Data Fields
bench_args_t Struct Reference

#include <aes.h>

Collaboration diagram for bench_args_t:
Collaboration graph

Data Fields

aes256_context ctx
uint8_t k [32]
uint8_t buf [16]
TYPE weights1 [input_dimension *nodes_per_layer]
TYPE weights2 [nodes_per_layer *nodes_per_layer]
TYPE weights3 [nodes_per_layer *possible_outputs]
TYPE biases1 [nodes_per_layer]
TYPE biases2 [nodes_per_layer]
TYPE biases3 [possible_outputs]
TYPE training_data [training_sets *input_dimension]
TYPE training_targets [training_sets *possible_outputs]
node_t nodes [N_NODES]
edge_t edges [N_EDGES]
node_index_t starting_node
level_t level [N_NODES]
edge_index_t level_counts [N_LEVELS]
double real [FFT_SIZE]
double img [FFT_SIZE]
double real_twid [FFT_SIZE/2]
double img_twid [FFT_SIZE/2]
TYPE work_x [512]
TYPE work_y [512]
TYPE m1 [N]
TYPE m2 [N]
TYPE prod [N]
char pattern [PATTERN_SIZE]
char input [STRING_SIZE]
int32_t kmpNext [PATTERN_SIZE]
int32_t n_matches [1]
int32_t n_points [blockSide][blockSide][blockSide]
dvector_t force [blockSide][blockSide][blockSide][densityFactor]
dvector_t position [blockSide][blockSide][blockSide][densityFactor]
TYPE force_x [nAtoms]
TYPE force_y [nAtoms]
TYPE force_z [nAtoms]
TYPE position_x [nAtoms]
TYPE position_y [nAtoms]
TYPE position_z [nAtoms]
int32_t NL [nAtoms *maxNeighbors]
char seqA [ALEN]
char seqB [BLEN]
char alignedA [ALEN+BLEN]
char alignedB [ALEN+BLEN]
int M [(ALEN+1) *(BLEN+1)]
char ptr [(ALEN+1) *(BLEN+1)]
int a [SIZE]
int b [SIZE]
int bucket [BUCKETSIZE]
int sum [SCAN_RADIX]
TYPE val [NNZ]
int32_t cols [NNZ]
int32_t rowDelimiters [N+1]
TYPE vec [N]
TYPE out [N]
TYPE nzval [N *L]
TYPE orig [row_size *col_size]
TYPE sol [row_size *col_size]
TYPE filter [f_size]
TYPE C [2]
tok_t obs [N_OBS]
prob_t init [N_STATES]
prob_t transition [N_STATES *N_STATES]
prob_t emission [N_STATES *N_TOKENS]
state_t path [N_OBS]
double a [TESTS_COUNT]
double b [TESTS_COUNT]
double c [TESTS_COUNT]

Detailed Description

Definition at line 18 of file aes.h.

Field Documentation

◆ a [1/3]

double bench_args_t::a[TESTS_COUNT]

Definition at line 14 of file add.h.

◆ a [2/3]

double bench_args_t::a

◆ a [3/3]

int bench_args_t::a[SIZE]

Definition at line 33 of file sort.h.

◆ alignedA

char bench_args_t::alignedA[ALEN+BLEN]

Definition at line 17 of file nw.h.

Referenced by check_data(), data_to_output(), output_to_data(), and run_benchmark().

◆ alignedB

char bench_args_t::alignedB[ALEN+BLEN]

Definition at line 18 of file nw.h.

Referenced by check_data(), data_to_output(), output_to_data(), and run_benchmark().

◆ b [1/2]

double bench_args_t::b[TESTS_COUNT]

Definition at line 15 of file add.h.

◆ b [2/2]

double bench_args_t::b

Definition at line 34 of file sort.h.

Referenced by check_data(), data_to_input(), input_to_data(), main(), and run_benchmark().

◆ biases1

TYPE bench_args_t::biases1[nodes_per_layer]

◆ biases2

TYPE bench_args_t::biases2[nodes_per_layer]

◆ biases3

TYPE bench_args_t::biases3[possible_outputs]

◆ bucket

int bench_args_t::bucket[BUCKETSIZE]

Definition at line 35 of file sort.h.

Referenced by run_benchmark().

◆ buf

uint8_t bench_args_t::buf[16]

◆ c

double bench_args_t::c

Definition at line 16 of file add.h.

Referenced by check_data(), data_to_output(), main(), output_to_data(), and run_benchmark().

◆ C

TYPE bench_args_t::C[2]

Definition at line 30 of file stencil.h.

Referenced by data_to_input(), input_to_data(), main(), and run_benchmark().

