Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * _/_/_/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/
3  * _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
4  * _/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/_/
5  * _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
6  * _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/
7  *
8  * ***********************************************
9  * PandA Project
10  * URL:
11  * Politecnico di Milano - DEIB
12  * System Architectures Group
13  * ***********************************************
14  * Copyright (C) 2004-2024 Politecnico di Milano
15  *
16  * This file is part of the PandA framework.
17  *
18  * The PandA framework is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
19  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
20  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
21  * (at your option) any later version.
22  *
23  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
24  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
26  * GNU General Public License for more details.
27  *
28  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
29  * along with this program. If not, see <>.
30  */
40 #include "Parameter.hpp"
41 #include "behavioral_helper.hpp"
42 #include "call_graph_manager.hpp"
43 #include "copyrights_strings.hpp"
44 #include "custom_map.hpp"
45 #include "dbgPrintHelper.hpp"
46 #include "fu_binding.hpp"
47 #include "functions.hpp"
48 #include "hls.hpp"
49 #include "hls_device.hpp"
50 #include "hls_manager.hpp"
51 #include "memory.hpp"
52 #include "memory_allocation.hpp"
53 #include "memory_cs.hpp"
54 #include "memory_symbol.hpp"
55 #include "string_manipulation.hpp"
56 #include "structural_manager.hpp"
57 #include "structural_objects.hpp"
58 #include "technology_manager.hpp"
59 #include "technology_node.hpp"
60 #include "tree_helper.hpp"
63  const std::list<std::string>& ParametersName);
66  std::string signalName);
69  structural_objectRef component);
71 static void setBusSizes(structural_objectRef component, const HLS_managerRef HLSMgr);
74  unsigned int _funId, const DesignFlowManagerConstRef _design_flow_manager)
75  : top_entity(_parameters, _HLSMgr, _funId, _design_flow_manager,
77  ParametersName()
78 {
79  debug_level = parameters->get_class_debug_level(GET_CLASS(*this));
80 }
85 {
87  const auto CGM = HLSMgr->CGetCallGraphManager();
88  const auto& top_function_ids = CGM->GetRootFunctions();
89  is_root_function = top_function_ids.count(funId);
91  is_root_function ? parameters->getOption<bool>(OPT_memory_mapped_top) : HLSMgr->hasToBeInterfaced(funId);
92  AddedComponents.clear();
93  const auto FB = HLSMgr->CGetFunctionBehavior(funId);
94  _channels_number = FB->GetChannelsNumber();
95  _channels_type = FB->GetChannelsType();
96 }
99 {
100  const auto super_status = top_entity::InternalExec();
102  {
103  return super_status;
104  }
105  const auto FB = HLSMgr->CGetFunctionBehavior(funId);
107  if(!is_root_function)
108  {
109  const auto& function_parameters = FB->CGetBehavioralHelper()->get_parameters();
110  for(const auto& function_parameter : function_parameters)
111  {
112  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "---Analyzing parameter " + STR(function_parameter));
113  ParametersName.push_back(FB->CGetBehavioralHelper()->PrintVariable(function_parameter));
114  }
115  }
117  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "---Allocating parameters ");
119  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "---Allocated parameters ");
121  const auto wrappedObj = HLS->top->get_circ();
122  const auto module_name = wrappedObj->get_id();
123  wrappedObj->set_id(module_name + "_int");
125  const structural_managerRef SM_mm_interface(new structural_manager(parameters));
127  const structural_type_descriptorRef module_type(new structural_type_descriptor(module_name + "_int"));
