constants Directory Reference


file  aadl_constants.hpp [code]
 constants used in aadl parser
file  allocation_constants.hpp [code]
 constants used by HLS constants
file  bambu_results_xml.hpp [code]
 constant strings used in bambu results
file  compiler_constants.hpp [code]
file  compiler_xml.hpp [code]
file  constraints_xml.hpp [code]
 xml nodes used in HLS constraints file
file  copyrights_strings.hpp [code]
 It collects all the common strings covering PandA copyrights issues.
file  cost_latency_table.hpp [code]
 default table used by THR LLVM optimization step.
file  data_xml.hpp [code]
 xml nodes for generic data xml files
file  experimental_setup_xml.hpp [code]
 xml nodes used in file specifying experimental setup
file  file_IO_constants.hpp [code]
 constants used in Input/Output
file  host_profiling_constants.hpp [code]
 constants used in host profiling library
file  host_profiling_xml.hpp [code]
 xml nodes of host profiling data
file  latex_table_constants.hpp [code]
 default value for latex tables
file  latex_table_xml.hpp [code]
 xml nodes used in file specifying latex table format
file  pragma_constants.hpp [code]
 constant strings used in pragma identification
file  synthesis_constants.hpp [code]
 constants used in synthesis wrappers
file  taste_constants.hpp [code]
 constants used in taste
file  technology_xml.hpp [code]
 xml nodes used in technology libraries files
file  testbench_generation_constants.hpp [code]
 constants used in testbench generation

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