◆ cols

int32_t bench_args_t::cols

Definition at line 23 of file spmv.h.

Referenced by data_to_input(), input_to_data(), main(), and run_benchmark().

◆ ctx

aes256_context bench_args_t::ctx

Definition at line 19 of file aes.h.

Referenced by run_benchmark().

◆ edges

edge_t bench_args_t::edges

Definition at line 48 of file bfs.h.

Referenced by data_to_input(), input_to_data(), main(), and run_benchmark().

◆ emission

prob_t bench_args_t::emission[N_STATES *N_TOKENS]

Definition at line 34 of file viterbi.h.

Referenced by data_to_input(), input_to_data(), main(), and run_benchmark().

◆ filter

TYPE bench_args_t::filter[f_size]

Definition at line 28 of file stencil.h.

Referenced by data_to_input(), input_to_data(), main(), and run_benchmark().

◆ force

Definition at line 39 of file md.h.

Referenced by check_data(), data_to_output(), output_to_data(), and run_benchmark().

◆ force_x

TYPE bench_args_t::force_x[nAtoms]

Definition at line 32 of file md.h.

Referenced by check_data(), data_to_output(), output_to_data(), and run_benchmark().

◆ force_y

TYPE bench_args_t::force_y[nAtoms]

Definition at line 33 of file md.h.

Referenced by check_data(), data_to_output(), output_to_data(), and run_benchmark().

◆ force_z

TYPE bench_args_t::force_z[nAtoms]

Definition at line 34 of file md.h.

Referenced by check_data(), data_to_output(), output_to_data(), and run_benchmark().

◆ img

double bench_args_t::img[FFT_SIZE]

◆ img_twid

double bench_args_t::img_twid[FFT_SIZE/2]

Definition at line 18 of file fft.h.

Referenced by data_to_input(), input_to_data(), main(), and run_benchmark().

◆ init

prob_t bench_args_t::init[N_STATES]

Definition at line 32 of file viterbi.h.

Referenced by data_to_input(), input_to_data(), main(), and run_benchmark().

◆ input

char bench_args_t::input[STRING_SIZE]

Definition at line 19 of file kmp.h.

Referenced by data_to_input(), input_to_data(), main(), and run_benchmark().

◆ k

uint8_t bench_args_t::k[32]

Definition at line 20 of file aes.h.

Referenced by data_to_input(), input_to_data(), main(), and run_benchmark().

◆ kmpNext

int32_t bench_args_t::kmpNext[PATTERN_SIZE]

Definition at line 20 of file kmp.h.

Referenced by run_benchmark().

◆ level

level_t bench_args_t::level

Definition at line 50 of file bfs.h.

Referenced by input_to_data(), and run_benchmark().

◆ level_counts

edge_index_t bench_args_t::level_counts

Definition at line 51 of file bfs.h.

Referenced by check_data(), data_to_output(), output_to_data(), and run_benchmark().

◆ M

int bench_args_t::M[(ALEN+1) *(BLEN+1)]

Definition at line 19 of file nw.h.

Referenced by run_benchmark().

◆ m1

TYPE bench_args_t::m1

Definition at line 34 of file gemm.h.

Referenced by data_to_input(), input_to_data(), main(), and run_benchmark().

◆ m2

TYPE bench_args_t::m2

Definition at line 35 of file gemm.h.

Referenced by data_to_input(), input_to_data(), main(), and run_benchmark().

◆ n_matches

int32_t bench_args_t::n_matches[1]

Definition at line 21 of file kmp.h.

Referenced by check_data(), data_to_output(), output_to_data(), and run_benchmark().

◆ n_points

int32_t bench_args_t::n_points[blockSide][blockSide][blockSide]

Definition at line 38 of file md.h.

Referenced by data_to_input(), input_to_data(), main(), and run_benchmark().

◆ NL

int32_t bench_args_t::NL[nAtoms *maxNeighbors]

Definition at line 38 of file md.h.

Referenced by data_to_input(), input_to_data(), main(), and run_benchmark().

◆ nodes

node_t bench_args_t::nodes

Definition at line 47 of file bfs.h.

Referenced by data_to_input(), input_to_data(), main(), and run_benchmark().

◆ nzval

TYPE bench_args_t::nzval[N *L]

Definition at line 22 of file spmv.h.

Referenced by data_to_input(), input_to_data(), main(), and run_benchmark().

◆ obs

tok_t bench_args_t::obs[N_OBS]

Definition at line 31 of file viterbi.h.

Referenced by data_to_input(), input_to_data(), main(), and run_benchmark().

◆ orig

TYPE bench_args_t::orig

Definition at line 26 of file stencil.h.

