45 #ifndef PRAGMAPARSER_HPP 46 #define PRAGMAPARSER_HPP const ParameterConstRef Param
reference to the parameter data-structure
File containing functions and utilities to support the printing of debug messagges.
const int debug_level
current debugging level
unsigned int level
counter for nesting level
redefinition of map to manage ordered/unordered structures
void line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, unsigned int color)
bool recognize_generic_pragma(std::string &Line)
Retrieve information about a generic pragma directive (i.e., none of the known ones has been detected...
const pragma_managerRef PM
pointer to the pragma manager data-structure
std::map< unsigned int, std::list< std::string > > OpenPragmas
This class is used to manage the pragma directives found in the source code.
bool recognize_mapping_pragma(std::string &Line)
Retrieve information about a pragma directive when a mapping pragma has been found.
redefinition of set to manage ordered/unordered structures
CustomUnorderedSet< std::string > FunctionPragmas
std::string name_function
Template definition of refcount.
static unsigned int number
counter of generic pragma
bool recognize_issue_pragma(std::string &Line)
Retrieve information about a pragma directive when an issue pragma has been found.
Template borrowed from the ANTLR library by Terence Parr (http://www.jGuru.com - Software rights: htt...
bool analyze_pragma(std::string &Line)
Retrieve information about a pragma directive when the token "#pragma" has been found.
std::list< std::string > FloatingPragmas
bool recognize_omp_pragma(std::string &Line)
Retrieve information about a pragma directive when a OpenMP (parallelism) pragma has been found...
PragmaParser(const pragma_managerRef PM, const ParameterConstRef Param)
std::string substitutePragmas(const std::string &OldFile)
Substitute the pragmas with proper functions.
bool recognize_call_point_hw_pragma(std::string &line) const
Retrieve information about a pragma directive of type pragma map call_point_hw.
Main class for parsing: contains the context associated with a parsing action and the methods to retr...
STD include.
bool recognize_profiling_pragma(std::string &Line)
Retrieve information about a pragma directive when a profiling pragma has been found.