void calculate_weak_dominance_info(graphs_collection *output, CustomUnorderedMap< vertex, vertex > &i2o, CustomUnorderedMap< vertex, vertex > &o2i)
Compute weak dominance info.
Class specification of the graph structures.
const int debug_level
the debug level
void add_edge(vertex source, vertex target, graphs_collection *output)
Add a weak dominance edge between two nodes.
vertex end
the exit vertex
const ParameterConstRef param
The set of input parameters.
redefinition of map to manage ordered/unordered structures
volatile int output[DIM_Y][DIM_X]
vertex start
the entry vertex
absl::flat_hash_map< T, U, Hash, Eq, Alloc > CustomUnorderedMap
boost::graph_traits< graph >::vertex_descriptor vertex
vertex definition.
General class used to describe a graph in PandA.
const int selector
the selector used in output graph
Template definition of refcount.
weak_dominance(const graph *_input, vertex _start, vertex _end, const ParameterConstRef param, int selector=WD_SELECTOR)
Template borrowed from the ANTLR library by Terence Parr (http://www.jGuru.com - Software rights: htt...
const graph * input
the input graph (not const since node info are copied in the new graph
Class used to compute weak dominance.