Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  *
3  * _/_/_/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/
4  * _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
5  * _/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/_/
6  * _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
7  * _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/
8  *
9  * ***********************************************
10  * PandA Project
11  * URL:
12  * Politecnico di Milano - DEIB
13  * System Architectures Group
14  * ***********************************************
15  * Copyright (C) 2004-2024 Politecnico di Milano
16  *
17  * This file is part of the PandA framework.
18  *
19  * The PandA framework is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
20  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
21  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
22  * (at your option) any later version.
23  *
24  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
25  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
27  * GNU General Public License for more details.
28  *
29  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
30  * along with this program. If not, see <>.
31  *
32  */
42 #include "BackendFlow.hpp"
43 #include "Parameter.hpp"
44 #include "behavioral_helper.hpp"
45 #include "call_graph_manager.hpp"
46 #include "custom_set.hpp"
47 #include "hls.hpp"
48 #include "hls_manager.hpp"
49 #include "tree_manager.hpp"
50 #include "tree_reindex.hpp"
51 #include "utility.hpp"
53 #include <tuple>
56  const DesignFlowManagerConstRef _design_flow_manager)
57  : HLS_step(_parameters, _HLSMgr, _design_flow_manager, HLSFlowStep_Type::GENERATE_SYNTHESIS_SCRIPT)
58 {
59  debug_level = _parameters->get_class_debug_level(GET_CLASS(*this));
60 }
66 {
68  switch(relationship_type)
69  {
71  {
74  break;
75  }
77  {
78  break;
79  }
81  {
82  break;
83  }
84  default:
86  }
87  return ret;
88 }
91 {
92  const auto top_symbols = parameters->getOption<std::vector<std::string>>(OPT_top_functions_names);
93  THROW_ASSERT(top_symbols.size() == 1, "Expected single top function name");
94  const auto top_fnode = HLSMgr->get_tree_manager()->GetFunction(top_symbols.front());
95  const auto top_hls = HLSMgr->get_HLS(GET_INDEX_CONST_NODE(top_fnode));
96  const auto FB = HLSMgr->CGetFunctionBehavior(GET_INDEX_CONST_NODE(top_fnode));
97  HLSMgr->get_backend_flow()->GenerateSynthesisScripts(FB->CGetBehavioralHelper()->get_function_name(), top_hls->top,
98  HLSMgr->hdl_files, HLSMgr->aux_files);
100 }
103 {
104  return true;
105 }
const HLS_managerRef HLSMgr
information about all the HLS synthesis
Definition: hls_step.hpp:205
Data structure representing the entire HLS information.
#define GET_CLASS(obj)
Macro returning the actual type of an object.
The relationship type.
Source must be executed to satisfy target.
~GenerateSynthesisScripts() override
#define THROW_UNREACHABLE(str_expr)
helper function used to specify that some points should never be reached
Definition: exceptions.hpp:292
DesignFlowStep_Status Exec() override
Execute the step.
const CustomUnorderedSet< std::tuple< HLSFlowStep_Type, HLSFlowStepSpecializationConstRef, HLSFlowStep_Relationship > > ComputeHLSRelationships(const DesignFlowStep::RelationshipType relationship_type) const override
Return the set of analyses in relationship with this design step.
Definition: hls_step.hpp:95
redefinition of set to manage ordered/unordered structures
const ParameterConstRef parameters
Set of input parameters.
The status of a step.
This file collects some utility functions and macros.
This file contains the definition of the configurable flow for generating and executing synthesis scr...
Class specification of the tree_reindex support class.
bool HasToBeExecuted() const override
Check if this step has actually to be executed.
Template borrowed from the ANTLR library by Terence Parr ( - Software rights: htt...
Definition: refcount.hpp:94
Wrapper used to generate synthesis scripts.
this class is used to manage the command-line or XML options.
Wrapper to call graph.
int debug_level
The debug level.
refcount< const HLSFlowStepSpecialization > HLSFlowStepSpecializationConstRef
const refcount definition of the class
Definition: hls_step.hpp:93
Definition: tree_node.hpp:363
Data structure definition for high-level synthesis flow.
GenerateSynthesisScripts(const ParameterConstRef _parameters, const HLS_managerRef HLSMgr, const DesignFlowManagerConstRef design_flow_manager)
Class specification of the manager of the tree structures extracted from the raw file.
#define THROW_ASSERT(cond, str_expr)
helper function used to check an assert and if needed to throw an error in a standard way ...
Definition: exceptions.hpp:289

Generated on Mon Feb 12 2024 13:02:53 for PandA-2024.02 by doxygen 1.8.13