Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  *
3  * _/_/_/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/
4  * _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
5  * _/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/_/
6  * _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
7  * _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/
8  *
9  * ***********************************************
10  * PandA Project
11  * URL:
12  * Politecnico di Milano - DEIB
13  * System Architectures Group
14  * ***********************************************
15  * Copyright (C) 2014-2024 Politecnico di Milano
16  *
17  * This file is part of the PandA framework.
18  *
19  * The PandA framework is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
20  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
21  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
22  * (at your option) any later version.
23  *
24  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
25  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
27  * GNU General Public License for more details.
28  *
29  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
30  * along with this program. If not, see <>.
31  *
32  */
40 #include "sdc_scheduling.hpp"
42 #include "ASLAP.hpp"
43 #include "Parameter.hpp"
44 #include "allocation.hpp"
46 #include "basic_block.hpp"
47 #include "behavioral_helper.hpp"
48 #include "cpu_time.hpp"
49 #include "design_flow_graph.hpp"
50 #include "design_flow_manager.hpp"
51 #include "frontend_flow_step.hpp"
53 #include "fu_binding.hpp"
55 #include "hls.hpp"
56 #include "hls_constraints.hpp"
57 #include "loop.hpp"
58 #include "loops.hpp"
59 #include "meilp_solver.hpp"
60 #include "memory.hpp"
61 #include "op_graph.hpp"
63 #include "schedule.hpp"
64 #include "simple_code_motion.hpp"
65 #include "string_manipulation.hpp"
66 #include "tree_basic_block.hpp"
67 #include "tree_helper.hpp"
68 #include "tree_manager.hpp"
69 #include "utility.hpp"
71 #include <boost/range/adaptor/reversed.hpp>
73 #include <list>
80 class SDCSorter : std::binary_function<vertex, vertex, bool>
81 {
82  private:
111  const int debug_level;
113  public:
123  SDCSorter(const ScheduleConstRef _asap, const ScheduleConstRef _alap,
124  const FunctionBehaviorConstRef _function_behavior, const OpGraphConstRef _op_graph,
125  std::set<vertex, bb_vertex_order_by_map> loop_bbs, const ParameterConstRef _parameters)
126  : asap(_asap),
127  alap(_alap),
128  function_behavior(_function_behavior),
129  basic_block_graph(_function_behavior->CGetBBGraph(FunctionBehavior::BB)),
130  op_graph(_op_graph),
131  bb_index_map(basic_block_graph->CGetBBGraphInfo()->bb_index_map),
132  parameters(_parameters),
133  debug_level(_parameters->get_class_debug_level(GET_CLASS(*this)))
134  {
135  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "-->SDC sorter constructor");
137  for(const auto& loop_bb : loop_bbs)
138  {
139  const auto& statements_list = basic_block_graph->CGetBBNodeInfo(loop_bb)->statements_list;
141  for(const auto vertex_to_be_analyzed : boost::adaptors::reverse(statements_list))
142  {
143  OutEdgeIterator eo, eo_end;
144  for(boost::tie(eo, eo_end) = boost::out_edges(vertex_to_be_analyzed, *op_graph); eo != eo_end; eo++)
145  {
146  vertex target = boost::target(*eo, *op_graph);
147  reachability_map[vertex_to_be_analyzed].insert(target);
148  reachability_map[vertex_to_be_analyzed].insert(reachability_map[target].begin(),
149  reachability_map[target].end());
150  }
151  }
152  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "---Computed reachability");
155  std::map<ControlStep, std::map<ControlStep, CustomSet<vertex>>> alap_asap_cluster;
157  VertexIterator op, op_end;
158  for(boost::tie(op, op_end) = boost::vertices(*op_graph); op != op_end; op++)
159  {
160  alap_asap_cluster[alap->get_cstep(*op).second][asap->get_cstep(*op).second].insert(*op);
161  }
164  for(const auto& alap_cluster : alap_asap_cluster)
165  {
166  for(const auto& asap_cluster : alap_cluster.second)
167  {
168  auto to_process = std::set<vertex, op_vertex_order_by_map>(
169  op_vertex_order_by_map(function_behavior->get_map_levels(), op_graph.get()));
170  for(const auto cluster_op : asap_cluster.second)
171  {
172  to_process.insert(cluster_op);
173  }
174  for(const auto cluster_op : to_process)
175  {
176  op_levels[cluster_op] = static_cast<size_t>(op_levels.size());
177  }
178  }
179  }
180  }
181  }
189  bool operator()(const vertex x, const vertex y) const
190  {
191  const auto first_bb_index = op_graph->CGetOpNodeInfo(x)->bb_index;
192  const auto second_bb_index = op_graph->CGetOpNodeInfo(y)->bb_index;
193  const auto first_bb_vertex =;
194  const auto second_bb_vertex =;
195  if(function_behavior->CheckBBReachability(first_bb_vertex, second_bb_vertex))
196  {
197  return true;
198  }
199  if(function_behavior->CheckBBReachability(second_bb_vertex, first_bb_vertex))
200  {
201  return false;
202  }
203  THROW_ASSERT(op_levels.count(x), "");
204  THROW_ASSERT(op_levels.count(y), "");
205  return <;
206  }
207 };
210  unsigned int _function_id, const DesignFlowManagerConstRef _design_flow_manager,
211  const HLSFlowStepSpecializationConstRef _hls_flow_step_specialization)
212  : Scheduling(_parameters, _HLSMgr, _function_id, _design_flow_manager, HLSFlowStep_Type::SDC_SCHEDULING,
213  _hls_flow_step_specialization),
214  clock_period(0.0),
215  margin(0.0)
216 {
217  debug_level = parameters->get_class_debug_level(GET_CLASS(*this));
218 }
222 void SDCScheduling::AddDelayConstraints(const meilp_solverRef solver, const OpGraphConstRef filtered_op_graph,
223 #ifndef NDEBUG
224  const OpGraphConstRef debug_filtered_op_graph,
225 #endif
226  const std::set<vertex, bb_vertex_order_by_map>& loop_bbs)
227 {
228  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "-->Adding delay constraints");
229  const auto FB = HLSMgr->CGetFunctionBehavior(funId);
232  CustomUnorderedMap<vertex, double> starting_times, ending_times;
235  OpVertexMap<OpVertexSet> reverse_reachability(filtered_op_graph);
238  OpVertexMap<OpVertexSet> live_operations(filtered_op_graph);
241  OpVertexMap<OpVertexSet> constraints(filtered_op_graph);
243  std::list<vertex> basic_blocks;
244  basic_block_graph->TopologicalSort(basic_blocks);
246  for(const auto basic_block : basic_blocks)
247  {
248  if(loop_bbs.count(basic_block))
249  {
250  const auto bb_node_info = basic_block_graph->CGetBBNodeInfo(basic_block);
251  const auto& statements_list = bb_node_info->statements_list;
252  for(const auto current : statements_list)
253  {
255  "-->Processing " + GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, current));
258  const double current_op_execution_time = [&]() -> double {
259  if(!allocation_information->is_operation_bounded(filtered_op_graph, current,
261  {
262  return clock_period;
263  }
264  if(GET_TYPE(filtered_op_graph, current) & TYPE_PHI)
265  {
267  filtered_op_graph->CGetOpNodeInfo(current)->GetNodeId());
268  }
269  auto timeLatency = allocation_information->GetTimeLatency(
273  0 ?
275  filtered_op_graph, current, allocation_information->GetFuType(current)) ?
