Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include "tvm/runtime/c_runtime_api.h"
2 #include "tvm/runtime/c_backend_api.h"
3 extern void* __tvm_module_ctx = NULL;
4 #ifdef __cplusplus
5 extern "C"
6 #endif
7 TVM_DLL int32_t fused_tanh_exp_nn_relu_sigmoid( void* args, void* arg_type_ids, int32_t num_args) {
8  void* arg0 = (((TVMValue*)args)[0].v_handle);
9  void* arg1 = (((TVMValue*)args)[1].v_handle);
10  float* placeholder = (float*)(((TVMArray*)arg0)[0].data);
11  float* T_sigmoid = (float*)(((TVMArray*)arg1)[0].data);
12  for (int32_t ax1 = 0; ax1 < 8; ++ax1) {
13  float _1 = placeholder[ax1];
14  float _2 = (_1) < (9.000000e+00f) ? (_1) : (9.000000e+00f);
15  float _3 = expf(((((_2) > (-9.000000e+00f) ? (_2) : (-9.000000e+00f)) * (((((_2) > (-9.000000e+00f) ? (_2) : (-9.000000e+00f)) * ((_2) > (-9.000000e+00f) ? (_2) : (-9.000000e+00f))) * (((((_2) > (-9.000000e+00f) ? (_2) : (-9.000000e+00f)) * ((_2) > (-9.000000e+00f) ? (_2) : (-9.000000e+00f))) * (((((_2) > (-9.000000e+00f) ? (_2) : (-9.000000e+00f)) * ((_2) > (-9.000000e+00f) ? (_2) : (-9.000000e+00f))) * (((((_2) > (-9.000000e+00f) ? (_2) : (-9.000000e+00f)) * ((_2) > (-9.000000e+00f) ? (_2) : (-9.000000e+00f))) * (((((_2) > (-9.000000e+00f) ? (_2) : (-9.000000e+00f)) * ((_2) > (-9.000000e+00f) ? (_2) : (-9.000000e+00f))) * (((((_2) > (-9.000000e+00f) ? (_2) : (-9.000000e+00f)) * ((_2) > (-9.000000e+00f) ? (_2) : (-9.000000e+00f))) * -2.760768e-16f) + 2.000188e-13f)) + -8.604672e-11f)) + 5.122297e-08f)) + 1.485722e-05f)) + 6.372619e-04f)) + 4.893525e-03f)) / (((((_2) > (-9.000000e+00f) ? (_2) : (-9.000000e+00f)) * ((_2) > (-9.000000e+00f) ? (_2) : (-9.000000e+00f))) * (((((_2) > (-9.000000e+00f) ? (_2) : (-9.000000e+00f)) * ((_2) > (-9.000000e+00f) ? (_2) : (-9.000000e+00f))) * (((((_2) > (-9.000000e+00f) ? (_2) : (-9.000000e+00f)) * ((_2) > (-9.000000e+00f) ? (_2) : (-9.000000e+00f))) * 1.198258e-06f) + 1.185347e-04f)) + 2.268435e-03f)) + 4.893525e-03f)));
16  T_sigmoid[ax1] = (1.000000e+00f / (1.000000e+00f + expf((0.000000e+00f - ((_3) > (0.000000e+00f) ? (_3) : (0.000000e+00f))))));
17  }
18  return 0;
19 }
#define NULL
TVM_DLL int32_t fused_tanh_exp_nn_relu_sigmoid(void *args, void *arg_type_ids, int32_t num_args)
Union type of values being passed through API and function calls.
void * __tvm_module_ctx
#define TVM_DLL
Definition: c_runtime_api.h:59
Plain C Tensor object, does not manage memory.
Definition: dlpack.h:111

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