Data Fields
mult_cost Struct Reference

This structure holds the "cost" of a multiply sequence. More...

Data Fields

short cost
short latency
 Total cost of the multiplication sequence. More...

Detailed Description

This structure holds the "cost" of a multiply sequence.

The "cost" field holds the total cost of every operator in the synthetic multiplication sequence, hence cost(a op b) is defined as cost(op) + cost(a) + cost(b), where cost(leaf) is zero. The "latency" field holds the minimum possible latency of the synthetic multiply, on a hypothetical infinitely parallel CPU. This is the critical path, or the maximum height, of the expression tree which is the sum of costs on the most expensive path from any leaf to the root. Hence latency(a op b) is defined as zero for leaves and cost(op) + max(latency(a), latency(b)) otherwise.

Definition at line 190 of file IR_lowering.cpp.

Field Documentation

◆ cost

short mult_cost::cost

Definition at line 192 of file IR_lowering.cpp.

Referenced by choose_mult_variant(), and synth_mult().

◆ latency

short mult_cost::latency

Total cost of the multiplication sequence.

Definition at line 193 of file IR_lowering.cpp.

Referenced by choose_mult_variant(), and synth_mult().

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