Macros | Functions | Variables
gsm.c File Reference
#include <stdio.h>
#include "lpc.c"
Include dependency graph for gsm.c:

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#define N   160
#define M   8


int main ()


const word inData [N]
const word outData [N]
const word outLARc [M] = { 32, 33, 22, 13, 7, 5, 3, 2 }

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ M

#define M   8

Definition at line 30 of file gsm.c.

Referenced by init_array(), main(), and needwun().

◆ N

#define N   160

Definition at line 29 of file gsm.c.

Referenced by main().

Function Documentation

◆ main()

int main ( void  )

Definition at line 90 of file gsm.c.

References Gsm_LPC_Analysis(), inData, M, main_result, N, outData, and outLARc.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ inData

const word inData[N]
Initial value:
{ 81, 10854, 1893, -10291, 7614, 29718, 20475, -29215, -18949, -29806,
-32017, 1596, 15744, -3088, -17413, -22123, 6798, -13276, 3819, -16273,
-1573, -12523, -27103,
-193, -25588, 4698, -30436, 15264, -1393, 11418, 11370, 4986, 7869, -1903,
9123, -31726,
-25237, -14155, 17982, 32427, -12439, -15931, -21622, 7896, 1689, 28113,
3615, 22131, -5572,
-20110, 12387, 9177, -24544, 12480, 21546, -17842, -13645, 20277, 9987,
17652, -11464, -17326,
-10552, -27100, 207, 27612, 2517, 7167, -29734, -22441, 30039, -2368, 12813,
300, -25555, 9087,
29022, -6559, -20311, -14347, -7555, -21709, -3676, -30082, -3190, -30979,
8580, 27126, 3414,
-4603, -22303, -17143, 13788, -1096, -14617, 22071, -13552, 32646, 16689,
-8473, -12733, 10503,
20745, 6696, -26842, -31015, 3792, -19864, -20431, -30307, 32421, -13237,
9006, 18249, 2403,
-7996, -14827, -5860, 7122, 29817, -31894, 17955, 28836, -31297, 31821,
-27502, 12276, -5587,
-22105, 9192, -22549, 15675, -12265, 7212, -23749, -12856, -5857, 7521,
17349, 13773, -3091,
-17812, -9655, 26667, 7902, 2487, 3177, 29412, -20224, -2776, 24084, -7963,
-10438, -11938,
-14833, -6658, 32058, 4020, 10461, 15159

Definition at line 32 of file gsm.c.

Referenced by main().

◆ outData

const word outData[N]
Initial value:
{ 80, 10848, 1888, -10288, 7616, 29712, 20480, -29216, -18944, -29808,
-32016, 1600, 15744, -3088, -17408, -22128, 6800, -13280, 3824, -16272,
-1568, -12528, -27104,
-192, -25584, 4704, -30432, 15264, -1392, 11424, 11376, 4992, 7872, -1904,
9120, -31728, -25232,
-14160, 17984, 32432, -12432, -15936, -21616, 7904, 1696, 28112, 3616,
22128, -5568, -20112,
12384, 9184, -24544, 12480, 21552, -17840, -13648, 20272, 9984, 17648,
-11456, -17328, -10544,
-27104, 208, 27616, 2512, 7168, -29728, -22448, 30032, -2368, 12816, 304,
-25552, 9088, 29024,
-6560, -20304, -14352, -7552, -21712, -3680, -30080, -3184, -30976, 8576,
27120, 3408, -4608,
-22304, -17136, 13792, -1088, -14624, 22064, -13552, 32640, 16688, -8480,
-12736, 10496, 20752,
6704, -26848, -31008, 3792, -19856, -20432, -30304, 32416, -13232, 9008,
18256, 2400, -8000,
-14832, -5856, 7120, 29824, -31888, 17952, 28832, -31296, 31824, -27504,
12272, -5584, -22112,
9200, -22544, 15680, -12272, 7216, -23744, -12848, -5856, 7520, 17344,
13776, -3088, -17808,
-9648, 26672, 7904, 2480, 3184, 29408, -20224, -2768, 24080, -7968, -10432,
-11936, -14832,
-6656, 32064, 4016, 10464, 15152

Definition at line 59 of file gsm.c.

Referenced by main().

◆ outLARc

const word outLARc[M] = { 32, 33, 22, 13, 7, 5, 3, 2 }

Definition at line 86 of file gsm.c.

Referenced by main().

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