128  SM_mm_interface->set_top_info(module_name, wrappedObj->get_typeRef());
129  wrappedObj->set_type(module_type);
130  HLS->top->set_top_info(module_name + "_int", module_type);
131  const auto interfaceObj = SM_mm_interface->get_circ();
132  GetPointerS<module>(interfaceObj)
133  ->set_description("Memory mapped interface for top component: " + wrappedObj->get_typeRef()->id_type);
134  GetPointerS<module>(interfaceObj)->set_copyright(GENERATED_COPYRIGHT);
135  GetPointerS<module>(interfaceObj)->set_authors("Component automatically generated by bambu");
136  GetPointerS<module>(interfaceObj)->set_license(GENERATED_LICENSE);
138  wrappedObj->set_owner(interfaceObj);
139  wrappedObj->set_id(wrappedObj->get_id() + "_i0");
140  GetPointerS<module>(interfaceObj)->add_internal_object(wrappedObj);
142  propagateInterface(SM_mm_interface, wrappedObj, ParametersName);
144  HLS->Rfu->manage_module_ports(HLSMgr, HLS, SM_mm_interface, wrappedObj, 0);
145  AddedComponents.push_back(wrappedObj);
147  insertStatusRegister(SM_mm_interface, wrappedObj);
149  insertMemoryMappedRegister(SM_mm_interface, wrappedObj);
151  insertStartDoneLogic(SM_mm_interface, wrappedObj);
153  unsigned int unique_id = 0;
154  HLS->Rfu->manage_memory_ports_parallel_chained(HLSMgr, SM_mm_interface, AddedComponents, interfaceObj, HLS,
155  unique_id);
157  memory::propagate_memory_parameters(interfaceObj, SM_mm_interface);
159  HLS->top = SM_mm_interface;
161 }
163 void TopEntityMemoryMapped::resizing_IO(module* fu_module, unsigned int max_n_ports) const
164 {
165  const auto bus_addr_bitsize = HLSMgr->get_address_bitsize();
166  const auto bus_data_bitsize = HLSMgr->Rmem->get_bus_data_bitsize();
167  const auto bus_size_bitsize = HLSMgr->Rmem->get_bus_size_bitsize();
168  const auto bus_tag_bitsize =
169  HLS->Param->isOption(OPT_context_switch) ? GetPointerS<memory_cs>(HLSMgr->Rmem)->get_bus_tag_bitsize() : 0U;
170  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "-->Resizing input ports");
171  for(auto i = 0U; i < fu_module->get_in_port_size(); i++)
172  {
173  const auto port = fu_module->get_in_port(i);
174  if(port->get_kind() == port_vector_o_K && GetPointerS<port_o>(port)->get_ports_size() == 0)
175  {
176  GetPointerS<port_o>(port)->add_n_ports(max_n_ports, port);
177  }
179  port_o::resize_if_busport(bus_size_bitsize, bus_addr_bitsize, bus_data_bitsize, bus_tag_bitsize, port);
180  }
181  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "<--Resized input ports");
182  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "-->Resizing output ports");
183  for(auto i = 0U; i < fu_module->get_out_port_size(); i++)
184  {
185  const auto port = fu_module->get_out_port(i);
186  if(port->get_kind() == port_vector_o_K && GetPointerS<port_o>(port)->get_ports_size() == 0)
187  {
188  GetPointerS<port_o>(port)->add_n_ports(max_n_ports, port);
189  }
190  port_o::resize_if_busport(bus_size_bitsize, bus_addr_bitsize, bus_data_bitsize, bus_tag_bitsize, port);
191  }
192  INDENT_DBG_MEX(DEBUG_LEVEL_VERY_PEDANTIC, debug_level, "<--Resized output ports");
193 }
196 {
197  const auto function_behavior = HLSMgr->CGetFunctionBehavior(HLS->functionId);
198  const auto behavioral_helper = function_behavior->CGetBehavioralHelper();
200  // Allocate memory for the start register.
201  auto base_address = HLSMgr->Rmem->get_symbol(funId, funId)->get_symbol_name();
202  memory::add_memory_parameter(HLS->top, base_address, STR(HLSMgr->Rmem->get_parameter_base_address(funId, funId)));
204  // Allocate every parameter on chip.
205  for(const auto& topParam : behavioral_helper->get_parameters())
206  {
207  base_address = HLSMgr->Rmem->get_symbol(topParam, funId)->get_symbol_name();
208  memory::add_memory_parameter(HLS->top, base_address,
209  STR(HLSMgr->Rmem->get_parameter_base_address(funId, topParam)));
210  }
212  // Allocate the return value on chip.
