Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  *
3  * _/_/_/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/
4  * _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
5  * _/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/_/
6  * _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
7  * _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/
8  *
9  * ***********************************************
10  * PandA Project
11  * URL:
12  * Politecnico di Milano - DEIB
13  * System Architectures Group
14  * ***********************************************
15  * Copyright (C) 2022-2024 Politecnico di Milano
16  *
17  * This file is part of the PandA framework.
18  *
19  * The PandA framework is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
20  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
21  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
22  * (at your option) any later version.
23  *
24  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
25  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
27  * GNU General Public License for more details.
28  *
29  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
30  * along with this program. If not, see <>.
31  *
32  */
49 #include "BambuParameter.hpp"
50 #include "behavioral_helper.hpp"
51 #include "call_graph_manager.hpp"
52 #include "constant_strings.hpp"
53 #include "function_behavior.hpp"
54 #include "hls.hpp"
55 #include "hls_device.hpp"
56 #include "hls_manager.hpp"
57 #include "language_writer.hpp"
58 #include "math_function.hpp"
59 #include "structural_manager.hpp"
60 #include "structural_objects.hpp"
62 #define BURST_TYPE_STR(type) std::string(type == 0 ? "FIXED" : (type == 1 ? "INCREMENTAL" : "UNKNOWN"))
64 enum in_port
65 {
66  i_clock = 0,
88 };
91 {
92  o_done = 0,
126 };
129 {
130 }
132 void ReadWrite_m_axiModuleGenerator::InternalExec(std::ostream& out, structural_objectRef mod, unsigned int function_id,
133  vertex /* op_v */, const HDLWriter_Language language,
134  const std::vector<ModuleGenerator::parameter>& /* _p */,
135  const std::vector<ModuleGenerator::parameter>& _ports_in,
136  const std::vector<ModuleGenerator::parameter>& _ports_out,
137  const std::vector<ModuleGenerator::parameter>& /* _ports_inout */)
138 {
139  if(language != HDLWriter_Language::VERILOG)
140  {
141  THROW_UNREACHABLE("Unsupported output language");
142  return;
143  }
145  THROW_ASSERT(_ports_in.size() >= i_last, "");
146  THROW_ASSERT(_ports_out.size() >= o_last, "");
148  const auto bundle_name = mod->get_id().substr(0, mod->get_id().find(STR_CST_interface_parameter_keyword));
149  const auto top_fid = HLSMgr->CGetCallGraphManager()->GetRootFunction(function_id);
150  const auto top_fname = HLSMgr->CGetFunctionBehavior(top_fid)->CGetBehavioralHelper()->GetMangledFunctionName();
151  const auto& iface_attrs = HLSMgr->module_arch->GetArchitecture(top_fname)->;
153  const auto Param = HLSMgr->get_parameter();
154  const auto has_requested_burst_type = Param->isOption(OPT_axi_burst_type);
155  unsigned int axi_burst_type = has_requested_burst_type ? Param->getOption<unsigned int>(OPT_axi_burst_type) : 0U;
157  const auto hls_d = HLSMgr->get_HLS_device();
158  const auto has_device_burst_type = hls_d->has_parameter("axi_burst_type");
