IR_manipulation Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for IR_manipulation:


file  build_virtual_phi.cpp [code]
 Analysis step building phi of vops.
file  build_virtual_phi.hpp [code]
 Analysis step building phi of vops.
file  commutative_expr_restructuring.cpp [code]
 Analysis step restructuring tree of commutative expressions to reduce the critical path delay.
file  commutative_expr_restructuring.hpp [code]
 Analysis step restructing tree of commutative expressions to reduce the critical path delay.
file  cond_expr_restructuring.cpp [code]
 Analysis step restructuring tree of cond_expr to reduce critical path delay.
file  cond_expr_restructuring.hpp [code]
 Analysis step restructing tree of cond_expr to reduce critical path delay.
file  create_tree_manager.cpp [code]
 Implementation of the class for creating the tree_manager starting from the source code files.
file  create_tree_manager.hpp [code]
 Class that creates the tree_manager starting from the source code files.
file  extract_gimple_cond_op.cpp [code]
 Analysis step that extract condition from gimple_cond.
file  extract_gimple_cond_op.hpp [code]
 Analysis step that extract condition from gimple_cond.
file  predicate_statements.cpp [code]
 This class contains the methods for setting predicates for instructions which cannot be speculated.
file  predicate_statements.hpp [code]
 This class contains the methods for setting predicates of instructions which cannot be speculated.
file  sdc_code_motion.cpp [code]
 Analysis step performing code motion speculation on the basis of sdc results.
file  sdc_code_motion.hpp [code]
 Analysis step performing code motion speculation on the basis of sdc results.
file  serialize_mutual_exclusions.cpp [code]
 This class contains the methods for remove mutual exclusions from simd loops.
file  serialize_mutual_exclusions.hpp [code]
 This class contains the methods for remove mutual exclusions from simd loops.
file  un_comparison_lowering.cpp [code]
 Step that replace uneq_expr, ltgt_expr, unge_expr, ungt_expr, unle_expr and unlt_expr.
file  un_comparison_lowering.hpp [code]
 Step that replace uneq_expr, ltgt_expr, unge_expr, ungt_expr, unle_expr and unlt_expr.

Generated on Mon Feb 12 2024 13:04:12 for PandA-2024.02 by doxygen 1.8.13