
404  rh2 = rh1;
405  rh1 = yh;
406  ph2 = ph1;
407  ph1 = ph;
409 /* multiplex ih and il to get signals together */
410  return (il | (ih << 6));
411 }
413 /* decode function, result in xout1 and xout2 */
415 void
417 {
418  int i;
419  long int xa1, xa2; /* qmf accumulators */
420  const int *h_ptr;
421  int *ac_ptr, *ac_ptr1, *ad_ptr, *ad_ptr1;
423 /* split transmitted word from input into ilr and ih */
424  ilr = input & 0x3f;
425  ih = input >> 6;
429 /* filtez: compute predictor output for zero section */
432 /* filtep: compute predictor output signal for pole section */
435  dec_sl = dec_spl + dec_szl;
437 /* compute quantized difference signal for adaptive predic */
438  dec_dlt = ((long) dec_detl * qq4_code4_table[ilr >> 2]) >> 15;
440 /* compute quantized difference signal for decoder output */
441  dl = ((long) dec_detl * qq6_code6_table[il]) >> 15;
443  rl = dl + dec_sl;
445 /* logscl: quantizer scale factor adaptation in the lower sub-band */
446  dec_nbl = logscl (ilr, dec_nbl);
448 /* scalel: computes quantizer scale factor in the lower sub band */
449  dec_detl = scalel (dec_nbl, 8);
451 /* parrec - add pole predictor output to quantized diff. signal */
452 /* for partially reconstructed signal */
453  dec_plt = dec_dlt + dec_szl;
455 /* upzero: update zero section predictor coefficients */
458 /* uppol2: update second predictor coefficient apl2 and delay it as al2 */
461 /* uppol1: update first predictor coef. (pole setion) */
464 /* recons : compute recontructed signal for adaptive predictor */
465  dec_rlt = dec_sl + dec_dlt;
467 /* done with lower sub band decoder, implement delays for next time */
468  dec_rlt2 = dec_rlt1;
469  dec_rlt1 = dec_rlt;
470  dec_plt2 = dec_plt1;
471  dec_plt1 = dec_plt;
475 /* filtez: compute predictor output for zero section */
478 /* filtep: compute predictor output signal for pole section */
481 /* predic:compute the predictor output value in the higher sub_band decoder */
482  dec_sh = dec_sph + dec_szh;
484 /* in-place compute the quantized difference signal */
485  dec_dh = ((long) dec_deth * qq2_code2_table[ih]) >> 15L;
487 /* logsch: update logarithmic quantizer scale factor in hi sub band */
488  dec_nbh = logsch (ih, dec_nbh);
490 /* scalel: compute the quantizer scale factor in the higher sub band */
491  dec_deth = scalel (dec_nbh, 10);
493 /* parrec: compute partially recontructed signal */
494  dec_ph = dec_dh + dec_szh;
496 /* upzero: update zero section predictor coefficients */
499 /* uppol2: update second predictor coefficient aph2 and delay it as ah2 */
502 /* uppol1: update first predictor coef. (pole setion) */
505 /* recons : compute recontructed signal for adaptive predictor */
506  rh = dec_sh + dec_dh;
508 /* done with high band decode, implementing delays for next time here */
509  dec_rh2 = dec_rh1;
510  dec_rh1 = rh;
511  dec_ph2 = dec_ph1;
512  dec_ph1 = dec_ph;
514 /* end of higher sub_band decoder */
516 /* end with receive quadrature mirror filters */
517  xd = rl - rh;
518  xs = rl + rh;
520 /* receive quadrature mirror filters implemented here */
521  h_ptr = h;
522  ac_ptr = accumc;
523  ad_ptr = accumd;
524  xa1 = (long) xd *(*h_ptr++);
525  xa2 = (long) xs *(*h_ptr++);
526 /* main multiply accumulate loop for samples and coefficients */
527  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
528  {
529  xa1 += (long) (*ac_ptr++) * (*h_ptr++);
530  xa2 += (long) (*ad_ptr++) * (*h_ptr++);
531  }
532 /* final mult/accumulate */