159  const auto device_burst_type = has_device_burst_type ? hls_d->get_parameter<unsigned int>("axi_burst_type") : 0U;
160  if(has_device_burst_type)
161  {
162  if(has_requested_burst_type && axi_burst_type != device_burst_type)
163  {
164  THROW_WARNING("Requested AXI burst type conflicts with selected device supported AXI burst type: " +
165  BURST_TYPE_STR(axi_burst_type) + " != " + BURST_TYPE_STR(device_burst_type));
166  }
167  axi_burst_type = device_burst_type;
168  }
170  /* Get cache info */
171  unsigned long long line_count = 0;
172  if(auto it = iface_attrs.find(FunctionArchitecture::iface_cache_line_count); it != iface_attrs.end())
173  {
174  line_count = std::stoull(it->second);
175  }
177  out << "localparam BITSIZE_address=BITSIZE_" << _ports_in[i_in4].name << ",\n"
178  << " BITSIZE_bus=" << _ports_out[o_wdata].type_size << ",\n"
179  << " BITSIZE_bus_size=BITSIZE_bus/8,\n"
180  << " BITSIZE_data=BITSIZE_" << _ports_in[i_in3].name << ",\n"
181  << " BITSIZE_data_size=BITSIZE_data/8,\n"
182  << " BITSIZE_awlen=" << _ports_out[o_awlen].type_size << ",\n"
183  << " BITSIZE_arlen=" << _ports_out[o_arlen].type_size << ",\n"
184  << " BITSIZE_awid=" << _ports_out[o_awid].type_size << ",\n"
185  << " BITSIZE_arid=" << _ports_out[o_arid].type_size << ",\n"
186  << " BITSIZE_bid=" << _ports_in[i_bid].type_size << ",\n"
187  << " BITSIZE_rid=" << _ports_in[i_rid].type_size << ";\n\n";
188  out << R"(
189 function automatic integer log2;
190  input integer value;
191  `ifdef _SIM_HAVE_CLOG2
192  log2 = $clog2(value);
193  `else
194  automatic integer temp_value = value-1;
195  for (log2=0; temp_value > 0; log2=log2+1)
196  temp_value = temp_value >> 1;
197  `endif
198 endfunction
200  )";
202  /* No cache, build the AXI controller */
203  std::string ip_components;
204  if(line_count == 0)
205  {
206  ip_components = "MinimalAXI4AdapterSingleBeat";
207  out << "MinimalAXI4AdapterSingleBeat #(.BURST_TYPE(" << axi_burst_type << "),\n"
208  << " .BITSIZE_Mout_addr_ram(BITSIZE_address),\n"
209  << " .BITSIZE_Mout_Wdata_ram(BITSIZE_data),\n"
210  << " .BITSIZE_Mout_data_ram_size(BITSIZE_" << _ports_in[i_in2].name << "),\n"
211  << " .BITSIZE_M_Rdata_ram(BITSIZE_data),\n"
212  << " .BITSIZE_m_axi_awid(BITSIZE_awid),\n"
213  << " .BITSIZE_m_axi_awaddr(BITSIZE_address),\n"
214  << " .BITSIZE_m_axi_awlen(BITSIZE_awlen),\n"
215  << " .BITSIZE_m_axi_wdata(BITSIZE_bus),\n"
216  << " .BITSIZE_m_axi_wstrb(BITSIZE_bus_size),\n"
217  << " .BITSIZE_m_axi_bid(BITSIZE_bid),\n"
218  << " .BITSIZE_m_axi_arid(BITSIZE_arid),\n"
219  << " .BITSIZE_m_axi_araddr(BITSIZE_address),\n"
220  << " .BITSIZE_m_axi_arlen(BITSIZE_arlen),\n"
221  << " .BITSIZE_m_axi_rid(BITSIZE_rid),\n"
222  << " .BITSIZE_m_axi_rdata(BITSIZE_bus)) adapter (.M_DataRdy(done_port),\n"
223  << " .M_Rdata_ram(" << _ports_out[o_out1].name << "),\n"
224  << " .m_axi_arid(" << _ports_out[o_arid].name << "),\n"
225  << " .m_axi_araddr(" << _ports_out[o_araddr].name << "),\n"
226  << " .m_axi_arlen(" << _ports_out[o_arlen].name << "),\n"
227  << " .m_axi_arsize(" << _ports_out[o_arsize].name << "),\n"
228  << " .m_axi_arburst(" << _ports_out[o_arburst].name << "),\n"
229  << " .m_axi_arlock(" << _ports_out[o_arlock].name << "),\n"
230  << " .m_axi_arcache(" << _ports_out[o_arcache].name << "),\n"