213  const unsigned int function_return = behavioral_helper->GetFunctionReturnType(HLS->functionId);
214  if(function_return)
215  {
216  base_address = HLSMgr->Rmem->get_symbol(function_return, funId)->get_symbol_name();
217  memory::add_memory_parameter(HLS->top, base_address,
218  STR(HLSMgr->Rmem->get_parameter_base_address(funId, function_return)));
219  }
220 }
223 {
224  const auto interfaceObj = SM_mm->get_circ();
226  const auto function_parameters = HLSMgr->Rmem->get_function_parameters(HLS->functionId);
227  const auto FB = HLSMgr->CGetFunctionBehavior(funId);
228  const auto BH = FB->CGetBehavioralHelper();
230  const auto controlSignal = interfaceObj->find_member("ControlSignal", signal_o_K, interfaceObj);
231  const auto multi_channel_bus = _channels_type == MemoryAllocation_ChannelsType::MEM_ACC_NN;
233  for(const auto& function_parameter : function_parameters)
234  {
235  // Do not consider return register and status register here.
236  if(function_parameter.first == BH->GetFunctionReturnType(HLS->functionId) ||
237  function_parameter.first == HLS->functionId)
238  {
239  continue;
240  }
242  const auto signalName = BH->PrintVariable(function_parameter.first);
243  const auto component_name = multi_channel_bus ? MEMORY_MAPPED_REGISTERN_FU : MEMORY_MAPPED_REGISTER_FU;
244  const auto memoryMappedRegister =
245  SM_mm->add_module_from_technology_library("mm_register_" + signalName, component_name,
246  HLS->HLS_D->get_technology_manager()->get_library(component_name),
247  interfaceObj, HLS->HLS_D->get_technology_manager());
248  if(multi_channel_bus)
249  {
250  resizing_IO(GetPointerS<module>(memoryMappedRegister), _channels_number);
251  }
252  GetPointerS<module>(memoryMappedRegister)
253  ->SetParameter("ALLOCATED_ADDRESS",
254  HLSMgr->Rmem->get_symbol(function_parameter.first, HLS->functionId)->get_symbol_name());
255  setBusSizes(memoryMappedRegister, HLSMgr);
257  connectClockAndReset(SM_mm, interfaceObj, memoryMappedRegister);
259  HLS->Rfu->manage_module_ports(HLSMgr, HLS, SM_mm, memoryMappedRegister, 0);
261  AddedComponents.push_back(memoryMappedRegister);
262  const auto parameterPort = wrappedObj->find_member(signalName, port_o_K, wrappedObj);
263  // out1
264  const auto port_out1 = memoryMappedRegister->find_member("out1", port_o_K, memoryMappedRegister);
265  GetPointerS<port_o>(port_out1)->type_resize(STD_GET_SIZE(parameterPort->get_typeRef()));
267  if(!is_root_function)
268  {
269  // insert wDataMux
270  const auto pMux = SM_mm->add_module_from_technology_library(
271  "pMux_" + signalName, MUX_GATE_STD, HLS->HLS_D->get_technology_manager()->get_library(MUX_GATE_STD),
272  interfaceObj, HLS->HLS_D->get_technology_manager());
274  const auto pMuxIn1 = pMux->find_member("in1", port_o_K, pMux);
275  GetPointerS<port_o>(pMuxIn1)->type_resize(STD_GET_SIZE(port_out1->get_typeRef()));
276  connect_with_signal_name(SM_mm, port_out1, pMuxIn1, "registerToMux" + signalName);
278  const auto pMuxIn2 = pMux->find_member("in2", port_o_K, pMux);
279  GetPointerS<port_o>(pMuxIn2)->type_resize(
280  STD_GET_SIZE(interfaceObj->find_member(signalName, port_o_K, interfaceObj)->get_typeRef()));
281  SM_mm->add_connection(interfaceObj->find_member(signalName, port_o_K, interfaceObj), pMuxIn2);
283  const auto pMuxOut1 = pMux->find_member("out1", port_o_K, pMux);
284  GetPointerS<port_o>(pMuxOut1)->type_resize(STD_GET_SIZE(parameterPort->get_typeRef()));
285  const auto sign = SM_mm->add_sign("muxTo" + signalName, SM_mm->get_circ(), pMuxOut1->get_typeRef());
287  SM_mm->add_connection(pMuxOut1, sign);
288  SM_mm->add_connection(sign, parameterPort);