533  xa1 += (long) (*ac_ptr) * (*h_ptr++);
534  xa2 += (long) (*ad_ptr) * (*h_ptr++);
536 /* scale by 2^14 */
537  xout1 = xa1 >> 14;
538  xout2 = xa2 >> 14;
540 /* update delay lines */
541  ac_ptr1 = ac_ptr - 1;
542  ad_ptr1 = ad_ptr - 1;
543  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
544  {
545  *ac_ptr-- = *ac_ptr1--;
546  *ad_ptr-- = *ad_ptr1--;
547  }
548  *ac_ptr = xd;
549  *ad_ptr = xs;
550 }
552 /* clear all storage locations */
554 void
556 {
557  int i;
559  detl = dec_detl = 32; /* reset to min scale factor */
560  deth = dec_deth = 8;
561  nbl = al1 = al2 = plt1 = plt2 = rlt1 = rlt2 = 0;
562  nbh = ah1 = ah2 = ph1 = ph2 = rh1 = rh2 = 0;
566  for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
567  {
568  delay_dltx[i] = 0;
569  delay_dhx[i] = 0;
570  dec_del_dltx[i] = 0;
571  dec_del_dhx[i] = 0;
572  }
574  for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
575  {
576  delay_bpl[i] = 0;
577  delay_bph[i] = 0;
578  dec_del_bpl[i] = 0;
579  dec_del_bph[i] = 0;
580  }
582  for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)
583  tqmf[i] = 0; // i<23
585  for (i = 0; i < 11; i++)
586  {
587  accumc[i] = 0;
588  accumd[i] = 0;
589  }
590 }
592 /* filtez - compute predictor output signal (zero section) */
593 /* input: bpl1-6 and dlt1-6, output: szl */
595 int
596 filtez (int *bpl, int *dlt)
597 {
598  int i;
599  long int zl;
600  zl = (long) (*bpl++) * (*dlt++);
601  for (i = 1; i < 6; i++)
602  zl += (long) (*bpl++) * (*dlt++);
604  return ((int) (zl >> 14)); /* x2 here */
605 }
607 /* filtep - compute predictor output signal (pole section) */
608 /* input rlt1-2 and al1-2, output spl */
610 int
611 filtep (int rlt1, int al1, int rlt2, int al2)
612 {
613  long int pl, pl2;
614  pl = 2 * rlt1;
615  pl = (long) al1 *pl;
616  pl2 = 2 * rlt2;
617  pl += (long) al2 *pl2;
618  return ((int) (pl >> 15));
619 }
621 /* quantl - quantize the difference signal in the lower sub-band */
622 int
623 quantl (int el, int detl)
624 {
625  int ril, mil;
626  long int wd, decis;
628 /* abs of difference signal */
629  wd = abs (el);
630 /* determine mil based on decision levels and detl gain */
631  for (mil = 0; mil < 30; mil++)
632  {
633  decis = (decis_levl[mil] * (long) detl) >> 15L;
634  if (wd <= decis)
635  break;
636  }
637 /* if mil=30 then wd is less than all decision levels */
638  if (el >= 0)
639  ril = quant26bt_pos[mil];
640  else
641  ril = quant26bt_neg[mil];
642  return (ril);
643 }
645 /* logscl - update log quantizer scale factor in lower sub-band */
646 /* note that nbl is passed and returned */
648 int
649 logscl (int il, int nbl)
650 {
651  long int wd;
652  wd = ((long) nbl * 127L) >> 7L; /* leak factor 127/128 */
653  nbl = (int) wd + wl_code_table[il >> 2];
654  if (nbl < 0)
655  nbl = 0;
656  if (nbl > 18432)
657  nbl = 18432;
658  return (nbl);
659 }
661 /* scalel: compute quantizer scale factor in lower or upper sub-band*/
663 int
664 scalel (int nbl, int shift_constant)
665 {
666  int wd1, wd2, wd3;
667  wd1 = (nbl >> 6) & 31;
668  wd2 = nbl >> 11;
669  wd3 = ilb_table[wd1] >> (shift_constant + 1 - wd2);
670  return (wd3 << 3);
671 }
673 /* upzero - inputs: dlt, dlti[0-5], bli[0-5], outputs: updated bli[0-5] */
674 /* also implements delay of bli and update of dlti from dlt */
676 void
677 upzero (int dlt, int *dlti, int *bli)
678 {
679  int i, wd2, wd3;
680 /*if dlt is zero, then no sum into bli */
681  if (dlt == 0)
682  {