231  << " .m_axi_arprot(" << _ports_out[o_arprot].name << "),\n"
232  << " .m_axi_arqos(" << _ports_out[o_arqos].name << "),\n"
233  << " .m_axi_arregion(" << _ports_out[o_arregion].name << "),\n"
234  << " .m_axi_aruser(" << _ports_out[o_aruser].name << "),\n"
235  << " .m_axi_arvalid(" << _ports_out[o_arvalid].name << "),\n"
236  << " .m_axi_rready(" << _ports_out[o_rready].name << "),\n"
237  << " .m_axi_awid(" << _ports_out[o_awid].name << "),\n"
238  << " .m_axi_awaddr(" << _ports_out[o_awaddr].name << "),\n"
239  << " .m_axi_awlen(" << _ports_out[o_awlen].name << "),\n"
240  << " .m_axi_awsize(" << _ports_out[o_awsize].name << "),\n"
241  << " .m_axi_awburst(" << _ports_out[o_awburst].name << "),\n"
242  << " .m_axi_awlock(" << _ports_out[o_awlock].name << "),\n"
243  << " .m_axi_awcache(" << _ports_out[o_awcache].name << "),\n"
244  << " .m_axi_awprot(" << _ports_out[o_awprot].name << "),\n"
245  << " .m_axi_awqos(" << _ports_out[o_awqos].name << "),\n"
246  << " .m_axi_awregion(" << _ports_out[o_awregion].name << "),\n"
247  << " .m_axi_awuser(" << _ports_out[o_awuser].name << "),\n"
248  << " .m_axi_awvalid(" << _ports_out[o_awvalid].name << "),\n"
249  << " .m_axi_wdata(" << _ports_out[o_wdata].name << "),\n"
250  << " .m_axi_wstrb(" << _ports_out[o_wstrb].name << "),\n"
251  << " .m_axi_wlast(" << _ports_out[o_wlast].name << "),\n"
252  << " .m_axi_wuser(" << _ports_out[o_wuser].name << "),\n"
253  << " .m_axi_wvalid(" << _ports_out[o_wvalid].name << "),\n"
254  << " .m_axi_bready(" << _ports_out[o_bready].name << "),\n"
255  << " .clock(clock),\n"
256  << " .reset(reset),\n"
257  << " .Mout_oe_ram(" << _ports_in[i_start].name << " && !" << _ports_in[i_in1].name << "),\n"
258  << " .Mout_we_ram(" << _ports_in[i_start].name << " && " << _ports_in[i_in1].name << "),\n"
259  << " .Mout_addr_ram(" << _ports_in[i_in4].name << "),\n"
260  << " .Mout_Wdata_ram(" << _ports_in[i_in3].name << "),\n"
261  << " .Mout_data_ram_size(" << _ports_in[i_in2].name << "),\n"
262  << " .m_axi_arready(" << _ports_in[i_arready].name << "),\n"
263  << " .m_axi_rid(" << _ports_in[i_rid].name << "),\n"
264  << " .m_axi_rdata(" << _ports_in[i_rdata].name << "),\n"
265  << " .m_axi_rresp(" << _ports_in[i_rresp].name << "),\n"
266  << " .m_axi_rlast(" << _ports_in[i_rlast].name << "),\n"
267  << " .m_axi_rvalid(" << _ports_in[i_rvalid].name << "),\n"
268  << " .m_axi_awready(" << _ports_in[i_awready].name << "),\n"
269  << " .m_axi_wready(" << _ports_in[i_wready].name << "),\n"
270  << " .m_axi_bid(" << _ports_in[i_bid].name << "),\n"
271  << " .m_axi_bresp(" << _ports_in[i_bresp].name << "),\n"
272  << " .m_axi_bvalid(" << _ports_in[i_bvalid].name << "));\n";
273  }
274  else /* Connect to IOB cache, no need for AXI controller */
275  {
276  const auto line_off_w = std::to_string(ceil_log2(line_count));
277  std::string word_off_w = "1";
278  std::string be_data_w = std::to_string(_ports_out[o_wdata].type_size);
279  std::string n_ways = "1";
280  unsigned long long wtbuf_depth_w = 2ULL;
281  std::string rep_policy = "0";
282  std::string write_pol = "0";
284  if(auto it = iface_attrs.find(FunctionArchitecture::iface_cache_line_size); it != iface_attrs.end())
285  {
286  word_off_w = std::to_string(ceil_log2(std::stoull(it->second)));
287  }