290  SM_mm->add_connection(pMux->find_member("sel", port_o_K, pMux), controlSignal);
291  }
292  else
293  {
294  connect_with_signal_name(SM_mm, port_out1, parameterPort, "ConnectTo" + signalName);
295  }
296  }
298  if(BH->GetFunctionReturnType(HLS->functionId))
299  {
300  const auto returnType = BH->GetFunctionReturnType(HLS->functionId);
301  const auto component_name = multi_channel_bus ? RETURN_MM_REGISTERN_FU : RETURN_MM_REGISTER_FU;
302  const auto returnRegister =
303  SM_mm->add_module_from_technology_library("mm_register_" + STR(RETURN_PORT_NAME), component_name,
304  HLS->HLS_D->get_technology_manager()->get_library(component_name),
305  interfaceObj, HLS->HLS_D->get_technology_manager());
306  if(multi_channel_bus)
307  {
308  resizing_IO(GetPointer<module>(returnRegister), _channels_number);
309  }
310  GetPointer<module>(returnRegister)
311  ->SetParameter("ALLOCATED_ADDRESS", HLSMgr->Rmem->get_symbol(returnType, HLS->functionId)->get_symbol_name());
312  setBusSizes(returnRegister, HLSMgr);
313  connectClockAndReset(SM_mm, interfaceObj, returnRegister);
315  AddedComponents.push_back(returnRegister);
317  const auto innerReturnPort = wrappedObj->find_member(RETURN_PORT_NAME, port_o_K, wrappedObj);
318  const auto returnInPort = returnRegister->find_member("in1", port_o_K, returnRegister);
319  GetPointer<port_o>(returnInPort)->set_type(innerReturnPort->get_typeRef());
320  connect_with_signal_name(SM_mm, returnInPort, innerReturnPort, "retToRegister");
322  const auto outerReturnPort = interfaceObj->find_member(RETURN_PORT_NAME, port_o_K, interfaceObj);
323  if(outerReturnPort)
324  {
325  const auto returnOutPort = returnRegister->find_member("out1", port_o_K, returnRegister);
326  GetPointer<port_o>(returnOutPort)->set_type(outerReturnPort->get_typeRef());
328  connect_with_signal_name(SM_mm, returnOutPort, outerReturnPort, "registerToRet");
329  }
331  const auto sig_done_port = interfaceObj->find_member("sig_done_port", signal_o_K, interfaceObj);
332  SM_mm->add_connection(sig_done_port, returnRegister->find_member(DONE_PORT_NAME, port_o_K, returnRegister));
334  HLS->Rfu->manage_module_ports(HLSMgr, HLS, SM_mm, returnRegister, 0);
335  }
336 }
339 {
340  const auto interfaceObj = SM_mm->get_circ();
342  const auto if_start_port = interfaceObj->find_member(START_PORT_NAME, port_o_K, interfaceObj);
343  const auto wrapped_start_port = wrappedObj->find_member(START_PORT_NAME, port_o_K, wrappedObj);
344  const auto reg_start_port = interfaceObj->find_member("sig_reg_start_port", signal_o_K, interfaceObj);
346  if(if_start_port)
347  {
348  const auto merge_start = SM_mm->add_module_from_technology_library(
349  "merge_start", OR_GATE_STD, HLS->HLS_D->get_technology_manager()->get_library(OR_GATE_STD), interfaceObj,
350  HLS->HLS_D->get_technology_manager());
351  const auto merge_in = merge_start->find_member("in", port_o_K, merge_start);
352  const auto merge_in_port = GetPointer<port_o>(merge_in);
353  merge_in_port->add_n_ports(2, merge_in);
355  SM_mm->add_connection(reg_start_port, merge_in_port->get_port(0));
356  SM_mm->add_connection(if_start_port, merge_in_port->get_port(1));
358  connect_with_signal_name(SM_mm, merge_start->find_member("out1", port_o_K, merge_start), wrapped_start_port,
359  "sig_start_port");
360  }
361  else
362  {
363  SM_mm->add_connection(reg_start_port, wrapped_start_port);
364  }
366  const auto if_done_port = interfaceObj->find_member(DONE_PORT_NAME, port_o_K, interfaceObj);
367  const auto sig_done_port = interfaceObj->find_member("sig_done_port", signal_o_K, interfaceObj);