683  for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
684  {
685  bli[i] = (int) ((255L * bli[i]) >> 8L); /* leak factor of 255/256 */
686  }
687  }
688  else
689  {
690  for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
691  {
692  if ((long) dlt * dlti[i] >= 0)
693  wd2 = 128;
694  else
695  wd2 = -128;
696  wd3 = (int) ((255L * bli[i]) >> 8L); /* leak factor of 255/256 */
697  bli[i] = wd2 + wd3;
698  }
699  }
700 /* implement delay line for dlt */
701  dlti[5] = dlti[4];
702  dlti[4] = dlti[3];
703  dlti[3] = dlti[2];
704  dlti[1] = dlti[0];
705  dlti[0] = dlt;
706 }
708 /* uppol2 - update second predictor coefficient (pole section) */
709 /* inputs: al1, al2, plt, plt1, plt2. outputs: apl2 */
711 int
712 uppol2 (int al1, int al2, int plt, int plt1, int plt2)
713 {
714  long int wd2, wd4;
715  int apl2;
716  wd2 = 4L * (long) al1;
717  if ((long) plt * plt1 >= 0L)
718  wd2 = -wd2; /* check same sign */
719  wd2 = wd2 >> 7; /* gain of 1/128 */
720  if ((long) plt * plt2 >= 0L)
721  {
722  wd4 = wd2 + 128; /* same sign case */
723  }
724  else
725  {
726  wd4 = wd2 - 128;
727  }
728  apl2 = wd4 + (127L * (long) al2 >> 7L); /* leak factor of 127/128 */
730 /* apl2 is limited to +-.75 */
731  if (apl2 > 12288)
732  apl2 = 12288;
733  if (apl2 < -12288)
734  apl2 = -12288;
735  return (apl2);
736 }
738 /* uppol1 - update first predictor coefficient (pole section) */
739 /* inputs: al1, apl2, plt, plt1. outputs: apl1 */
741 int
742 uppol1 (int al1, int apl2, int plt, int plt1)
743 {
744  long int wd2;
745  int wd3, apl1;
746  wd2 = ((long) al1 * 255L) >> 8L; /* leak factor of 255/256 */
747  if ((long) plt * plt1 >= 0L)
748  {
749  apl1 = (int) wd2 + 192; /* same sign case */
750  }
751  else
752  {
753  apl1 = (int) wd2 - 192;
754  }
755 /* note: wd3= .9375-.75 is always positive */
756  wd3 = 15360 - apl2; /* limit value */
757  if (apl1 > wd3)
758  apl1 = wd3;
759  if (apl1 < -wd3)
760  apl1 = -wd3;
761  return (apl1);
762 }
764 /* logsch - update log quantizer scale factor in higher sub-band */
765 /* note that nbh is passed and returned */
767 int
768 logsch (int ih, int nbh)
769 {
770  int wd;
771  wd = ((long) nbh * 127L) >> 7L; /* leak factor 127/128 */
772  nbh = wd + wh_code_table[ih];
773  if (nbh < 0)
774  nbh = 0;
775  if (nbh > 22528)
776  nbh = 22528;
777  return (nbh);
778 }
780 /*
781 +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
782 | * Test Vectors (added for CHStone) |
783 | test_data : input data |
784 | test_compressed : expected output data for "encode" |
785 | test_result : expected output data for "decode" |
786 +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
787 */
789 #define SIZE 100
790 #define IN_END 100
792 const int test_data[SIZE] = {
793  0x44, 0x44, 0x44, 0x44, 0x44,
794  0x44, 0x44, 0x44, 0x44, 0x44,
795  0x44, 0x44, 0x44, 0x44, 0x44,
796  0x44, 0x44, 0x43, 0x43, 0x43,
797  0x43, 0x43, 0x43, 0x43, 0x42,
798  0x42, 0x42, 0x42, 0x42, 0x42,
799  0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41,
800  0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40,
801  0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x3f, 0x3f,
802  0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3f, 0x3e, 0x3e,
803  0x3e, 0x3e, 0x3e, 0x3e, 0x3d,
804  0x3d, 0x3d, 0x3d, 0x3d, 0x3d,
805  0x3c, 0x3c, 0x3c, 0x3c, 0x3c,
806  0x3c, 0x3c, 0x3c, 0x3c, 0x3b,
807  0x3b, 0x3b, 0x3b, 0x3b, 0x3b,
808  0x3b, 0x3b, 0x3b, 0x3b, 0x3b,
809  0x3b, 0x3b, 0x3b, 0x3b, 0x3b,