288  if(auto it = iface_attrs.find(FunctionArchitecture::iface_cache_bus_size); it != iface_attrs.end())
289  {
290  be_data_w = it->second;
291  }
292  if(auto it = iface_attrs.find(FunctionArchitecture::iface_cache_ways); it != iface_attrs.end())
293  {
294  n_ways = it->second;
295  }
296  if(auto it = iface_attrs.find(FunctionArchitecture::iface_cache_num_write_outstanding); it != iface_attrs.end())
297  {
298  wtbuf_depth_w = ceil_log2(std::stoull(it->second));
299  if(wtbuf_depth_w < 1)
300  {
301  wtbuf_depth_w = 1;
302  }
303  }
304  if(auto it = iface_attrs.find(FunctionArchitecture::iface_cache_rep_policy); it != iface_attrs.end())
305  {
306  const auto rp_name = boost::to_upper_copy(it->second);
307  if(rp_name == "LRU")
308  {
309  rep_policy = "0";
310  }
311  else if(rp_name == "MRU")
312  {
313  rep_policy = "1";
314  }
315  else if(rp_name == "TREE")
316  {
317  rep_policy = "2";
318  }
319  else
320  {
321  THROW_ERROR("Unexpected cache replacement policy: " + it->second);
322  }
323  }
324  if(auto it = iface_attrs.find(FunctionArchitecture::iface_cache_write_policy); it != iface_attrs.end())
325  {
326  const auto wp_name = boost::to_upper_copy(it->second);
327  if(wp_name == "WT")
328  {
329  write_pol = "0";
330  }
331  else if(wp_name == "WB")
332  {
333  write_pol = "1";
334  }
335  else
336  {
337  THROW_ERROR("Unexpected cache write policy: " + it->second);
338  }
339  }
341  ip_components = "IOB_cache_axi";
342  out << "wire [BITSIZE_address-1:log2(BITSIZE_data_size)] addr;\n"
343  << "wire [BITSIZE_data_size-1:0] wstrb;\n"
344  << "wire [BITSIZE_data-1:0] rdata;\n"
345  << "wire ready;\n"
346  << "wire dirty;\n"
347  << "reg state, state_next;\n\n";
349  out << "localparam S_IDLE = 0, S_FLUSH = 1;\n"
350  << "initial state = S_IDLE;\n\n"
351  << "assign " << _ports_out[o_aruser].name << " = 0;\n"
352  << "assign " << _ports_out[o_arregion].name << " = 0;\n"
353  << "assign " << _ports_out[o_wuser].name << " = 0;\n"
354  << "assign " << _ports_out[o_awuser].name << " = 0;\n"
355  << "assign " << _ports_out[o_awregion].name << " = 0;\n\n"
356  << "assign done_port = state == S_IDLE? ready : !dirty;\n"
357  << "assign addr = " << _ports_in[i_in4].name << "[BITSIZE_address-1:log2(BITSIZE_data_size)];\n"
358  << "assign wstrb = " << _ports_in[i_in1].name << " ? (1 << (" << _ports_in[i_in2].name << "/8)) - 1 : 0;\n"
359  << "assign " << _ports_out[o_out1].name << " = done_port ? rdata : 0;\n\n"
360  << "always @(*) begin\n"
361  << " state_next = state;\n"
362  << " if(state == S_IDLE) begin\n"
363  << " if(" << _ports_in[i_start].name << " && " << _ports_in[i_in1].name << " && " << _ports_in[i_in2].name
364  << " == 0) begin\n"
365  << " state_next = S_FLUSH;\n"
366  << " end\n"
367  << " end else if(state == S_FLUSH) begin\n"
368  << " if(!dirty) begin\n"
369  << " state_next = S_IDLE;\n"
370  << " end\n"
371  << " end\n"
372  << "end\n\n"
373  << "always @(posedge clock 1RESET_EDGE) begin\n"
374  << " state <= state_next;\n"
375  << " if(1RESET_VALUE) begin\n"
376  << " state <= S_IDLE;\n"
377  << " end\n"
378  << "end\n";
380  out << R"(
381 `ifdef __ICARUS__
382  `define _CACHE_CNT 1
383 `elsif VERILATOR
384  `define _CACHE_CNT 1
385 `elsif MODEL_TECH
386  `define _CACHE_CNT 1
387 `elsif VCS
388  `define _CACHE_CNT 1
389 `elsif NCVERILOG
390  `define _CACHE_CNT 1