368  if(if_done_port)
369  {
370  THROW_ASSERT(sig_done_port, "");
371  SM_mm->add_connection(sig_done_port, if_done_port);
372  }
374  if(!is_root_function && HLSMgr->CGetCallGraphManager()->ExistsAddressedFunction())
375  {
376  const auto multi_channel_bus = _channels_type == MemoryAllocation_ChannelsType::MEM_ACC_NN;
377  const auto component_name = multi_channel_bus ? NOTYFY_CALLER_MINIMALN_FU : NOTYFY_CALLER_MINIMAL_FU;
378  const auto notifyCaller = SM_mm->add_module_from_technology_library(
379  "notifyCaller", component_name, HLS->HLS_D->get_technology_manager()->get_library(component_name),
380  interfaceObj, HLS->HLS_D->get_technology_manager());
381  if(multi_channel_bus)
382  {
383  resizing_IO(GetPointerS<module>(notifyCaller), _channels_number);
384  }
385  setBusSizes(notifyCaller, HLSMgr);
386  connectClockAndReset(SM_mm, interfaceObj, notifyCaller);
387  HLS->Rfu->manage_module_ports(HLSMgr, HLS, SM_mm, notifyCaller, 0);
388  AddedComponents.push_back(notifyCaller);
390  const auto NotifiedSignal = interfaceObj->find_member("Notified", signal_o_K, interfaceObj);
391  SM_mm->add_connection(notifyCaller->find_member("notified", port_o_K, notifyCaller), NotifiedSignal);
393  // Connect notify address signal and sig_done_port
394  SM_mm->add_connection(sig_done_port, notifyCaller->find_member(DONE_PORT_NAME, port_o_K, notifyCaller));
395  const auto notifyAddressSignal = interfaceObj->find_member("NotifyAddressSignal", signal_o_K, interfaceObj);
396  SM_mm->add_connection(notifyAddressSignal, notifyCaller->find_member("notifyAddress", port_o_K, notifyCaller));
397  }
398 }
401 {
402  const auto multi_channel_bus = _channels_type == MemoryAllocation_ChannelsType::MEM_ACC_NN;
403  const auto interfaceObj = SM_mm->get_circ();
404  const auto status_reg_name = [&]() {
405  if(!is_root_function && HLSMgr->CGetCallGraphManager()->ExistsAddressedFunction())
406  {
407  return multi_channel_bus ? STATUS_REGISTERN_FU : STATUS_REGISTER_FU;
408  }
410  }();
411  const auto statusRegister = SM_mm->add_module_from_technology_library(
412  "StatusRegister", status_reg_name, HLS->HLS_D->get_technology_manager()->get_library(status_reg_name),
413  interfaceObj, HLS->HLS_D->get_technology_manager());
414  if(multi_channel_bus)
415  {
416  resizing_IO(GetPointer<module>(statusRegister), _channels_number);
417  }
418  GetPointerS<module>(statusRegister)
419  ->SetParameter("ALLOCATED_ADDRESS",
420  HLSMgr->Rmem->get_symbol(HLS->functionId, HLS->functionId)->get_symbol_name());
421  setBusSizes(statusRegister, HLSMgr);
422  connectClockAndReset(SM_mm, interfaceObj, statusRegister);
424  HLS->Rfu->manage_module_ports(HLSMgr, HLS, SM_mm, statusRegister, 0);
425  AddedComponents.push_back(statusRegister);
427  const auto donePort = wrappedObj->find_member(DONE_PORT_NAME, port_o_K, wrappedObj);
428  const auto sig_done_port = SM_mm->add_sign("sig_done_port", interfaceObj, donePort->get_typeRef());
429  SM_mm->add_connection(donePort, sig_done_port);
430  SM_mm->add_connection(sig_done_port, statusRegister->find_member(DONE_PORT_NAME, port_o_K, statusRegister));
432  const auto startPort = statusRegister->find_member(START_PORT_NAME, port_o_K, statusRegister);
433  const auto sig_reg_start_port = SM_mm->add_sign("sig_reg_start_port", interfaceObj, startPort->get_typeRef());
434  SM_mm->add_connection(sig_reg_start_port, startPort);
436  if(!is_root_function && HLSMgr->CGetCallGraphManager()->ExistsAddressedFunction())
437  {
438  const auto controlPort = statusRegister->find_member("control", port_o_K, statusRegister);