276  0.0 :
277  timeLatency.second) :
278  timeLatency.first;
279  }();
281  "---Its execution time is " + STR(current_op_execution_time));
283  starting_times[current] = 0.0;
284  InEdgeIterator ie, ie_end;
285  reverse_reachability.insert(std::make_pair(current, OpVertexSet(filtered_op_graph)));
286  live_operations.insert(std::make_pair(current, OpVertexSet(filtered_op_graph)));
287  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "-->Computing starting time");
288  for(boost::tie(ie, ie_end) = boost::in_edges(current, *filtered_op_graph); ie != ie_end; ie++)
289  {
290  if(((filtered_op_graph->GetSelector(*ie) & ~CDG_SELECTOR) == 0) &&
292  filtered_op_graph->CGetOpNodeInfo(boost::target(*ie, *filtered_op_graph))->GetNodeId()))
293  {
294  continue;
295  }
296  const auto source = boost::source(*ie, *filtered_op_graph);
297  const auto connection_time = allocation_information->GetConnectionTime(
298  source, current, AbsControlStep(bb_node_info->block->number, AbsControlStep::UNKNOWN));
300  "---Considering " + GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, source));
301  if(ending_times.count(source) && + connection_time >
302  {
304  "---New starting time is " + STR( + connection_time));
305  starting_times[current] = + connection_time;
306  }
309  }
311  "<--Starting time is " + STR(;
312  ending_times[current] = + current_op_execution_time;
314  OpVertexSet dead_operations(filtered_op_graph);
316  for(boost::tie(ie, ie_end) = boost::in_edges(current, *filtered_op_graph); ie != ie_end; ie++)
317  {
318  if(((filtered_op_graph->GetSelector(*ie) & ~CDG_SELECTOR) == 0) &&
320  filtered_op_graph->CGetOpNodeInfo(boost::target(*ie, *filtered_op_graph))->GetNodeId()))
321  {
322  continue;
323  }
324  const auto source = boost::source(*ie, *filtered_op_graph);
325  if(dead_operations.count(source))
326  {
327  continue;
328  }
329  auto CheckChaining = [&](const vertex other) -> bool {
330  bool constraint_to_be_added = false;
332  if( - > clock_period - margin)
333  {
334  constraint_to_be_added = true;
335  }
336  else if(!HLS->allocation_information->CanBeChained(other, current))
337  {
338  constraint_to_be_added = true;
339  }
340  if(constraint_to_be_added)
341  {
342  bool skip = false;
343  InEdgeIterator ie2, ie2_end;
344  for(boost::tie(ie2, ie2_end) = boost::in_edges(current, *filtered_op_graph);
345  ie2 != ie2_end && !skip; ie2++)
346  {
347  const vertex other_source = boost::source(*ie2, *filtered_op_graph);
348  if(other_source == other)
349  {
350  continue;
351  }
352  if( == 0)
353  {
354  continue;
355  }
356  if(((GET_TYPE(op_graph, other) & TYPE_STORE) != 0) ||
357  (!allocation_information->is_operation_bounded(filtered_op_graph, other,
359  {
360  skip = true;
361  continue;
362  }
363  if( - < clock_period)
364  {
365  continue;
366  }
369  skip = true;
370  }
371  if(!skip)
372  {
373  if(constraints.count(other) == 0)
374  {
375  constraints.insert(std::make_pair(other, OpVertexSet(filtered_op_graph)));
376  }
378  }
379  dead_operations.insert(other);
380  }
381  else
382  {
384  }
385  return constraint_to_be_added;
386  };
387  const bool added_constraint = CheckChaining(source);
388  if(!added_constraint)
389  {
391  "-->Considering operations coming from " + GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, source));
392  for(const auto& pred_live_operation :
393  {
395  "-->Considering operation " + GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, pred_live_operation));
396  CheckChaining(pred_live_operation);
398  "<--Considered operation " + GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, pred_live_operation));
399  }
401  "<--Considered operations coming from " + GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, source));
402  }
403  }
404  for(const auto& dead_operation : dead_operations)
405  {
406  if(
407  {
409  }
410  }
412  "<--Processed " + GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, current));
413  }
414  }
415  }
416  for(const auto& constraint : constraints)
417  {
418  for(const auto& second : constraint.second)
419  {
420  const auto source_cycle_latency = allocation_information->GetCycleLatency(constraint.first);
421  const auto name = "Path_" + GET_NAME(op_graph, constraint.first) + "-" + GET_NAME(op_graph, second);
422  std::map<int, double> coeffs;
423  coeffs[static_cast<int>(
424, source_cycle_latency - 1)))] = 1.0;
425  coeffs[static_cast<int>(, 0)))] = -1.0;
426  solver->add_row(coeffs, -1.0, meilp_solver::L, name);
427 #ifndef NDEBUG
429  {
430  if(!op_graph->ExistsEdge(constraint.first, second))
431  {
432  temp_edges.insert(FB->ogc->AddEdge(constraint.first, second, DEBUG_SELECTOR));
434  "---Adding edge " + GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, constraint.first) + "-->" +
435  GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, second));
436  try
437  {
438  std::list<vertex> vertices;
439  debug_filtered_op_graph->TopologicalSort(vertices);
440  }
441  catch(const char* msg)
442  {
443  debug_filtered_op_graph->WriteDot("");
444  THROW_UNREACHABLE("Edge " + GET_NAME(op_graph, constraint.first) + "-->" +
445  GET_NAME(op_graph, second));
446  }
447  catch(const std::string& msg)
448  {
449  debug_filtered_op_graph->WriteDot("");
450  THROW_UNREACHABLE("Edge " + GET_NAME(op_graph, constraint.first) + "-->" +
451  GET_NAME(op_graph, second));
452  }
453  catch(const std::exception& ex)
454  {
455  debug_filtered_op_graph->WriteDot("");
456  THROW_UNREACHABLE("Edge " + GET_NAME(op_graph, constraint.first) + "-->" +
457  GET_NAME(op_graph, second));
458  }
459  catch(...)
460  {
461  debug_filtered_op_graph->WriteDot("");
462  THROW_UNREACHABLE("Edge " + GET_NAME(op_graph, constraint.first) + "-->" +
463  GET_NAME(op_graph, second));
464  }
465  }
466  }
467 #endif
468  }
469  }
470  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "<--Added delay constraints");
471 }
473 void SDCScheduling::AddDependenceConstraint(const meilp_solverRef solver, const vertex source, const vertex target,
474  bool simultaneous) const
475 {
476  const unsigned int source_cycle_latency = allocation_information->GetCycleLatency(source);
477  const std::string name = GET_NAME(op_graph, source) + "-" + GET_NAME(op_graph, target);
478  std::map<int, double> coeffs;
479  coeffs[static_cast<int>(, source_cycle_latency - 1)))] = 1.0;
480  coeffs[static_cast<int>(, 0)))] = -1.0;
481  solver->add_row(coeffs, simultaneous ? 0.0 : -1.0, meilp_solver::L, name);
482  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "---Added dependence constraint " + name);
483 }
485 void SDCScheduling::AddStageConstraints(const meilp_solverRef solver, const vertex operation) const
486 {
487  const unsigned int cycle_latency = allocation_information->GetCycleLatency(operation);
488  for(unsigned int stage = 1; stage < cycle_latency; stage++)
489  {
490  const std::string name = "Stage_" + GET_NAME(op_graph, operation) + "_" + STR(stage - 1) + "-" + STR(stage);
491  std::map<int, double> coeffs;
492  coeffs[static_cast<int>(, stage)))] = 1.0;
493  coeffs[static_cast<int>(, stage - 1)))] = -1.0;
494  solver->add_row(coeffs, 1.0, meilp_solver::E, name);
495  }
496 }
499  const DesignFlowStep::RelationshipType relationship_type)
500 {
501  const FunctionBehaviorConstRef FB = HLSMgr->CGetFunctionBehavior(funId);
503  {
504  if(relationship_type == INVALIDATION_RELATIONSHIP)
505  {
506  {
507  vertex frontend_step = design_flow_manager.lock()->GetDesignFlowStep(
508  FunctionFrontendFlowStep::ComputeSignature(FrontendFlowStepType::SDC_CODE_MOTION, funId));
509  const DesignFlowGraphConstRef design_flow_graph = design_flow_manager.lock()->CGetDesignFlowGraph();
510  const DesignFlowStepRef design_flow_step =
511  frontend_step != NULL_VERTEX ?
512  design_flow_graph->CGetDesignFlowStepInfo(frontend_step)->design_flow_step :
513  GetPointer<const FrontendFlowStepFactory>(
514  design_flow_manager.lock()->CGetDesignFlowStepFactory("Frontend"))
515  ->CreateFunctionFrontendFlowStep(FrontendFlowStepType::SDC_CODE_MOTION, funId);
516  relationship.insert(design_flow_step);
517  }
518  }
519  }
520  Scheduling::ComputeRelationships(relationship, relationship_type);
521 }
525 {
527  Scheduling::ComputeHLSRelationships(relationship_type);
528  switch(relationship_type)
529  {
531  {
534  break;
535  }
537  {
538  break;
539  }
541  {
543  if(parameters->getOption<bool>(OPT_parse_pragma))
544  {
545  ret.insert(std::make_tuple(HLSFlowStep_Type::OMP_ALLOCATION, HLSFlowStepSpecializationConstRef(),
547  }
548  else
549 #endif
550  {
553  }
554  break;
555  }
556  default:
558  }
559  return ret;
560 }
563 {
564  if(bb_version == 0)
565  {
567  }
568  else
569  {
570  return false;
571  }
572 }
575 {
576  const auto TM = HLSMgr->get_tree_manager();
577  auto fnode = TM->get_tree_node_const(funId);
578  auto fd = GetPointer<function_decl>(fnode);
579  const auto fname = tree_helper::GetMangledFunctionName(fd);
580  const FunctionBehaviorConstRef FB = HLSMgr->CGetFunctionBehavior(funId);
582  const LoopsConstRef loops = FB->CGetLoops();
583  const std::map<vertex, unsigned int>& bb_map_levels = FB->get_bb_map_levels();
584  auto initial_ctrl_step = ControlStep(0u);
585  auto flow_graph = FB->CGetOpGraph(FunctionBehavior::FLSAODG);
587  if(HLSMgr->design_interface_io.find(fname) != HLSMgr->design_interface_io.end())
588  {
589  for(const auto& bb2arg2stmtsR : HLSMgr->
590  {
591  for(const auto& arg2stms : bb2arg2stmtsR.second)
592  {
593  if(arg2stms.second.size() > 0)
594  {
595  for(const auto& stmt : arg2stms.second)
596  {
597  const auto op_it = flow_graph->CGetOpGraphInfo()->tree_node_to_operation.find(stmt);
598  if(op_it != flow_graph->CGetOpGraphInfo()->tree_node_to_operation.end())
599  {