392  `define _CACHE_CNT 1
393 `elsif XILINX_ISIM
394  `define _CACHE_CNT 1
395 `else
396  `define _CACHE_CNT 0
397 `endif
398  )";
400  out << "IOB_cache_axi #(.FE_ADDR_W(BITSIZE_address),\n"
401  << " .BE_ADDR_W(BITSIZE_address),\n"
402  << " .BE_DATA_W(" << be_data_w << "),\n"
403  << " .N_WAYS(" << n_ways << "),\n"
404  << " .LINE_OFF_W(" << line_off_w << "),\n"
405  << " .WORD_OFF_W(" << word_off_w << "),\n"
406  << " .WTBUF_DEPTH_W(" << wtbuf_depth_w << "),\n"
407  << " .REP_POLICY(" << rep_policy << "),\n"
408  << " .WRITE_POL(" << write_pol << "),\n"
409  << " .AXI_ID(0),\n"
410  << " .CTRL_CACHE(`_CACHE_CNT),\n"
411  << " .CTRL_CNT(`_CACHE_CNT),\n"
412  << " .BURST_TYPE(" << axi_burst_type << "),\n"
413  << " .BITSIZE_addr(BITSIZE_address-log2(BITSIZE_data_size)),\n"
414  << " .BITSIZE_wdata(BITSIZE_data),\n"
415  << " .BITSIZE_wstrb(BITSIZE_data_size),\n"
416  << " .BITSIZE_rdata(BITSIZE_data),\n"
417  << " .BITSIZE_m_axi_awid(BITSIZE_awid),\n"
418  << " .BITSIZE_m_axi_awaddr(BITSIZE_address),\n"
419  << " .BITSIZE_m_axi_awlen(BITSIZE_awlen),\n"
420  << " .BITSIZE_m_axi_wdata(" << be_data_w << "),\n"
421  << " .BITSIZE_m_axi_wstrb(" << be_data_w << " / 8),\n"
422  << " .BITSIZE_m_axi_bid(BITSIZE_bid),\n"
423  << " .BITSIZE_m_axi_arid(BITSIZE_arid),\n"
424  << " .BITSIZE_m_axi_araddr(BITSIZE_address),\n"
425  << " .BITSIZE_m_axi_arlen(BITSIZE_arlen),\n"
426  << " .BITSIZE_m_axi_rid(BITSIZE_rid),\n"
427  << " .BITSIZE_m_axi_rdata(" << be_data_w << ")) cache(.addr(addr),\n"
428  << " .wdata(" << _ports_in[i_in3].name << "),\n"
429  << " .wstrb(wstrb),\n"
430  << " .rdata(rdata),\n"
431  << " .ready(ready),\n"
432  << " .valid(" << _ports_in[i_start].name << " && !(" << _ports_in[i_in1].name << " && "
433  << _ports_in[i_in2].name << " == 0)),\n"
434  << " .dirty(dirty),\n"
435  << " .flush(state == S_FLUSH),\n"
436  << " .m_axi_awready(" << _ports_in[i_awready].name << "),\n"
437  << " .m_axi_wready(" << _ports_in[i_wready].name << "),\n"
438  << " .m_axi_bid(" << _ports_in[i_bid].name << "),\n"
439  << " .m_axi_bresp(" << _ports_in[i_bresp].name << "),\n"
440  << " .m_axi_bvalid(" << _ports_in[i_bvalid].name << "),\n"
441  << " .m_axi_arready(" << _ports_in[i_arready].name << "),\n"
442  << " .m_axi_rid(" << _ports_in[i_rid].name << "),\n"
443  << " .m_axi_rdata(" << _ports_in[i_rdata].name << "),\n"
444  << " .m_axi_rresp(" << _ports_in[i_rresp].name << "),\n"
445  << " .m_axi_rlast(" << _ports_in[i_rlast].name << "),\n"
446  << " .m_axi_rvalid(" << _ports_in[i_rvalid].name << "),\n"
447  << " .m_axi_awid(" << _ports_out[o_awid].name << "),\n"
448  << " .m_axi_awaddr(" << _ports_out[o_awaddr].name << "),\n"
449  << " .m_axi_awlen(" << _ports_out[o_awlen].name << "),\n"
450  << " .m_axi_awsize(" << _ports_out[o_awsize].name << "),\n"
451  << " .m_axi_awburst(" << _ports_out[o_awburst].name << "),\n"
452  << " .m_axi_awlock(" << _ports_out[o_awlock].name << "),\n"
453  << " .m_axi_awcache(" << _ports_out[o_awcache].name << "),\n"
454  << " .m_axi_awprot(" << _ports_out[o_awprot].name << "),\n"
455  << " .m_axi_awqos(" << _ports_out[o_awqos].name << "),\n"
456  << " .m_axi_awvalid(" << _ports_out[o_awvalid].name << "),\n"
457  << " .m_axi_wdata(" << _ports_out[o_wdata].name << "),\n"
458  << " .m_axi_wstrb(" << _ports_out[o_wstrb].name << "),\n"