439  const auto ControlSignal = SM_mm->add_sign("ControlSignal", interfaceObj, controlPort->get_typeRef());
440  SM_mm->add_connection(ControlSignal, controlPort);
442  const auto notifyAddressPort = statusRegister->find_member("notifyAddress", port_o_K, statusRegister);
443  const auto notifyAddressSignal =
444  SM_mm->add_sign("NotifyAddressSignal", interfaceObj, notifyAddressPort->get_typeRef());
445  notifyAddressSignal->set_type(notifyAddressPort->get_typeRef());
446  SM_mm->add_connection(notifyAddressPort, notifyAddressSignal);
448  const auto notifiedPort = statusRegister->find_member("notified", port_o_K, statusRegister);
449  const auto NotifiedSignal = SM_mm->add_sign("Notified", interfaceObj, notifiedPort->get_typeRef());
450  NotifiedSignal->set_type(notifiedPort->get_typeRef());
451  SM_mm->add_connection(notifiedPort, NotifiedSignal);
452  }
453 }
456  const std::list<std::string>& ParametersName)
457 {
458  THROW_ASSERT(wrappedObj, "Null wrapped object");
459  const auto interfaceObj = SM->get_circ();
461  const auto wrappedModule = GetPointer<module>(wrappedObj);
462  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < wrappedModule->get_num_ports(); ++i)
463  {
464  const auto port = wrappedModule->get_positional_port(i);
465  const auto portObj = GetPointer<port_o>(port);
467  const auto portID = portObj->get_id();
468  if(portID != CLOCK_PORT_NAME && portID != RESET_PORT_NAME && portID != DONE_PORT_NAME &&
469  (ParametersName.empty() || (portID != START_PORT_NAME && portID != RETURN_PORT_NAME &&
470  !std::count(ParametersName.begin(), ParametersName.end(), portID))))
471  {
472  continue;
473  }
475  SM->add_port(portID, portObj->get_port_direction(), interfaceObj, portObj->get_typeRef());
476  }
478  connectClockAndReset(SM, interfaceObj, wrappedObj);
479 }
482  std::string signalName)
483 {
484  const auto signA = GetPointerS<port_o>(portA)->get_connected_signal();
485  const auto signB = GetPointerS<port_o>(portB)->get_connected_signal();
487  if(!signA && !signB)
488  {
490  if(GetPointerS<port_o>(portA)->get_port_size() > GetPointerS<port_o>(portB)->get_port_size())
491  {
492  sign = SM->add_sign(signalName, SM->get_circ(), portA->get_typeRef());
493  }
494  else
495  {
496  sign = SM->add_sign(signalName, SM->get_circ(), portB->get_typeRef());
497  }
499  SM->add_connection(portA, sign);
500  SM->add_connection(sign, portB);
501  }
502  else if(!signA && signB)
503  {
504  SM->add_connection(portA, signB);
505  }
506  else if(!signB && signA)
507  {
508  SM->add_connection(portB, signA);
509  }
510  else if(signA && signB)
511  {
512  SM->add_connection(signA, signB);
513  }
514 }
517  structural_objectRef component)
518 {
519  // Clock and Reset connection
520  const auto port_ck = component->find_member(CLOCK_PORT_NAME, port_o_K, component);
521  const auto clock = interfaceObj->find_member(CLOCK_PORT_NAME, port_o_K, interfaceObj);
522  SM->add_connection(port_ck, clock);
524  const auto port_rst = component->find_member(RESET_PORT_NAME, port_o_K, component);
525  const auto reset = interfaceObj->find_member(RESET_PORT_NAME, port_o_K, interfaceObj);
526  SM->add_connection(port_rst, reset);
527 }
530 {
531  const auto componentModule = GetPointerS<module>(component);
532  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < componentModule->get_num_ports(); ++i)
533  {
534  const auto port = componentModule->get_positional_port(i);
535  const auto portObj = GetPointerS<port_o>(port);
536  if(portObj->get_is_data_bus())
537  {
538  portObj->type_resize(HLSMgr->Rmem->get_bus_data_bitsize());
539  }
540  else if(portObj->get_is_addr_bus())
541  {