600  RW_stmts.insert(op_it->second);
601  }
602  }
603  }
604  }
605  }
606  }
607  for(const auto& loop : loops->GetList())
608  {
609  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "-->Scheduling loop " + STR(loop->GetId()));
610  operation_to_varindex.clear();
611  const unsigned int loop_id = loop->GetId();
614  const bb_vertex_order_by_map comp_i(bb_map_levels);
615  std::set<vertex, bb_vertex_order_by_map> loop_bbs(comp_i);
616  OpVertexSet loop_operations(op_graph);
617  CustomUnorderedSet<vertex> Loop_operations;
618  VertexIterator bb, bb_end;
619  for(boost::tie(bb, bb_end) = boost::vertices(*basic_block_graph); bb != bb_end; bb++)
620  {
621  if(basic_block_graph->CGetBBNodeInfo(*bb)->loop_id == loop_id)
622  {
623  loop_bbs.insert(*bb);
624  auto vit = basic_block_graph->CGetBBNodeInfo(*bb)->statements_list.begin();
625  auto vit_end = basic_block_graph->CGetBBNodeInfo(*bb)->statements_list.end();
626  loop_operations.insert(vit, vit_end);
627  Loop_operations.insert(vit, vit_end);
628  }
629  }
631  const OpGraphConstRef filtered_op_graph = FB->CGetOpGraph(FunctionBehavior::FLSAODG, loop_operations);
632 #ifndef NDEBUG
633  const OpGraphConstRef debug_filtered_op_graph = FB->CGetOpGraph(FunctionBehavior::FLSAODDG, loop_operations);
634 #endif
635  meilp_solverRef solver(meilp_solver::create_solver(
637  static_cast<meilp_solver::supported_solvers>(parameters->getOption<int>(OPT_ilp_solver))));
638  if(parameters->getOption<int>(OPT_ilp_max_time))
639  {
640  solver->setMaximumSeconds(parameters->getOption<int>(OPT_ilp_max_time));
641  }
644  {
645  filtered_op_graph->WriteDot("Loop_" + STR(loop_id) + "");
646  }
647  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "-->Computing variables");
650  unsigned int next_var_index = 0;
651  for(const auto loop_operation : loop_operations)
652  {
653  const unsigned int cycle_latency = allocation_information->GetCycleLatency(loop_operation);
654  for(unsigned int stage = 0; stage < cycle_latency; stage++)
655  {
658  "---Creating variables for " + GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, loop_operation) + " (executed by " + " " +
660  ") stage " + STR(stage) + ": " + STR(next_var_index + 1));
661  operation_to_varindex[std::pair<vertex, unsigned int>(loop_operation, stage)] = next_var_index;
662  next_var_index++;
663  }
664  }
668  CustomMap<vertex, unsigned int> path_end_to_varindex;
669  for(const auto basic_block : loop_bbs)
670  {
671  OutEdgeIterator oe, oe_end;
672  for(boost::tie(oe, oe_end) = boost::out_edges(basic_block, *basic_block_graph); oe != oe_end; oe++)
673  {
674  const auto target = boost::target(*oe, *basic_block_graph);
675  if(boost::in_degree(target, *basic_block_graph) < 2)
676  {
677  continue;
678  }
679  path_end_to_varindex[basic_block] = next_var_index;
681  "---Creating variable for path ending in BB" +
682  STR(basic_block_graph->CGetBBNodeInfo(basic_block)->block->number));
683  next_var_index++;
684  }
685  }
686 #if 0
687  CustomMap<vertex, unsigned> bb_to_begin, bb_to_end;
689  if(!speculation)
690  {
691  for(const auto basic_block : loop_bbs)
692  {
693  bb_to_begin[basic_block] = next_var_index;
694  next_var_index++;
695  bb_to_end[basic_block] = next_var_index;
696  next_var_index++;
697  }
698  }
699 #endif
700  const size_t num_variables = next_var_index;
703  solver->make(static_cast<int>(num_variables));
706  for(size_t var_index = 0; var_index < num_variables; var_index++)
707  {
708  solver->set_int(static_cast<int>(var_index));
709  solver->set_lowbo(static_cast<int>(var_index), 0);
710  }
712  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "<--Computed " + STR(num_variables) + " variables");
713  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "-->Adding consecutive stages constraints");
716  for(auto const operation : loop_operations)
717  {
719  }
720  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "<--Added consecutive stages constraints");
721  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "-->Adding dependencies constraints");
724  for(const auto operation : loop_operations)
725  {
727  "-->Adding dependencies starting from " + GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, operation));
728  OutEdgeIterator oe, oe_end;
729  for(boost::tie(oe, oe_end) = boost::out_edges(operation, *filtered_op_graph); oe != oe_end; oe++)
730  {
732  if(filtered_op_graph->GetSelector(*oe) & ~CDG_SELECTOR)
733  {
734  AddDependenceConstraint(solver, boost::source(*oe, *filtered_op_graph),
735  boost::target(*oe, *filtered_op_graph), true);
736  }
739  filtered_op_graph->CGetOpNodeInfo(boost::target(*oe, *filtered_op_graph))->GetNodeId()))
740  {
741  AddDependenceConstraint(solver, boost::source(*oe, *filtered_op_graph),
742  boost::target(*oe, *filtered_op_graph), false);
743  }
744  else
745  {
747  "---Skipped dependence -> " +
748  GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, boost::target(*oe, *filtered_op_graph)));
749  }
750  }
752  "<--Added dependencies starting from " + GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, operation));
753  }
754  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "<--Added dependencies constraints");
755  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "-->Adding delay constraint");
757  AddDelayConstraints(solver, filtered_op_graph,
758 #ifndef NDEBUG
759  debug_filtered_op_graph,
760 #endif
761  loop_bbs);
762  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "<--Added delay constraint");
763  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "-->Adding sorting constraint");
764  const ASLAPRef aslap(new ASLAP(HLSMgr, HLS, true, Loop_operations, parameters, 1000));
765  aslap->compute_ASAP();
766  aslap->compute_ALAP(ASLAP::ALAP_fast);
767  SDCSorter sdc_sorter =
768  SDCSorter(aslap->CGetASAP(), aslap->CGetALAP(), FB, filtered_op_graph, loop_bbs, parameters);
771  CustomMap<vertex, OpVertexSet> loop_unbounded_operations;
774  CustomMap<vertex, OpVertexSet> loop_pipelined_operations;
779  for(const auto basic_block : loop_bbs)
780  {
782  "-->Adding sorting constraints for BB" +
783  STR(basic_block_graph->CGetBBNodeInfo(basic_block)->block->number));
784  loop_unbounded_operations.insert(std::pair<vertex, OpVertexSet>(basic_block, OpVertexSet(filtered_op_graph)));
785  loop_pipelined_operations.insert(std::pair<vertex, OpVertexSet>(basic_block, OpVertexSet(filtered_op_graph)));
786  InEdgeIterator ie, ie_end;
787  for(boost::tie(ie, ie_end) = boost::in_edges(basic_block, *basic_block_graph); ie != ie_end; ie++)
788  {
789  const auto source = boost::source(*ie, *basic_block_graph);
791  "-->Considering source BB" + STR(basic_block_graph->CGetBBNodeInfo(source)->block->number));
792  if(loop_bbs.count(source))
793  {
795  .insert(,;
797  .insert(,;
798  for(const auto& fu_type : constrained_operations_sequences[source])
799  {
800  constrained_operations_sequences[basic_block][fu_type.first].insert(fu_type.second.begin(),
801  fu_type.second.end());
802  }
803  }
805  }
806  std::set<vertex, SDCSorter> basic_block_sorted_operations(sdc_sorter);
807  for(const auto operation : basic_block_graph->CGetBBNodeInfo(basic_block)->statements_list)
808  {
810  "-->Inserting operation " + GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, operation));
811  basic_block_sorted_operations.insert(operation);
812 #ifndef NDEBUG
813  for(const auto debug_operation : basic_block_sorted_operations)
814  {
816  "---" + GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, debug_operation));
817  }
818 #endif
820  "<--Inserted operation " + GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, operation));
821  }
823  {
824  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "-->Ordered statements");
825 #ifndef NDEBUG
826  for(const auto debug_operation : basic_block_sorted_operations)
827  {
829  "---" + GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, debug_operation));
830  }
831 #endif
833  }
834  for(const auto operation : basic_block_sorted_operations)
835  {
837  "-->Considering " + GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, operation));
840  {
841  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "-->Adding constraints for unbounded operations");
842  for(const auto other_unbounded_operation :
843  {
844  std::map<int, double> coeffs;
845  const bool other_before = sdc_sorter(other_unbounded_operation, operation);
846  if(other_before)
847  {
848  const std::string name =
849  "UU1_" + GET_NAME(op_graph, other_unbounded_operation) + "_" + GET_NAME(op_graph, operation);
850  coeffs[static_cast<int>(, 0)))] = 1.0;
851  coeffs[static_cast<int>(, 0)))] =
852  -1.0;
853  solver->add_row(coeffs, 1.0, meilp_solver::G, name);
854 #ifndef NDEBUG
856  {
857  if(!op_graph->ExistsEdge(other_unbounded_operation, operation))
858  {
859  temp_edges.insert(FB->ogc->AddEdge(other_unbounded_operation, operation, DEBUG_SELECTOR));
861  "---Adding edge " + GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, other_unbounded_operation) +
862  "-->" + GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, operation));
863  try
864  {
865  std::list<vertex> vertices;
866  debug_filtered_op_graph->TopologicalSort(vertices);
867  }
868  catch(const char* msg)
869  {
870  debug_filtered_op_graph->WriteDot("");
871  THROW_UNREACHABLE("Edge " + GET_NAME(op_graph, other_unbounded_operation) + "-->" +
873  }
874  catch(const std::string& msg)
875  {
876  debug_filtered_op_graph->WriteDot("");
877  THROW_UNREACHABLE("Edge " + GET_NAME(op_graph, other_unbounded_operation) + "-->" +
879  }
880  catch(const std::exception& ex)
881  {
882  debug_filtered_op_graph->WriteDot("");
883  THROW_UNREACHABLE("Edge " + GET_NAME(op_graph, other_unbounded_operation) + "-->" +
885  }
886  catch(...)