810  0x3b, 0x3b, 0x3b, 0x3b, 0x3b,
811  0x3b, 0x3b, 0x3c, 0x3c, 0x3c,
812  0x3c, 0x3c, 0x3c, 0x3c, 0x3c
813 };
815 const int test_compressed[SIZE] = {
816  253, 222, 119, 186, 244,
817  146, 32, 160, 236, 237,
818  238, 240, 241, 241, 242,
819  243, 244, 243, 244, 245,
820  244, 244, 245, 245, 245,
821  246, 246, 247, 247, 247,
822  247, 248, 246, 247, 249,
823  247, 248, 247, 248, 247,
824  248, 247, 248, 247, 248,
825  248, 246, 248, 247, 248,
826  0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
827  0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
828  0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
829  0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
830  0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
831  0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
832  0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
833  0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
834  0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
835  0, 0, 0, 0, 0
836 };
837 const int test_result[SIZE] = {
838  0, -1, -1, 0, 0,
839  -1, 0, 0, -1, -1,
840  0, 0, 1, 1, 0,
841  -2, -1, -2, 0, -3,
842  1, 0, 0, -4, 1,
843  1, 2, 11, 20, 18,
844  20, 22, 28, 27, 31,
845  31, 34, 31, 34, 34,
846  38, 37, 42, 42, 44,
847  41, 43, 42, 47, 45,
848  47, 44, 45, 43, 46,
849  45, 48, 46, 49, 48,
850  51, 49, 52, 52, 55,
851  53, 56, 55, 58, 57,
852  59, 57, 60, 60, 60,
853  54, 54, 53, 60, 62,
854  62, 54, 55, 56, 59,
855  53, 54, 56, 59, 53,
856  56, 58, 59, 53, 56,
857  58, 60, 54, 55, 57
858 };
860 void
862 {
863  int i, j;
865 /* reset, initialize required memory */
866  reset ();
868  j = 10;
870  for (i = 0; i < IN_END; i += 2)
871  {
872  compressed[i / 2] = encode (test_data[i], test_data[i + 1]);
873  }
874  for (i = 0; i < IN_END; i += 2)
875  {
876  decode (compressed[i / 2]);
877  result[i] = xout1;
878  result[i + 1] = xout2;
879  }
880 }
882 int
884 {
885  int i;
886  int main_result;
888  main_result = 0;
889  adpcm_main ();
890  for (i = 0; i < IN_END / 2; i++)
891  {
892  if (compressed[i] != test_compressed[i])
893  {
894  main_result = 1;
895  }
896  }
897  for (i = 0; i < IN_END; i++)
898  {
899  if (result[i] != test_result[i])
900  {
901  main_result = 1;
902  }
903  }
904  printf ("%d\n", main_result);
905  return main_result;
906  }
int szh
Definition: adpcm.c:189
int __attribute__((noinline))
Definition: adpcm.c:262
int delay_bph[6]
Definition: adpcm.c:194
int scalel(int nbl, int shift_constant)
Definition: adpcm.c:649
int ph
Definition: adpcm.c:190
void decode(int)
Definition: adpcm.c:401
int al2
Definition: adpcm.c:141
int deth
Definition: adpcm.c:175
int dec_del_bph[6]
Definition: adpcm.c:216
const int ilb_table[32]
Definition: adpcm.c:133
int uppol1(int al1, int apl2, int plt, int plt1)
Definition: adpcm.c:728
void upzero(int dlt, int *dlti, int *bli)
Definition: adpcm.c:662
int accumd[11]
Definition: adpcm.c:96
void reset()
Definition: adpcm.c:540
int input[SIZE]
Definition: hash.h:1
int dec_del_bpl[6]
Definition: adpcm.c:204
int plt2
Definition: adpcm.c:142
int dec_spl
Definition: adpcm.c:209
int dec_plt1
Definition: adpcm.c:208
int dec_szh
Definition: adpcm.c:220
int dec_plt
Definition: adpcm.c:208
int dec_del_dltx[6]
Definition: adpcm.c:206
int dec_ah1
Definition: adpcm.c:223
int ph1
Definition: adpcm.c:197
int dec_rlt2
Definition: adpcm.c:210
int dec_nbl
Definition: adpcm.c:213
int main_result
Definition: mips.c:38
int ilr
Definition: adpcm.c:201
int delay_bpl[6]