542  portObj->type_resize(HLSMgr->get_address_bitsize());
543  }
544  else if(portObj->get_is_size_bus())
545  {
546  portObj->type_resize(HLSMgr->Rmem->get_bus_size_bitsize());
547  }
548  }
549 }
static void propagate_memory_parameters(const structural_objectRef src, const structural_managerRef tgt)
Propagates the memory parameters from the source (innermost) module to the target (outermost) one...
Definition: memory.cpp:654
void Initialize() override
Initialize the step (i.e., like a constructor, but executed just before exec.
void add_connection(structural_objectRef src, structural_objectRef dest)
Create a connection between a source structural object and a destination structural object...
structural_managerRef SM
reference to the resulting circuit
Definition: top_entity.hpp:54
extremely verbose debugging print is performed.
const HLS_managerRef HLSMgr
information about all the HLS synthesis
Definition: hls_step.hpp:205
#define OR_GATE_STD
Data structure representing the entire HLS information.
#define INDENT_DBG_MEX(dbgLevel, curDbgLevel, mex)
We are producing a debug version of the program, so the message is printed;.
static void propagateInterface(structural_managerRef SM, structural_objectRef wrappedObj, const std::list< std::string > &ParametersName)
DesignFlowStep_Status InternalExec() override
Execute the step.
Definition: top_entity.cpp:110
File containing functions and utilities to support the printing of debug messagges.
Structure representing the most relevant information about the type of a structural object...
const ParameterConstRef Param
class containing all the parameters
Definition: hls.hpp:169
const std::string & get_id() const
Return the identifier associated with the structural_object.
static void connectClockAndReset(structural_managerRef SM, structural_objectRef interfaceObj, structural_objectRef component)
#define GET_CLASS(obj)
Macro returning the actual type of an object.
const structural_objectRef get_circ() const
Get a reference to circ field.
void reset()
Definition: adpcm.c:540
unsigned int get_out_port_size() const
Return the number of output ports.
Datastructure to represent a memory symbol in HLS.
void allocate_parameters() const
Allocates the in/out parameters of the module as internal registers.
const unsigned int funId
identifier of the function to be processed (0 means that it is a global step)
This class manages the circuit structures.
const HLS_deviceRef HLS_D
reference to the information representing the target for the synthesis
Definition: hls.hpp:107
DesignFlowStep_Status InternalExec() override
Execute the step.
const structural_objectRef get_in_port(unsigned int n) const
Return the ith input port.
virtual structural_objectRef find_member(const std::string &id, so_kind type, const structural_objectRef owner) const =0
Return the object named id of a given type which belongs to or it is associated with the object...
Class specification of the manager of the technology library data structures.
static void connect_with_signal_name(structural_managerRef SM, structural_objectRef portA, structural_objectRef portB, std::string signalName)
redefinition of map to manage ordered/unordered structures
#define STR(s)
Macro which performs a lexical_cast to a string.
Auxiliary methods for manipulating string.
static void add_memory_parameter(const structural_managerRef SM, const std::string &name, const std::string &value)
Adds the given memory parameter to the corresponding object.
Definition: memory.cpp:725
std::list< structural_objectRef > AddedComponents
standard name for ports
structural_managerRef top
Store the top description.