887  {
888  debug_filtered_op_graph->WriteDot("");
889  THROW_UNREACHABLE("Edge " + GET_NAME(op_graph, other_unbounded_operation) + "-->" +
891  }
892  }
893  }
894 #endif
895  }
896  else
897  {
899  const std::string name =
900  "UU2_" + GET_NAME(op_graph, operation) + "_" + GET_NAME(op_graph, other_unbounded_operation);
901  coeffs[static_cast<int>(, 0)))] =
902  1.0;
903  coeffs[static_cast<int>(, 0)))] = -1.0;
904  solver->add_row(coeffs, 0.0, meilp_solver::G, name);
905 #ifndef NDEBUG
907  {
908  if(!op_graph->ExistsEdge(operation, other_unbounded_operation))
909  {
910  temp_edges.insert(FB->ogc->AddEdge(operation, other_unbounded_operation, DEBUG_SELECTOR));
912  "---Adding edge " + GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, operation) + "-->" +
913  GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, other_unbounded_operation));
914  try
915  {
916  std::list<vertex> vertices;
917  debug_filtered_op_graph->TopologicalSort(vertices);
918  }
919  catch(const char* msg)
920  {
921  debug_filtered_op_graph->WriteDot("");
922  THROW_UNREACHABLE("Edge " + GET_NAME(op_graph, operation) + "-->" +
923  GET_NAME(op_graph, other_unbounded_operation));
924  }
925  catch(const std::string& msg)
926  {
927  debug_filtered_op_graph->WriteDot("");
928  THROW_UNREACHABLE("Edge " + GET_NAME(op_graph, operation) + "-->" +
929  GET_NAME(op_graph, other_unbounded_operation));
930  }
931  catch(const std::exception& ex)
932  {
933  debug_filtered_op_graph->WriteDot("");
934  THROW_UNREACHABLE("Edge " + GET_NAME(op_graph, operation) + "-->" +
935  GET_NAME(op_graph, other_unbounded_operation));
936  }
937  catch(...)
938  {
939  debug_filtered_op_graph->WriteDot("");
940  THROW_UNREACHABLE("Edge " + GET_NAME(op_graph, operation) + "-->" +
941  GET_NAME(op_graph, other_unbounded_operation));
942  }
943  }
944  }
945 #endif
946  }
947  }
949  for(const auto loop_pipelined_operation :
950  {
951  std::map<int, double> coeffs;
952  const bool pipelined_before = sdc_sorter(loop_pipelined_operation, operation);
953  if(pipelined_before)
954  {
955  const std::string name =
956  "PU_" + GET_NAME(op_graph, loop_pipelined_operation) + "_" + GET_NAME(op_graph, operation);
957  coeffs[static_cast<int>(, 0)))] = 1.0;
958  coeffs[static_cast<int>(
959  loop_pipelined_operation,
960  allocation_information->GetCycleLatency(loop_pipelined_operation) - 1)))] = -1.0;
961  solver->add_row(coeffs, 1.0, meilp_solver::G, name);
962 #ifndef NDEBUG
964  {
965  if(!op_graph->ExistsEdge(loop_pipelined_operation, operation))
966  {
967  temp_edges.insert(FB->ogc->AddEdge(loop_pipelined_operation, operation, DEBUG_SELECTOR));
969  "---Adding edge " + GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, loop_pipelined_operation) +
970  "-->" + GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, operation));
971  try
972  {
973  std::list<vertex> vertices;
974  debug_filtered_op_graph->TopologicalSort(vertices);
975  }
976  catch(const char* msg)
977  {
978  debug_filtered_op_graph->WriteDot("");
979  THROW_UNREACHABLE("Edge " + GET_NAME(op_graph, loop_pipelined_operation) + "-->" +
981  }
982  catch(const std::string& msg)
983  {
984  debug_filtered_op_graph->WriteDot("");
985  THROW_UNREACHABLE("Edge " + GET_NAME(op_graph, loop_pipelined_operation) + "-->" +
987  }
988  catch(const std::exception& ex)
989  {
990  debug_filtered_op_graph->WriteDot("");
991  THROW_UNREACHABLE("Edge " + GET_NAME(op_graph, loop_pipelined_operation) + "-->" +
993  }
994  catch(...)
995  {
996  debug_filtered_op_graph->WriteDot("");
997  THROW_UNREACHABLE("Edge " + GET_NAME(op_graph, loop_pipelined_operation) + "-->" +
999  }
1000  }
1001  }
1002 #endif
1003  }
1004  else
1005  {
1007  const std::string name =
1008  "UP_" + GET_NAME(op_graph, operation) + "_" + GET_NAME(op_graph, loop_pipelined_operation);
1009  coeffs[static_cast<int>(, 0)))] =
1010  1.0;
1011  coeffs[static_cast<int>(, 0)))] = -1.0;
1012  solver->add_row(coeffs, 0.0, meilp_solver::G, name);
1013 #ifndef NDEBUG
1015  {
1016  if(!op_graph->ExistsEdge(operation, loop_pipelined_operation))
1017  {
1018  temp_edges.insert(FB->ogc->AddEdge(operation, loop_pipelined_operation, DEBUG_SELECTOR));
1020  "---Adding edge " + GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, operation) + "-->" +
1021  GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, loop_pipelined_operation));
1022  try
1023  {
1024  std::list<vertex> vertices;
1025  debug_filtered_op_graph->TopologicalSort(vertices);
1026  }
1027  catch(const char* msg)
1028  {
1029  debug_filtered_op_graph->WriteDot("");
1030  THROW_UNREACHABLE("Edge " + GET_NAME(op_graph, operation) + "-->" +
1031  GET_NAME(op_graph, loop_pipelined_operation));
1032  }
1033  catch(const std::string& msg)
1034  {
1035  debug_filtered_op_graph->WriteDot("");
1036  THROW_UNREACHABLE("Edge " + GET_NAME(op_graph, operation) + "-->" +
1037  GET_NAME(op_graph, loop_pipelined_operation));
1038  }
1039  catch(const std::exception& ex)
1040  {
1041  debug_filtered_op_graph->WriteDot("");
1042  THROW_UNREACHABLE("Edge " + GET_NAME(op_graph, operation) + "-->" +
1043  GET_NAME(op_graph, loop_pipelined_operation));
1044  }
1045  catch(...)
1046  {
1047  debug_filtered_op_graph->WriteDot("");
1048  THROW_UNREACHABLE("Edge " + GET_NAME(op_graph, operation) + "-->" +
1049  GET_NAME(op_graph, loop_pipelined_operation));
1050  }
1051  }
1052  }
1053 #endif
1054  }
1055  }
1056  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "<--Added constraints for unbounded operations");
1057  }
1059  {
1061  for(const auto loop_unbounded_operation :
1062  {
1063  std::map<int, double> coeffs;
1064  const bool unbounded_before = sdc_sorter(loop_unbounded_operation, operation);
1065  if(unbounded_before)
1066  {
1067  const std::string name =
1068  "UM_" + GET_NAME(op_graph, loop_unbounded_operation) + "_" + GET_NAME(op_graph, operation);
1069  coeffs[static_cast<int>(, 0)))] = 1.0;
1070  coeffs[static_cast<int>(, 0)))] =
1071  -1.0;
1072  solver->add_row(coeffs, 1.0, meilp_solver::G, name);
1073 #ifndef NDEBUG
1075  {
1076  if(!op_graph->ExistsEdge(loop_unbounded_operation, operation))
1077  {
1078  temp_edges.insert(FB->ogc->AddEdge(loop_unbounded_operation, operation, DEBUG_SELECTOR));
1080  "---Adding edge " + GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, loop_unbounded_operation) +
1081  "-->" + GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, operation));
1082  try
1083  {
1084  std::list<vertex> vertices;
1085  debug_filtered_op_graph->TopologicalSort(vertices);
1086  }
1087  catch(const char* msg)
1088  {
1089  debug_filtered_op_graph->WriteDot("");
1090  THROW_UNREACHABLE("Edge " + GET_NAME(op_graph, loop_unbounded_operation) + "-->" +
1092  }
1093  catch(const std::string& msg)
1094  {
1095  debug_filtered_op_graph->WriteDot("");
1096  THROW_UNREACHABLE("Edge " + GET_NAME(op_graph, loop_unbounded_operation) + "-->" +
1098  }
1099  catch(const std::exception& ex)
1100  {
1101  debug_filtered_op_graph->WriteDot("");
1102  THROW_UNREACHABLE("Edge " + GET_NAME(op_graph, loop_unbounded_operation) + "-->" +
1104  }
1105  catch(...)
1106  {
1107  debug_filtered_op_graph->WriteDot("");
1108  THROW_UNREACHABLE("Edge " + GET_NAME(op_graph, loop_unbounded_operation) + "-->" +
1110  }
1111  }
1112  }
1113 #endif
1114  }
1115  else
1116  {
1118  const std::string name =
1119  "MU_" + GET_NAME(op_graph, operation) + "_" + GET_NAME(op_graph, loop_unbounded_operation);
1120  coeffs[static_cast<int>(, 0)))] =
1121  1.0;
1122  coeffs[static_cast<int>(
1123  std::make_pair(operation, allocation_information->GetCycleLatency(operation) - 1)))] = -1.0;
1124  solver->add_row(coeffs, 0.0, meilp_solver::G, name);
1125 #ifndef NDEBUG
1127  {
1128  if(!op_graph->ExistsEdge(operation, loop_unbounded_operation))
1129  {
1131  "---Adding edge " + GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, operation) + "-->" +
1132  GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, loop_unbounded_operation));
1133  temp_edges.insert(FB->ogc->AddEdge(operation, loop_unbounded_operation, DEBUG_SELECTOR));
1134  try
1135  {
1136  std::list<vertex> vertices;
1137  debug_filtered_op_graph->TopologicalSort(vertices);
1138  }
1139  catch(const char* msg)
1140  {
1141  debug_filtered_op_graph->WriteDot("");
1142  THROW_UNREACHABLE("Edge " + GET_NAME(op_graph, operation) + "-->" +
1143  GET_NAME(op_graph, loop_unbounded_operation));
1144  }
1145  catch(const std::string& msg)
1146  {
1147  debug_filtered_op_graph->WriteDot("");
1148  THROW_UNREACHABLE("Edge " + GET_NAME(op_graph, operation) + "-->" +
1149  GET_NAME(op_graph, loop_unbounded_operation));
1150  }
1151  catch(const std::exception& ex)
1152  {
1153  debug_filtered_op_graph->WriteDot("");
1154  THROW_UNREACHABLE("Edge " + GET_NAME(op_graph, operation) + "-->" +
1155  GET_NAME(op_graph, loop_unbounded_operation));
1156  }
1157  catch(...)
