module Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for module:


file  cdfc_module_binding.cpp [code]
 Class implementation of the module binding algorithm.
file  cdfc_module_binding.hpp [code]
 Module binding based on the analysis of the control data flow chained graph.
file  easy_module_binding.cpp [code]
 Class implementation of the partial module binding based on simple conditions.
file  easy_module_binding.hpp [code]
 Partial module binding based on simple conditions.
file  fu_binding.cpp [code]
 Class implementation of the functional-unit binding data structure.
file  fu_binding.hpp [code]
 Data structure used to store the functional-unit binding of the vertexes.
file  fu_binding_creator.cpp [code]
 Implementation of module binding class.
file  fu_binding_creator.hpp [code]
 Base class for all module binding algorithms.
file  fu_binding_cs.cpp [code]
 Derived class to add module scheduler, mem_ctrl_parallel and bind correctly the channels.
file  fu_binding_cs.hpp [code]
 Derived class to add module scheduler, mem_ctrl_parallel and bind correctly the channels.
file  module_binding_check.hpp [code]
file  parallel_memory_fu_binding.cpp [code]
 Data structure used to store the functional-unit binding of the vertices.
file  parallel_memory_fu_binding.hpp [code]
 Data structure used to store the functional-unit binding of the vertices.
file  unique_binding.cpp [code]
 Class implementation of a unique binding algorithm.
file  unique_binding.hpp [code]
 Class to create a unique binding.

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