Definition: hls.hpp:164
fu_bindingRef Rfu
Store the refcounted functional unit binding of the operations.
Definition: hls.hpp:121
void set_top_info(const std::string &id, const technology_managerRef &LM, const std::string &Library="")
Definition: hls_step.hpp:95
Class specification of the data structures used to manage technology information. ...
static structural_objectRef add_port(const std::string &id, port_o::port_direction pdir, structural_objectRef owner, structural_type_descriptorRef type_descr, unsigned int treenode=0)
Create a new port.
static bool resize_if_busport(unsigned long long bus_size_bitsize, unsigned long long bus_addr_bitsize, unsigned long long bus_data_bitsize, unsigned long long bus_tag_bitsize, structural_objectRef port)
auxiliary function used to resize the bus ports with respect to their associated bus size ...
const structural_objectRef get_out_port(unsigned int n) const
Return the ith output port.
~TopEntityMemoryMapped() override
Datastructure to describe functions allocation in high-level synthesis.
unsigned int _channels_number
Function scope channels number.
std::list< std::string > ParametersName
Construction of top entity memory mapped interface.
void resizing_IO(module *fu_module, unsigned int max_n_ports) const
bool is_root_function
true when the module is a root function
const ParameterConstRef parameters
Set of input parameters.
The status of a step.
Base class to allocate memories in high-level synthesis.
static void setBusSizes(structural_objectRef component, const HLS_managerRef HLSMgr)
virtual void manage_memory_ports_parallel_chained(const HLS_managerRef HLSMgr, const structural_managerRef SM, const std::list< structural_objectRef > &memory_modules, const structural_objectRef circuit, const hlsRef HLS, unsigned int &unique_id)
This file collects some utility functions.
structural_objectRef add_module_from_technology_library(const std::string &id, const std::string &fu_name, const std::string &library_name, const structural_objectRef owner, const technology_managerConstRef TM)
Create a new object starting from a library component.
unsigned int get_in_port_size() const
Return the number of input ports.
for each memory at maximum n parallel direct accesses and one indirect access
memory mapped register
This class describes all classes used to represent a structural object.
virtual bool manage_module_ports(const HLS_managerRef HLSMgr, const hlsRef HLS, const structural_managerRef SM, const structural_objectRef curr_gate, unsigned int num)
const structural_type_descriptorRef & get_typeRef() const
Return the type descriptor of the structural_object.
static structural_objectRef add_sign(std::string id, structural_objectRef owner, structural_type_descriptorRef sign_type, unsigned int treenode=0)
Create a new signal.
void insertStatusRegister(structural_managerRef SM, structural_objectRef wrappedObj)
void Initialize() override
Initialize the step (i.e., like a constructor, but executed just before exec.
Data structure used to store the functional-unit binding of the vertexes.
void insertStartDoneLogic(structural_managerRef SM, structural_objectRef wrappedObj)
hlsRef HLS
HLS data structure of the function to be analyzed.
It collects all the common strings covering PandA copyrights issues.
this class is used to manage the command-line or XML options.
#define MUX_GATE_STD
unsigned int functionId
this is the identifier of the function to be implemented
Definition: hls.hpp:87
void insertMemoryMappedRegister(structural_managerRef SM, structural_objectRef wrappedObj)
Wrapper to call graph.
Class implementation of the structural_manager.
uint32_t sign
int debug_level
The debug level.
MemoryAllocation_ChannelsType _channels_type
Function scope channels type.
Data structure definition for high-level synthesis flow.
This class describes a generic module.
Datastructure to represent memory information in high-level synthesis.
TopEntityMemoryMapped(const ParameterConstRef _parameters, const HLS_managerRef HLSMgr, unsigned int funId, const DesignFlowManagerConstRef design_flow_manager)
HLS specialization of generic_device.
void set_type(const structural_type_descriptorRef &s)
Set the type of the structural_object.
#define STD_GET_SIZE(structural_obj)
Macro returning the size of a type.
#define THROW_ASSERT(cond, str_expr)
helper function used to check an assert and if needed to throw an error in a standard way ...
Definition: exceptions.hpp:289

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