1158  {
1159  debug_filtered_op_graph->WriteDot("");
1160  THROW_UNREACHABLE("Edge " + GET_NAME(op_graph, operation) + "-->" +
1161  GET_NAME(op_graph, loop_unbounded_operation));
1162  }
1163  }
1164  }
1165 #endif
1166  }
1167  }
1168  }
1170  const auto fu_type = allocation_information->GetFuType(operation);
1171  const unsigned int resources_number = allocation_information->get_number_fu(fu_type);
1172  if(limited_resources.count(fu_type))
1173  {
1174  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "---Mapped on a shared resource");
1175  const auto& old_sequences = constrained_operations_sequences[basic_block][fu_type];
1176  if(old_sequences.size())
1177  {
1178  CustomOrderedSet<std::list<vertex>> new_sequences;
1179  for(auto old_sequence : old_sequences)
1180  {
1182  {
1183  std::string old_sequence_string;
1184  for(const auto temp : old_sequence)
1185  {
1186  old_sequence_string += GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, temp) + "-";
1187  }
1189  "-->Considering sequence " + old_sequence_string);
1190  }
1191  old_sequence.push_back(operation);
1192  if(old_sequence.size() > resources_number)
1193  {
1194  const auto front = old_sequence.front();
1195  old_sequence.pop_front();
1196  const std::string name = allocation_information->get_fu_name(fu_type).first + "_" +
1197  GET_NAME(op_graph, front) + "_" + GET_NAME(op_graph, operation);
1198  std::map<int, double> coeffs;
1199  coeffs[static_cast<int>(, 0)))] = 1.0;
1200  coeffs[static_cast<int>(, 0)))] = -1.0;
1201  solver->add_row(coeffs, 1.0, meilp_solver::G, name);
1202 #ifndef NDEBUG
1204  {
1205  if(!op_graph->ExistsEdge(front, operation))
1206  {
1207  temp_edges.insert(FB->ogc->AddEdge(front, operation, DEBUG_SELECTOR));
1209  "---Adding edge " + GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, front) + "-->" +
1210  GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, operation));
1211  try
1212  {
1213  std::list<vertex> vertices;
1214  debug_filtered_op_graph->TopologicalSort(vertices);
1215  }
1216  catch(const char* msg)
1217  {
1218  debug_filtered_op_graph->WriteDot("");
1219  THROW_UNREACHABLE("Edge " + GET_NAME(op_graph, front) + "-->" +
1221  }
1222  catch(const std::string& msg)
1223  {
1224  debug_filtered_op_graph->WriteDot("");
1225  THROW_UNREACHABLE("Edge " + GET_NAME(op_graph, front) + "-->" +
1227  }
1228  catch(const std::exception& ex)
1229  {
1230  debug_filtered_op_graph->WriteDot("");
1231  THROW_UNREACHABLE("Edge " + GET_NAME(op_graph, front) + "-->" +
1233  }
1234  catch(...)
1235  {
1236  debug_filtered_op_graph->WriteDot("");
1237  THROW_UNREACHABLE("Edge " + GET_NAME(op_graph, front) + "-->" +
1239  }
1240  }
1241  }
1242 #endif
1243  }
1245  {
1246  std::string old_sequence_string;
1247  for(const auto temp : old_sequence)
1248  {
1249  old_sequence_string += GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, temp) + "-";
1250  }
1252  "<--New sequence " + old_sequence_string);
1253  }
1254  new_sequences.insert(old_sequence);
1255  }
1256  constrained_operations_sequences[basic_block][fu_type] = new_sequences;
1257  }
1258  else
1259  {
1260  std::list<vertex> temp;
1261  temp.push_back(operation);
1262  constrained_operations_sequences[basic_block][fu_type].insert(temp);
1263  }
1264  }
1266  "<--Considered " + GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, operation));
1267  }
1269  "<--Added sorting constraints for BB" +
1270  STR(basic_block_graph->CGetBBNodeInfo(basic_block)->block->number));
1271  }
1274  for(const auto operation : loop_operations)
1275  {
1276  if((GET_TYPE(filtered_op_graph, operation) & (TYPE_RET)) != 0)
1277  {
1279  "-->Adding constraint for return " + GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, operation));
1280  for(const auto other_operation : loop_operations)
1281  {
1282  if(operation == other_operation || !FB->CheckReachability(other_operation, operation))
1283  {
1284  continue;
1285  }
1286  const std::string name =
1287  "last_" + GET_NAME(op_graph, other_operation) + "_" + GET_NAME(op_graph, operation);
1288  std::map<int, double> coeffs;
1289  coeffs[static_cast<int>(, 0)))] = 1.0;
1290  coeffs[static_cast<int>(
1291  other_operation, allocation_information->GetCycleLatency(other_operation) - 1)))] = -1.0;
1293  if(!allocation_information->is_operation_bounded(filtered_op_graph, other_operation,
1294  allocation_information->GetFuType(other_operation)))
1295  {
1296  solver->add_row(coeffs, 1.0, meilp_solver::G, name);
1297  }
1298  else
1299  {
1300  solver->add_row(coeffs, 0.0, meilp_solver::G, name);
1301  }
1302  }
1304  "<--Added constraint for return " + GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, operation));
1305  }
1306  }
1307  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "<--Added sorting constraints");
1308  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "-->Forcing path end");
1310  for(auto const path_end : path_end_to_varindex)
1311  {
1312  for(auto const operation : basic_block_graph->CGetBBNodeInfo(path_end.first)->statements_list)
1313  {
1314  const unsigned int source_cycle_latency = allocation_information->GetCycleLatency(operation);
1315  const std::string name = GET_NAME(op_graph, operation) + "_to_BB" +
1316  STR(basic_block_graph->CGetBBNodeInfo(path_end.first)->block->number) + "_end";
1317  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "---Adding constraint " + name);
1318  std::map<int, double> coeffs;
1319  coeffs[static_cast<int>(path_end.second)] = 1.0;
1320  coeffs[static_cast<int>(, source_cycle_latency - 1)))] =
1321  -1.0;
1322  solver->add_row(coeffs, 0.0, meilp_solver::G, name);
1323  }
1324  }
1325  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "<--Forced path end");
1326 #if 0
1327  if(!speculation)
1328  {
1330  for(const auto basic_block : loop_bbs)
1331  {
1332  for(const auto operation : basic_block_graph->CGetBBNodeInfo(basic_block)->statements_list)
1333  {
1334  const auto name = "BB" + STR(basic_block_graph->CGetBBNodeInfo(basic_block)->block->number) + "_Begin_" + GET_NAME(op_graph, operation);
1335  std::map<int, double> coeffs;
1336  coeffs[static_cast<int>(, 0)))] = 1.0;
1337  coeffs[static_cast<int>(] = -1.0;
1338  solver->add_row(coeffs, 0.0, meilp_solver::G, name);
1339  }
1340  for(const auto operation : basic_block_graph->CGetBBNodeInfo(basic_block)->statements_list)
1341  {
1342  const unsigned int source_cycle_latency = allocation_information->GetCycleLatency(operation);
1343  const auto name = "BB" + STR(basic_block_graph->CGetBBNodeInfo(basic_block)->block->number) + "_End_" + GET_NAME(op_graph, operation);
1344  std::map<int, double> coeffs;
1345  coeffs[static_cast<int>(] = 1.0;
1346  coeffs[static_cast<int>(, source_cycle_latency-1)))] = -1.0;
1347  solver->add_row(coeffs, 0.0, meilp_solver::G, name);
1348  }
1349  OutEdgeIterator oe, oe_end;
1350  for(boost::tie(oe, oe_end) = boost::out_edges(basic_block, *basic_block_graph); oe != oe_end; oe++)
1351  {
1352  const auto target = boost::target(*oe, *basic_block_graph);
1353  const auto target_bb_node_info = basic_block_graph->CGetBBNodeInfo(target);
1354  if(target_bb_node_info->loop_id == loop_id)
1355  {
1356  const auto name = "CFG_BB" + STR(basic_block_graph->CGetBBNodeInfo(basic_block)->block->number) + "_" + STR(target_bb_node_info->block->number);
1357  std::map<int, double> coeffs;
1358  coeffs[static_cast<int>(] = 1.0;
1359  coeffs[static_cast<int>(] = -1.0;
1360  solver->add_row(coeffs, 0.0, meilp_solver::G, name);
1361  }
1362  }
1363  }
1364  }
1365 #endif
1366  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "-->Setting objective function");
1368  std::map<int, double> objective_coeffs;
1369  for(auto const& path_end : path_end_to_varindex)
1370  {
1371  objective_coeffs[static_cast<int>(path_end.second)] += 1.0;
1372  }
1374  solver->objective_add(objective_coeffs, meilp_solver::min);
1375  if(debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC && loop_operations.size() > 2)
1376  {
1377  solver->print_to_file(parameters->getOption<std::string>(OPT_output_temporary_directory) + "/" +
1378  FB->CGetBehavioralHelper()->get_function_name() + "_SDC_formulation_Loop_" +
1379  STR(loop_id));
1380  }
1381 #ifndef NDEBUG
1383  {
1384  filtered_op_graph->WriteDot("HLS_SDC_" + STR(loop_id) + ".dot");
1385  }
1386 #endif
1387  int ilp_result = solver->solve_ilp();
1388  if(ilp_result != 0)
1389  {
1390  THROW_ERROR("Error in finding ilp solution");
1391  }
1393 #ifndef NDEBUG
1394  for(auto const& temp_edge : temp_edges)
1395  {
1396  FB->ogc->RemoveSelector(temp_edge, DEBUG_SELECTOR);
1397  }
1398  temp_edges.clear();
1399 #endif
1402  std::map<int, double> vals;
1403  solver->get_vars_solution(vals);
1404  auto last_relative_step = ControlStep(0u);
1405  for(const auto operation : loop_operations)
1406  {
1407  const unsigned int begin_variable = operation_to_varindex[std::pair<vertex, unsigned int>(operation, 0)];
1408  ControlStep current_control_step =
1409  ControlStep(static_cast<unsigned int>(vals[static_cast<int>(begin_variable)]));
1411  "---" + GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, operation) + " scheduled at relative step " +
1412  STR(current_control_step));
1413  HLS->Rsch->set_execution(operation, current_control_step + initial_ctrl_step);