Definition: adpcm.c:124
const int quant26bt_pos[31]
Definition: adpcm.c:158
int sh
Definition: adpcm.c:176
const int qq4_code4_table[16]
Definition: adpcm.c:107
int filtez(int *bpl, int *dlt)
Definition: adpcm.c:581
int dec_nbh
Definition: adpcm.c:213
int ih
Definition: adpcm.c:188
int main()
Definition: adpcm.c:859
int dec_rh2
Definition: adpcm.c:222
const int qq2_code2_table[4]
Definition: adpcm.c:179
int compressed[SIZE]
Definition: adpcm.c:800
int xout1
Definition: adpcm.c:99
const int test_data[SIZE]
Definition: adpcm.c:778
int dec_ah2
Definition: adpcm.c:223
int dec_rh1
Definition: adpcm.c:222
int dl
Definition: adpcm.c:212
int dec_szl
Definition: adpcm.c:209
int dec_rlt
Definition: adpcm.c:210
int spl
Definition: adpcm.c:105
int dec_al1
Definition: adpcm.c:211
int dec_sph
Definition: adpcm.c:224
int tqmf[24]
Definition: adpcm.c:83
int dec_ph2
Definition: adpcm.c:228
const int test_result[SIZE]
Definition: adpcm.c:813
int xout2
Definition: adpcm.c:99
int uppol2(int al1, int al2, int plt, int plt1, int plt2)
Definition: adpcm.c:698
int dh
Definition: adpcm.c:188
int accumc[11]
Definition: adpcm.c:96
int detl
Definition: adpcm.c:154
int rlt2
Definition: adpcm.c:144
const int h[24]
Definition: adpcm.c:87
int xd
Definition: adpcm.c:101
int dec_rlt1
Definition: adpcm.c:210
int dec_sl
Definition: adpcm.c:209
int il
Definition: adpcm.c:105
int rlt1
Definition: adpcm.c:144
int eh
Definition: adpcm.c:177
int dec_dh
Definition: adpcm.c:213
int result[SIZE]
Definition: adpcm.c:800
#define L
Definition: spmv.h:13
int logscl(int il, int nbl)
Definition: adpcm.c:634
#define IN_END
Definition: adpcm.c:790
int xh
Definition: adpcm.c:93
int sph
Definition: adpcm.c:190
int encode(int, int)
Definition: adpcm.c:248
int xl
Definition: adpcm.c:93
int ah1
Definition: adpcm.c:196
const int test_compressed[SIZE]
Definition: adpcm.c:801
void adpcm_main()
Definition: adpcm.c:837
int plt1
Definition: adpcm.c:142
int ph2
Definition: adpcm.c:197
int el
Definition: adpcm.c:105
int delay_dltx[6]
Definition: adpcm.c:126
int quantl(int el, int detl)
Definition: adpcm.c:608
int rh1
Definition: adpcm.c:198
int dec_detl
Definition: adpcm.c:202
int dec_plt2
Definition: adpcm.c:208
int delay_dhx[6]
Definition: adpcm.c:192
int ah2
Definition: adpcm.c:196
int rl
Definition: adpcm.c:201
int logsch(int ih, int nbh)
Definition: adpcm.c:754
int dlt
Definition: adpcm.c:143
int dec_ph1
Definition: adpcm.c:228
int abs(int n)
Definition: adpcm.c:236
int xs
Definition: adpcm.c:101
int szl
Definition: adpcm.c:105
const int quant26bt_neg[31]
Definition: adpcm.c:167
int yh
Definition: adpcm.c:190
const int decis_levl[30]
Definition: adpcm.c:147
int rh
Definition: adpcm.c:190
int dec_dlt
Definition: adpcm.c:202
int dec_del_dhx[6]
Definition: adpcm.c:218
int rh2
Definition: adpcm.c:198
const int qq6_code6_table[64]
Definition: adpcm.c:113
int dec_deth
Definition: adpcm.c:202
int dec_sh
Definition: adpcm.c:226
int filtep(int rlt1, int al1, int rlt2, int al2)
Definition: adpcm.c:596
int rlt
Definition: adpcm.c:144
int plt
Definition: adpcm.c:142
int al1
Definition: adpcm.c:141
const int wl_code_table[16]
Definition: adpcm.c:128
#define SIZE
Definition: adpcm.c:789
int dec_al2
Definition: adpcm.c:211
int nbh
Definition: adpcm.c:189
int nbl
Definition: adpcm.c:140
int sl
Definition: adpcm.c:105
int dec_ph
Definition: adpcm.c:224
const int wh_code_table[4]
Definition: adpcm.c:183

Generated on Mon Feb 12 2024 13:02:48 for PandA-2024.02 by doxygen 1.8.13