459  << " .m_axi_wlast(" << _ports_out[o_wlast].name << "),\n"
460  << " .m_axi_wvalid(" << _ports_out[o_wvalid].name << "),\n"
461  << " .m_axi_bready(" << _ports_out[o_bready].name << "),\n"
462  << " .m_axi_arid(" << _ports_out[o_arid].name << "),\n"
463  << " .m_axi_araddr(" << _ports_out[o_araddr].name << "),\n"
464  << " .m_axi_arlen(" << _ports_out[o_arlen].name << "),\n"
465  << " .m_axi_arsize(" << _ports_out[o_arsize].name << "),\n"
466  << " .m_axi_arburst(" << _ports_out[o_arburst].name << "),\n"
467  << " .m_axi_arlock(" << _ports_out[o_arlock].name << "),\n"
468  << " .m_axi_arcache(" << _ports_out[o_arcache].name << "),\n"
469  << " .m_axi_arprot(" << _ports_out[o_arprot].name << "),\n"
470  << " .m_axi_arqos(" << _ports_out[o_arqos].name << "),\n"
471  << " .m_axi_arvalid(" << _ports_out[o_arvalid].name << "),\n"
472  << " .m_axi_rready(" << _ports_out[o_rready].name << "),\n"
473  << " .clock(clock),\n"
474  << " .reset(reset));\n\n"
475  << "`undef _CACHE_CNT\n";
476  }
478 }
Data structure representing the entire HLS information.
#define STR_CST_interface_parameter_keyword
const std::string & get_id() const
Return the identifier associated with the structural_object.
mathematical utility function not provided by standard libraries
#define THROW_WARNING(str_expr)
helper function used to throw a warning in a standard way: though it uses PRINT_DBG_MEX, the debug level used is such that the message is always printed
Definition: exceptions.hpp:300
#define THROW_UNREACHABLE(str_expr)
helper function used to specify that some points should never be reached
Definition: exceptions.hpp:292
T ceil_log2(T x)
Return the smallest n such that 2**n >= X.
static void add_NP_functionality(structural_objectRef cir, NP_functionality::NP_functionaly_type dt, std::string functionality_description)
Add a not-parsed functionality.
This class writes different HDL based descriptions (VHDL, Verilog, SystemC) starting from a structura...
boost::graph_traits< graph >::vertex_descriptor vertex
vertex definition.
Definition: graph.hpp:1303
void InternalExec(std::ostream &out, structural_objectRef mod, unsigned int function_id, vertex op_v, const HDLWriter_Language language, const std::vector< ModuleGenerator::parameter > &_p, const std::vector< ModuleGenerator::parameter > &_ports_in, const std::vector< ModuleGenerator::parameter > &_ports_out, const std::vector< ModuleGenerator::parameter > &_ports_inout) final
#define THROW_ERROR(str_expr)
helper function used to throw an error in a standard way
Definition: exceptions.hpp:263
This class describes all classes used to represent a structural object.
ReadWrite_m_axiModuleGenerator(const HLS_managerRef &HLSMgr)
#define BURST_TYPE_STR(type)
Template borrowed from the ANTLR library by Terence Parr ( - Software rights: htt...
Definition: refcount.hpp:94
constant strings
Wrapper to call graph.
Class implementation of the structural_manager.
Data structure definition for high-level synthesis flow.
HLS specialization of generic_device.
A brief description of the C++ Header File.
#define THROW_ASSERT(cond, str_expr)
helper function used to check an assert and if needed to throw an error in a standard way ...
Definition: exceptions.hpp:289

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