1414  HLS->Rsch->set_execution_end(operation, current_control_step + initial_ctrl_step +
1415  allocation_information->GetCycleLatency(operation) - 1);
1416  const unsigned int cycle_latency = allocation_information->GetCycleLatency(operation);
1417  if(last_relative_step < current_control_step + cycle_latency)
1418  {
1419  last_relative_step = current_control_step + cycle_latency;
1420  }
1422  if(HLS->HLS_C->has_binding_to_fu(GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, operation)))
1423  {
1424  res_binding->bind(operation, allocation_information->GetFuType(operation), 0);
1425  }
1426  else
1427  {
1428  res_binding->bind(operation, allocation_information->GetFuType(operation));
1429  }
1430  }
1431  initial_ctrl_step = last_relative_step + 1u;
1437  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "-->Checking which operations have to be moved");
1439  for(const auto loop_bb : loop_bbs)
1440  {
1442  "-->Checking if operations of BB" +
1443  STR(basic_block_graph->CGetBBNodeInfo(loop_bb)->block->number) + " can be moved");
1445  OpVertexSet blocked_ops = OpVertexSet(filtered_op_graph);
1447  for(const auto loop_operation : basic_block_graph->CGetBBNodeInfo(loop_bb)->statements_list)
1448  {
1450  "---Checking if " + GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, loop_operation) + " has to be moved");
1451  auto curr_vertex_type = GET_TYPE(filtered_op_graph, loop_operation);
1452  if((curr_vertex_type & (TYPE_IF | TYPE_MULTIIF)) != 0)
1453  {
1455  continue;
1456  }
1457  if((curr_vertex_type & TYPE_PHI) != 0)
1458  {
1459  bb_barrier[loop_operation].insert(loop_bb);
1460  continue;
1461  }
1462  if((curr_vertex_type & (TYPE_SWITCH | TYPE_RET | TYPE_VPHI | TYPE_LAST_OP | TYPE_LABEL)) != 0)
1463  {
1464  bb_barrier[loop_operation].insert(loop_bb);
1465  continue;
1466  }
1467  if((curr_vertex_type & (TYPE_STORE)) != 0)
1468  {
1469  bb_barrier[loop_operation].insert(loop_bb);
1470  continue;
1471  }
1472  if(RW_stmts.find(loop_operation) != RW_stmts.end())
1473  {
1474  bb_barrier[loop_operation].insert(loop_bb);
1475  continue;
1476  }
1477  if((curr_vertex_type & TYPE_EXTERNAL) && (curr_vertex_type & TYPE_RW))
1478  {
1479  bb_barrier[loop_operation].insert(loop_bb);
1480  continue;
1481  }
1484  if(((curr_vertex_type & TYPE_LOAD) != 0) &&
1485  limited_resources.count(allocation_information->GetFuType(loop_operation)))
1486  {
1487  bb_barrier[loop_operation].insert(loop_bb);
1488  continue;
1489  }
1491  allocation_information->GetFuType(loop_operation)))
1492  {
1493  bb_barrier[loop_operation].insert(loop_bb);
1494  continue;
1495  }
1496  if(loop_operation == filtered_op_graph->CGetOpGraphInfo()->entry_vertex)
1497  {
1498  bb_barrier[loop_operation].insert(loop_bb);
1499  continue;
1500  }
1501  if(loop_operation == filtered_op_graph->CGetOpGraphInfo()->exit_vertex)
1502  {
1503  bb_barrier[loop_operation].insert(loop_bb);
1504  continue;
1505  }
1509  InEdgeIterator ie, ie_end;
1510  for(boost::tie(ie, ie_end) = boost::in_edges(loop_operation, *filtered_op_graph); ie != ie_end; ie++)
1511  {
1512  const auto source = boost::source(*ie, *filtered_op_graph);
1513  if(bb_barrier.count(source))
1514  {
1515  for(const auto pred_bb_barrier :
1516  {
1518  "---Inserting BB" +
1519  STR(basic_block_graph->CGetBBNodeInfo(pred_bb_barrier)->block->number) +
1520  " because of " + GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, source));
1521  bb_barrier[loop_operation].insert(pred_bb_barrier);
1522  }
1523  }
1524  }
1525  if(bb_barrier.count(loop_operation) &&
1526  {
1528  "<--Cannot be moved because depends from a phi in the same bb");
1529  continue;
1530  }
1532  const auto operation_step = HLS->Rsch->get_cstep(loop_operation).second +
1533  (allocation_information->GetCycleLatency(loop_operation) - 1u);
1534  const auto operation_bb = basic_block_graph->CGetBBGraphInfo()->
1535  filtered_op_graph->CGetOpNodeInfo(loop_operation)->bb_index);
1536  auto current_bb_dominator = operation_bb;
1537  THROW_ASSERT(boost::in_degree(current_bb_dominator, *dominators) == 1,
1538  "Dominator is not a tree or entry was reached");
1539  boost::tie(ie, ie_end) = boost::in_edges(current_bb_dominator, *dominators);
1540  auto candidate_bb = boost::source(*ie, *dominators);
1541  while(true)
1542  {
1544  "---Checking if it can be bemove in BB" +
1545  STR(basic_block_graph->CGetBBNodeInfo(candidate_bb)->block->number));
1546  if(candidate_bb == basic_block_graph->CGetBBGraphInfo()->entry_vertex ||
1547  loop_bbs.count(candidate_bb) == 0)
1548  {
1549  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "No because it is in other loop");
1550  break;
1551  }
1552  bool overlapping = false;
1553  for(const auto dominator_op : basic_block_graph->CGetBBNodeInfo(candidate_bb)->statements_list)
1554  {
1555  if((HLS->Rsch->get_cstep(dominator_op).second +
1556  (allocation_information->GetCycleLatency(dominator_op) - 1u)) >= operation_step)
1557  {
1559  "---" + GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, dominator_op) + " ends at " +
1560  STR(HLS->Rsch->get_cstep(dominator_op).second +
1561  (allocation_information->GetCycleLatency(dominator_op) - 1u)) +
1562  " - " + GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, loop_operation) + " ends at " +
1563  STR(operation_step));
1564  overlapping = true;
1565  break;
1566  }
1567  }
1568  if(not overlapping)
1569  {
1570  break;
1571  }
1573  current_bb_dominator = candidate_bb;
1575  "---Updating dominator to BB" +
1576  STR(basic_block_graph->CGetBBNodeInfo(current_bb_dominator)->block->number));
1577  THROW_ASSERT(boost::in_degree(current_bb_dominator, *dominators) == 1,
1578  "Dominator is not a tree or entry was reached");
1579  boost::tie(ie, ie_end) = boost::in_edges(current_bb_dominator, *dominators);
1580  candidate_bb = boost::source(*ie, *dominators);
1582  if(bb_barrier.count(loop_operation) &&
1583  {
1584  break;
1585  }
1586  }
1587  if(current_bb_dominator != operation_bb)
1588  {
1590  "---Operation " + GET_NAME(filtered_op_graph, loop_operation) + " has to be moved in BB" +
1591  STR(basic_block_graph->CGetBBNodeInfo(current_bb_dominator)->block->number));
1592  std::vector<unsigned int> movement;
1593  movement.push_back(op_graph->CGetOpNodeInfo(loop_operation)->GetNodeId());
1594  movement.push_back(op_graph->CGetOpNodeInfo(loop_operation)->bb_index);
1595  movement.push_back(basic_block_graph->CGetBBNodeInfo(current_bb_dominator)->block->number);
1596  movements_list.push_back(movement);
1597  }
1599  }
1601  }
1602  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "-->Updating execution times");
1603  std::list<vertex> sorted_vertices;
1604  filtered_op_graph->TopologicalSort(sorted_vertices);
1605  for(const auto sorted_vertex : sorted_vertices)
1606  {
1607  HLS->Rsch->UpdateTime(filtered_op_graph->CGetOpNodeInfo(sorted_vertex)->GetNodeId(), false);
1608  }
1609  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "<--Updated execution time");
1610  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "<--Checked which operations have to be moved");
1611  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "<--Scheduled loop " + STR(loop->GetId()));
1612  }
1613  HLS->Rsch->set_csteps(initial_ctrl_step);
1615 }
1618 {
1619  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "-->Initializing SDCScheduling");
1621  const FunctionBehaviorConstRef FB = HLSMgr->CGetFunctionBehavior(funId);
1626  res_binding = HLS->Rfu;
1627  clock_period = HLS->HLS_C->get_clock_period() * HLS->HLS_C->get_clock_period_resource_fraction();
1630  // full_reachability_map.clear();
1631  // INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "-->Creating reachability map");
1632  // std::deque<vertex> vertices_to_be_analyzed;
1633  // op_graph->ReverseTopologicalSort(vertices_to_be_analyzed);
1634  // for(const auto vertex_to_be_analyzed : vertices_to_be_analyzed)
1635  // {
1636  // OutEdgeIterator eo, eo_end;
1637  // for(boost::tie(eo, eo_end) = boost::out_edges(vertex_to_be_analyzed, *op_graph); eo != eo_end; eo++)
1638  // {
1639  // vertex target = boost::target(*eo, *op_graph);
1640  // full_reachability_map[vertex_to_be_analyzed].insert(target);
1641  // full_reachability_map[vertex_to_be_analyzed].insert(full_reachability_map[target].begin(),
1642  // full_reachability_map[target].end());
1643  // }
1644  // }
1645  // INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "<--Created reachability map");
1646  // unbounded_operations.clear();
1648  // INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "-->Computing unbounded operations");
1649  VertexIterator basic_block, basic_block_end;
1650  // for(boost::tie(basic_block, basic_block_end) = boost::vertices(*basic_block_graph); basic_block !=
1651  // basic_block_end; basic_block++)
1652  // {
1653  // OpVertexSet filtered_operations(op_graph);
1654  // for(auto const operation : basic_block_graph->CGetBBNodeInfo(*basic_block)->statements_list)
1655  // {
1656  // if(HLS->operations.count(operation) && !allocation_information->is_operation_bounded(op_graph, operation,
1657  // allocation_information->GetFuType(operation)))
1658  // {
1659  // INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "---" + GET_NAME(op_graph, operation));
1660  // unbounded_operations.insert(operation);
1661  // }
1662  // }
1663  // }
