clique_covering Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for clique_covering:


file  check_clique.hpp [code]
file  clique_covering.cpp [code]
file  clique_covering.hpp [code]
 This header file includes four different algorithms heuristically solving the clique covering problem.
file  clique_covering_graph.hpp [code]
file  degree_coloring.hpp [code]
 Boost-based implementation of a heuristic sequential coloring algorithm based on the descandant degree ordering of vertices.
file  dsatur2_coloring.hpp [code]
 Boost-based implementation of a heuristic sequential coloring algorithm based on the work of Daniel Brelaz (Version 2).
file  dsatur_coloring.hpp [code]
 Boost-based implementation of a heuristic sequential coloring algorithm based on the work of Daniel Brelaz (Version 1).
file  filter_clique.hpp [code]
file  maxclique_dsatur_coloring.hpp [code]
 Boost-based implementation of an exact sequential coloring algorithm based on the work of Olivier Coudert and Daniel Brelaz.
file  test_degree_coloring.cpp [code]
file  test_dsatur2_coloring.cpp [code]
file  test_dsatur_coloring.cpp [code]
file  test_maxclique_dsatur_coloring.cpp [code]

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