Referenced by data_to_input(), input_to_data(), main(), and run_benchmark().

◆ out

TYPE bench_args_t::out

Definition at line 26 of file spmv.h.

Referenced by check_data(), data_to_output(), output_to_data(), and run_benchmark().

◆ path

state_t bench_args_t::path[N_OBS]

Definition at line 35 of file viterbi.h.

Referenced by check_data(), data_to_output(), output_to_data(), and run_benchmark().

◆ pattern

char bench_args_t::pattern[PATTERN_SIZE]

Definition at line 18 of file kmp.h.

Referenced by data_to_input(), input_to_data(), main(), and run_benchmark().

◆ position

dvector_t bench_args_t::position[blockSide][blockSide][blockSide][densityFactor]

Definition at line 40 of file md.h.

Referenced by data_to_input(), input_to_data(), main(), and run_benchmark().

◆ position_x

TYPE bench_args_t::position_x[nAtoms]

Definition at line 35 of file md.h.

Referenced by data_to_input(), input_to_data(), main(), and run_benchmark().

◆ position_y

TYPE bench_args_t::position_y[nAtoms]

Definition at line 36 of file md.h.

Referenced by data_to_input(), input_to_data(), main(), and run_benchmark().

◆ position_z

TYPE bench_args_t::position_z[nAtoms]

Definition at line 37 of file md.h.

Referenced by data_to_input(), input_to_data(), main(), and run_benchmark().

◆ prod

TYPE bench_args_t::prod

Definition at line 36 of file gemm.h.

Referenced by check_data(), data_to_output(), output_to_data(), and run_benchmark().

◆ ptr

char bench_args_t::ptr[(ALEN+1) *(BLEN+1)]

Definition at line 20 of file nw.h.

Referenced by run_benchmark().

◆ real

double bench_args_t::real[FFT_SIZE]

◆ real_twid

double bench_args_t::real_twid[FFT_SIZE/2]

Definition at line 17 of file fft.h.

Referenced by data_to_input(), input_to_data(), main(), and run_benchmark().

◆ rowDelimiters

int32_t bench_args_t::rowDelimiters[N+1]

Definition at line 24 of file spmv.h.

Referenced by data_to_input(), input_to_data(), main(), and run_benchmark().

◆ seqA

char bench_args_t::seqA[ALEN]

Definition at line 15 of file nw.h.

Referenced by data_to_input(), input_to_data(), main(), and run_benchmark().

◆ seqB

char bench_args_t::seqB[BLEN]

Definition at line 16 of file nw.h.

Referenced by data_to_input(), input_to_data(), main(), and run_benchmark().

◆ sol

TYPE bench_args_t::sol

Definition at line 27 of file stencil.h.

Referenced by check_data(), data_to_output(), output_to_data(), and run_benchmark().

◆ starting_node

node_index_t bench_args_t::starting_node

Definition at line 49 of file bfs.h.

Referenced by data_to_input(), input_to_data(), main(), and run_benchmark().

◆ sum

int bench_args_t::sum[SCAN_RADIX]

Definition at line 36 of file sort.h.

Referenced by run_benchmark().

◆ training_data

TYPE bench_args_t::training_data[training_sets *input_dimension]

Definition at line 44 of file backprop.h.

Referenced by backprop(), data_to_input(), input_to_data(), main(), and run_benchmark().

◆ training_targets

TYPE bench_args_t::training_targets[training_sets *possible_outputs]

Definition at line 45 of file backprop.h.

Referenced by backprop(), data_to_input(), input_to_data(), main(), and run_benchmark().

◆ transition

prob_t bench_args_t::transition[N_STATES *N_STATES]

Definition at line 33 of file viterbi.h.

Referenced by data_to_input(), input_to_data(), main(), and run_benchmark().

◆ val

TYPE bench_args_t::val[NNZ]

Definition at line 22 of file spmv.h.

Referenced by data_to_input(), input_to_data(), main(), and run_benchmark().

◆ vec

TYPE bench_args_t::vec

Definition at line 25 of file spmv.h.

Referenced by data_to_input(), input_to_data(), main(), and run_benchmark().

◆ weights1

TYPE bench_args_t::weights1[input_dimension *nodes_per_layer]

◆ weights2

TYPE bench_args_t::weights2[nodes_per_layer *nodes_per_layer]

◆ weights3

TYPE bench_args_t::weights3[nodes_per_layer *possible_outputs]

◆ work_x

TYPE bench_args_t::work_x[512]

◆ work_y

TYPE bench_args_t::work_y[512]

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files:

Generated on Mon Feb 12 2024 13:03:45 for PandA-2024.02 by doxygen 1.8.13