1664  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "---Computed unbounded operations");
1665  limited_resources.clear();
1666  const auto resource_types_number = allocation_information->get_number_fu_types();
1667  for(auto resource_type = 0U; resource_type != resource_types_number; resource_type++)
1668  {
1669  const auto resources_number = allocation_information->get_number_fu(resource_type);
1670  if(resources_number < INFINITE_UINT && !allocation_information->is_vertex_bounded(resource_type))
1671  {
1672  limited_resources.insert(resource_type);
1674  "---There are only " + STR(resources_number) + " of type " +
1675  allocation_information->get_fu_name(resource_type).first);
1676  }
1677  else
1678  {
1680  "---There are " + STR(resources_number) + " of type " +
1681  allocation_information->get_fu_name(resource_type).first);
1682  }
1683  }
1684  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "---Computed limited resources");
1685  sharing_operations.clear();
1687  for(boost::tie(basic_block, basic_block_end) = boost::vertices(*basic_block_graph); basic_block != basic_block_end;
1688  basic_block++)
1689  {
1690  OpVertexSet filtered_operations(op_graph);
1691  for(auto const operation : basic_block_graph->CGetBBNodeInfo(*basic_block)->statements_list)
1692  {
1693  if(HLS->operations.count(operation))
1694  {
1695  filtered_operations.insert(operation);
1696  }
1697  }
1698  for(const auto operation : filtered_operations)
1699  {
1700  const auto fu_type = allocation_information->GetFuType(operation);
1701  if(limited_resources.count(fu_type))
1702  {
1703  sharing_operations[fu_type].insert(operation);
1704  }
1705  }
1706  }
1709  CustomUnorderedSet<unsigned int> not_limited_resources;
1710  for(auto limited_resource : limited_resources)
1711  {
1712  if(sharing_operations[limited_resource].size() <= allocation_information->get_number_fu(limited_resource))
1713  {
1714  not_limited_resources.insert(limited_resource);
1715  }
1716  }
1719  for(const auto not_limited_resource : not_limited_resources)
1720  {
1721  sharing_operations.erase(not_limited_resource);
1722  limited_resources.erase(not_limited_resource);
1723  }
1724 #ifndef NDEBUG
1726  {
1727  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "-->Shared resources:");
1728  for(const auto& shared_resource : sharing_operations)
1729  {
1731  "-->" + STR(allocation_information->get_number_fu(shared_resource.first)) + " " +
1732  allocation_information->get_fu_name(shared_resource.first).first);
1733  for(const auto operation : shared_resource.second)
1734  {
1736  }
1738  }
1740  }
1741 #endif
1742  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "<--Initialized SDCScheduling");
1743 }
constant identifying the node type of a SWITCH operation.
Definition: op_graph.hpp:105
Less then.
double GetCondExprTimeLatency(const unsigned int operation_index) const
Return the execution time of a cond expr corresponding to the gimple_phi.
bool CanBeSpeculated(const unsigned int node_index) const
Return true if an operation can be speculated.
bool HasToBeExecuted() const override
Check if this step has actually to be executed.
extremely verbose debugging print is performed.
const HLS_managerRef HLSMgr
information about all the HLS synthesis
Definition: hls_step.hpp:205
int GetSelector() const
Return the selector of this graph.
Definition: graph.hpp:922
#define INDENT_DBG_MEX(dbgLevel, curDbgLevel, mex)
We are producing a debug version of the program, so the message is printed;.
Class used to sort operation using ALAP in ascending order as primary key and ASAP ascending order as...
boost::graph_traits< graph >::out_edge_iterator OutEdgeIterator
out_edge_iterator definition.
Definition: graph.hpp:1312
unsigned int GetCycleLatency(const unsigned int operationID) const
Return the latency of an operation in cycle.
bool HasToBeExecuted() const override
Check if this step has actually to be executed.
#define GET_TYPE(data, vertex_index)
Helper macro returning the type associated with a node.
double clock_period
The clock period.
~SDCScheduling() override
Basic block control flow graph.
DesignFlowStep_Status InternalExec() override
Execute the step.
const CustomUnorderedMap< unsigned int, vertex > & bb_index_map
The index basic block map.
constant identifying the a multi-way if
Definition: op_graph.hpp:202
#define TYPE_VPHI
constant string identifying an operation node of type virtual phi-nodes
Definition: op_graph.hpp:162
string target
#define GET_CLASS(obj)
Macro returning the actual type of an object.
std::string get_function_name() const
Return the name of the function.
const operations_graph_constructorRef ogc
reference to the operations graph constructor
#define TYPE_IF
constant identifying the node type of an IF operation.
Definition: op_graph.hpp:100
Class managing the schedule of the operations.
Definition: schedule.hpp:118
const ParameterConstRef parameters
The set of input parameters.
The relationship type.
Source must be executed to satisfy target.
const BBGraphInfoConstRef CGetBBGraphInfo() const
Returns the property associated with the graph.
AbsControlStep get_cstep(const vertex &op) const
Returns the clock cycle where the given operation has been scheduled.
Definition: schedule.cpp:270
const unsigned int funId
identifier of the function to be processed (0 means that it is a global step)
void set_csteps(ControlStep cs)
This method sets the number of control steps.
Definition: schedule.hpp:225
#define GET_NAME(data, vertex_index)
Helper macro returning the name associated with a node.
std::pair< std::string, std::string > get_fu_name(unsigned int id) const
Returns the name of the functional unit, associated with the name of the library, given the correspon...
BBGraphConstRef basic_block_graph
The basic block cfg graph.
CustomOrderedMap< T, U > CustomMap
Definition: custom_map.hpp:167
boost::graph_traits< graph >::in_edge_iterator InEdgeIterator
in_edge_iterator definition.
Definition: graph.hpp:1310
void Initialize() override
Initialize the step (i.e., like a constructor, but executed just before exec.
Definition: scheduling.cpp:73
Debug selector.
Definition: op_graph.hpp:521
OpGraphConstRef feedback_op_graph
The operation graph with feedback used to perform scheduling.
AllocationInformationRef allocation_information
Store the technology information.
Definition: hls.hpp:115
CustomUnorderedSet< EdgeDescriptor > temp_edges
The set of temporary flow edges added to the op_graph.
static const ControlStep UNKNOWN
Constant used to specify unknown control step.
Definition: schedule.hpp:93
OpVertexSet operations
Set representing the subset of operations in the specification to be implemented. ...
Definition: hls.hpp:102
bool ExistsEdge(const boost::graph_traits< graphs_collection >::vertex_descriptor source, const boost::graph_traits< graphs_collection >::vertex_descriptor target) const
Check if an edge exists.
Definition: graph.hpp:1090
CustomUnorderedMap< std::pair< vertex, unsigned int >, unsigned int > operation_to_varindex
Map operation-stage to variable index.
double GetClockPeriodMargin() const
Return the margin to be considered when performing scheduling.
This class contains the base representation for a generic frontend flow step which works on a single ...
const CustomUnorderedSet< std::tuple< HLSFlowStep_Type, HLSFlowStepSpecializationConstRef, HLSFlowStep_Relationship > > ComputeHLSRelationships(const DesignFlowStep::RelationshipType relationship_type) const override
Compute the relationship of this step.
Data structure describing a basic block at tree level.
std::pair< double, double > GetTimeLatency(const unsigned int operation, const unsigned int functional_unit, const unsigned int stage=0) const
Return the execution time of (a stage of) an operation.
void ComputeRelationships(DesignFlowStepSet &design_flow_step_set, const DesignFlowStep::RelationshipType relationship_type) override
Compute the relationships of a step with other steps.
Absolute Control step First field is the basic block Second field is the relative control step...
Definition: schedule.hpp:89
Include a set of utilities used to manage CPU time measures.
#define TYPE_LOAD
Constant string identifying a memory load operation.
Definition: op_graph.hpp:172
A set of operation vertices.
Definition: op_graph.hpp:654
const std::map< vertex, unsigned int > & get_bb_map_levels() const
Return the map of bb vertex index sorted in topological order.
#define TYPE_PHI
constant string identifying an operation node of type PHI
Definition: op_graph.hpp:135
void WriteDot(const std::string &file_name, const int detail_level=0) const
Writes this graph in dot format.
Definition: op_graph.cpp:335
CustomMap< vertex, size_t > op_levels
For each operation its level.
static std::string GetMangledFunctionName(const function_decl *fd)
Return the mangled function name.
#define STR(s)
Macro which performs a lexical_cast to a string.
Auxiliary methods for manipulating string.
const ScheduleConstRef asap
System dependence + anti-dependence + output dependence graph + flow graph + debug graph...
The key comparison function for vertices set based on levels.
#define TYPE_LABEL
A vertex is of type TYPE_LABEL when it is a target of a goto expression.
Definition: op_graph.hpp:151
const OpNodeInfoConstRef CGetOpNodeInfo(const vertex node) const
Returns the info associated with a node.
Definition: op_graph.hpp:843
Class specifying ALAP and ASAP algorithms.
#define THROW_UNREACHABLE(str_expr)
helper function used to specify that some points should never be reached
Definition: exceptions.hpp:292
fu_bindingRef Rfu
Store the refcounted functional unit binding of the operations.
Definition: hls.hpp:121
ScheduleRef Rsch
Store the refcounted scheduling of the operations.
Definition: hls.hpp:118
void UpdateTime(const unsigned int operation_index, bool update_cs=true)
Compute the starting and the ending time of a statement.
Definition: schedule.cpp:337
This class specifies the characteristic of a particular operation working on a given functional unit...
absl::flat_hash_map< T, U, Hash, Eq, Alloc > CustomUnorderedMap
Definition: custom_map.hpp:148
Control dependence edge selector.
CustomMap< vertex, CustomSet< vertex > > reachability_map
The reachability map built on the basis of dependencies, consolidated choices and current choice...
bool is_operation_PI_registered(const OpGraphConstRef g, const vertex &op, unsigned int fu_type) const
Checks if the given operation has its primary input registered or not.
Data structure used to store the schedule of the operations.
Definition: hls_step.hpp:95
constant identifying the node type of a EXTERNAL operation (a function call)
Definition: op_graph.hpp:95
const int debug_level
The debug level.
Basic block dominator tree.
unsigned int bb_version
The version of bb intermediate representation on which this step was applied.
Classes to describe design flow graph.
void set_execution_end(const vertex &op, ControlStep c_step_end)
Sets the ending clock cycle for the given operation.
Definition: schedule.cpp:246
void bind(const vertex &v, unsigned int unit, unsigned int index=std::numeric_limits< unsigned int >::max())
Binds an operation vertex to a functional unit.
Definition: fu_binding.cpp:173
BehavioralHelperConstRef behavioral_helper
The behavioral helper.
#define TYPE_STORE
Constant string identifying a memory store operation.
Definition: op_graph.hpp:177
boost::graph_traits< graph >::vertex_descriptor vertex
vertex definition.
Definition: graph.hpp:1303
const Wrefcount< const DesignFlowManager > design_flow_manager
The design flow manager.
Class definition of the sdc scheduling.
Map from operation vertices to value.
Definition: op_graph.hpp:667
#define TYPE_RW
Constant identifying if a TYPE_EXTERNAL write or read memory.
Definition: op_graph.hpp:217
fu_bindingRef res_binding
The binding.
This class contains the base representation for a generic frontend flow step.
const BehavioralHelperConstRef CGetBehavioralHelper() const
Returns the helper associated with the function.
boost::graph_traits< graph >::vertex_iterator VertexIterator
vertex_iterator definition.
Definition: graph.hpp:1307
DesignFlowStep_Status GetStatus() const
Return the status of this design step.
AllocationInformationConstRef allocation_information
The allocation.
void Initialize() override
Initialize the step.
const ParameterConstRef parameters
Set of input parameters.
The status of a step.
This package is used by all HLS packages to manage resource constraints and characteristics.
This file collects some utility functions and macros.
Class managing ALAP and ASAP algorithms.
Definition: ASLAP.hpp:75
The key comparison function for vertices set based on levels.
#define THROW_ERROR(str_expr)
helper function used to throw an error in a standard way
Definition: exceptions.hpp:263
Wrapper of design_flow.
static const unsigned int UNKNOWN
The value used to identified unknown functional unit.
Definition: fu_binding.hpp:178
SDCSorter(const ScheduleConstRef _asap, const ScheduleConstRef _alap, const FunctionBehaviorConstRef _function_behavior, const OpGraphConstRef _op_graph, std::set< vertex, bb_vertex_order_by_map > loop_bbs, const ParameterConstRef _parameters)
Data structure definition for HLS constraints.
const ScheduleConstRef alap
CustomUnorderedSet< unsigned int > limited_resources
Set of reachable operations (in scheduling graph)
bool is_operation_bounded(const OpGraphConstRef g, const vertex &op, unsigned int fu_type) const
Checks if the given operation has a bounded execution time or not.
bool CheckReachability(const vertex first_operation, const vertex second_operation) const
Check if a path from first_operation to second_operation exists in control flow graph (without feedba...
This file collects some utility functions.
void TopologicalSort(std::list< boost::graph_traits< graphs_collection >::vertex_descriptor > &sorted_vertices) const
Compute the topological order of the graph.
Definition: graph.hpp:996
const FunctionBehaviorConstRef function_behavior
The function behavior.
refcount< T > lock() const
Definition: refcount.hpp:212
CustomUnorderedMap< unsigned int, CustomSet< vertex > > sharing_operations
The set of unbounded operations.
void AddStageConstraints(const meilp_solverRef solver, const vertex operation) const
Add constraints to force consecutive execution of different pipeline stages.
Analysis step that performs some simple code motions over the IR.
static meilp_solverRef create_solver(supported_solvers solver_type)
Factory static member function.
bool operator()(const vertex x, const vertex y) const
Compare position of two vertices.
Greater then.
bool CanBeChained(const unsigned int first_statement_index, const unsigned int second_statement_index) const
Check if two statements can be chained.
Data structure used to store the functional-unit binding of the vertexes.
const OpGraphConstRef CGetOpGraph(FunctionBehavior::graph_type gt) const
This method returns the operation graphs.
Class specification of the basic_block structure.
hlsRef HLS
HLS data structure of the function to be analyzed.
interface of a loop
This class contains the methods to create a frontend flow step.
SDCScheduling(const ParameterConstRef parameters, const HLS_managerRef HLSMgr, unsigned int function_id, const DesignFlowManagerConstRef design_flow_manager, const HLSFlowStepSpecializationConstRef hls_flow_step_specialization)
const BBNodeInfoConstRef CGetBBNodeInfo(const vertex node) const
Return the info associated with a basic block.
Data structures used in operations graph.
Template borrowed from the ANTLR library by Terence Parr ( - Software rights: htt...
Definition: refcount.hpp:94
T * get() const
Definition: refcount.hpp:169
const BBGraphConstRef CGetBBGraph(FunctionBehavior::bb_graph_type gt=FunctionBehavior::BB) const
This method returns the basic block graphs.
const LoopsConstRef CGetLoops() const
Return the loops.
void AddDelayConstraints(const meilp_solverRef solver, const OpGraphConstRef filtered_op_graph, const OpGraphConstRef debug_filtered_op_graph, const std::set< vertex, bb_vertex_order_by_map > &loop_bbs)
Add constraints to force execution in different steps of operations which cannot be chained...
unsigned int get_number_fu(unsigned int fu_name) const
Returns the number of functional unit given its id.
interface of loops finding algorithm
System dependence + anti-dependence + output dependence graph + flow graph.
this class is used to manage the command-line or XML options.
double GetConnectionTime(const unsigned int first_operation, const unsigned int second_operation, const AbsControlStep cs) const
Return the connection time for a couple of operations or the phi overhead for a single operation...
void AddDependenceConstraint(const meilp_solverRef solver, const vertex source, const vertex target, const bool simultaneous) const
Add constraints to force consecutive execution of dependent operations.
Generic class managing scheduling algorithms.
Definition: scheduling.hpp:64
Return the smallest n such that 2^n >= _x.
const HLS_constraintsRef HLS_C
store the HLS constraints
Definition: hls.hpp:110
int debug_level
The debug level.
This package is used by all HLS packages to manage resource constraints and characteristics.
refcount< const HLSFlowStepSpecialization > HLSFlowStepSpecializationConstRef
const refcount definition of the class
Definition: hls_step.hpp:93
This class provides methods to build an operations graph.
const BBGraphConstRef basic_block_graph
The basic block graph.
#define TYPE_RET
constant string identifying an operation node of type return expr
Definition: op_graph.hpp:140
virtual const CustomUnorderedSet< std::tuple< HLSFlowStep_Type, HLSFlowStepSpecializationConstRef, HLSFlowStep_Relationship > > ComputeHLSRelationships(const DesignFlowStep::RelationshipType relationship_type) const override
Compute the relationship of this step.
Definition: scheduling.cpp:96
ControlStep get_initiation_time(const unsigned int fu_name, const vertex v) const
Returns the initiation time for a given vertex and a given functional unit.
Data structure definition for high-level synthesis flow.
System dependence + anti-dependence + output dependence graph + flow graph with feedback.
void set_execution(const vertex &op, ControlStep c_step)
Sets the starting clock cycle for the given operation.
Definition: schedule.cpp:232
null vertex definition
Definition: graph.hpp:1305
std::list< std::vector< unsigned int > > movements_list
Result of SPECULATIVE_LOOP: the list of movement to be performed (first element is the operation...
void ComputeRelationships(DesignFlowStepSet &relationship, const DesignFlowStep::RelationshipType relationship_type) override
Compute the relationships of a step with other steps.
Datastructure to represent memory information in high-level synthesis.
OpGraphConstRef op_graph
The operation graph used to perform scheduling.
Class specification of the manager of the tree structures extracted from the raw file.
const OpGraphConstRef op_graph
The operation graph.
const bool speculation
flag to check speculation
Definition: scheduling.hpp:84
unsigned int get_number_fu_types() const
Returns the number of functional units types.
double margin
The margin which has to be introduced with respect to clock period.
static const std::string ComputeSignature(const FrontendFlowStepType frontend_flow_step_type, const unsigned int function_id)
Compute the signature of a function frontend flow step.
unsigned int GetFuType(const unsigned int operation) const
Return the functional unit type used to execute an operation.
#define TYPE_LAST_OP
A vertex of type LAST_OP if it is the last operation of the application.
Definition: op_graph.hpp:197
This class provide an interface to different solvers.
#define THROW_ASSERT(cond, str_expr)
helper function used to check an assert and if needed to throw an error in a standard way ...
Definition: exceptions.hpp:289

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