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sha.h File Reference
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#define SHA_BLOCKSIZE   64
#define BLOCK_SIZE   8192
#define VSIZE   2


typedef unsigned char BYTE
typedef unsigned int INT32


void sha_init ()
void sha_update (const BYTE *, int)
void sha_final ()
void __attribute__ ((noinline)) sha_stream()
 Convert the given fixedpt number to a decimal string. More...
void sha_print ()


INT32 sha_info_digest [5]
INT32 sha_info_count_lo
INT32 sha_info_count_hi
INT32 sha_info_data [16]
const BYTE indata [VSIZE][BLOCK_SIZE]
const int in_i [VSIZE] = { 8192, 8192 }

Macro Definition Documentation


#define BLOCK_SIZE   8192

Definition at line 43 of file sha.h.


#define SHA_BLOCKSIZE   64

Definition at line 30 of file sha.h.


#define VSIZE   2

Definition at line 44 of file sha.h.

Typedef Documentation


typedef unsigned char BYTE

Definition at line 27 of file sha.h.

◆ INT32

typedef unsigned int INT32

Definition at line 28 of file sha.h.

Function Documentation

◆ __attribute__()

void __attribute__ ( (noinline)  )

Convert the given fixedpt number to a decimal string.

The max_dec argument specifies how many decimal digits to the right of the decimal point to generate. If set to -1, the "default" number of decimal digits will be used (2 for 32-bit fixedpt width, 10 for 64-bit fixedpt width); If set to -2, "all" of the digits will be returned, meaning there will be invalid, bogus digits outside the specified precisions.

Definition at line 1 of file atominIncrement.c.

References __attribute__(), __builtin_bambu_time_start(), __builtin_bambu_time_stop(), _PB_H, _PB_M, _PB_N, _PB_NI, _PB_NJ, _PB_NK, _PB_NL, _PB_NM, _PB_NP, _PB_NQ, _PB_NR, _PB_NX, _PB_NY, _PB_TMAX, _PB_TSTEPS, _PB_W, A, a1, a2, a3, A_COLS, A_ROWS, abs(), add(), addFloat64Sigs(), ADDIU, AddRoundKey(), AddRoundKey_InversMixColumn(), ADDU, ah1, ah2, al1, al2, AND, ANDI, test_panda::args, array, Autocorrelation(), B, b1, b2, B_COLS, BEQ, BF_ENCRYPT, BF_encrypt(), BF_LONG, BGEZ, BMP_OUT_SIZE, BNE, ByteSub_ShiftRow(), C, c1, c2, COLS, compute(), counter, D, DADDR, bin_tree::data, DATA_TYPE, delay_bph, delay_bpl, delay_dhx, delay_dltx, deth, detl, dh, distance(), dlt, eh, el, EXP_FUN, extractFloat64Exp(), extractFloat64Frac(), extractFloat64Sign(), F, filtep(), filtez(), FIXEDPT_BITS, fixedpt_fracpart, fixedpt_toint, FIXEDPT_WBITS, float_flag_divbyzero, float_flag_invalid, fused_layout_transform_1(), fused_layout_transform_2(), fused_nn_contrib_conv2d_NCHWc(), fused_nn_dense_add(), fused_nn_softmax(), Get_Bits(), getInDegree(), getInEdges(), getOutDegree(), getOutEdges(), h, hana_bmp, hana_jpg, i_round, IADDR, ih, il, imem, in_i, indata, INFINITY, InversShiftRow_ByteSub(), J, JAL, jpeg_read(), JpegFileBuf, JPEGSIZE, JR, k, kernel(), KeySchedule(), L, l2n, bin_tree::left, LIT64, logsch(), logscl(), LUI, LW, main(), main_result, match, max_score, MFHI, MFLO, MixColumn_AddRoundKey(), motion_vector(), 01_onnx_build::mul1, MULT, MULTU, MV_FIELD, N, n2l, N_THREADS, nb, nbh, nbl, Edge::node, normalizeFloat64Subnormal(), NULL, numAnswers, OPS_PER_ACCEL, OR, ORI, out_length, out_width, outData, OutData_comp_buf, OutData_image_height, OutData_image_width, output, packFloat64(), ph, ph1, ph2, plt, plt1, plt2, POW_FUN, Edge::property, qq2_code2_table, qq4_code4_table, Quantization_and_coding(), quantl(), R, Reflection_coefficients(), RGB_NUM, rh1, rh2, bin_tree::right, rlt, rlt1, rlt2, roundAndPackFloat64(), ROWS, SCALAR_VAL, scalel(), seq, sh, sha_final(), sha_init(), sha_update(), sl, SLL, SLLV, SLT, SLTI, SLTIU, SLTU, sph, spl, SQRT_FUN, SRL, SRLV, subFloat64Sigs(), SUBU, sum, SW, szh, szl, test_panda::table, tqmf, Transformation_to_Log_Area_Ratios(), TSTEPS, uppol1(), uppol2(), upzero(), symmetry::value, VSIZE, X, x, xh, xl, XOR, XORI, 01_onnx_build::Y, yh, and 01_onnx_build::Z.

Referenced by __attribute__(), fixedpt_cstr(), kernel(), and main().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sha_final()

void sha_final ( )

Definition at line 177 of file sha.c.

References local_memset(), sha_info_count_hi, sha_info_count_lo, sha_info_data, and sha_transform().

Referenced by __attribute__(), and sha_stream().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sha_init()

void sha_init ( )

Definition at line 142 of file sha.c.

References L, sha_info_count_hi, sha_info_count_lo, and sha_info_digest.

Referenced by __attribute__(), and sha_stream().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sha_print()

void sha_print ( )

◆ sha_update()

void sha_update ( const BYTE ,

Definition at line 156 of file sha.c.

References local_memcpy(), SHA_BLOCKSIZE, sha_info_count_hi, sha_info_count_lo, sha_info_data, and sha_transform().

Referenced by __attribute__(), and sha_stream().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ in_i

const int in_i[VSIZE] = { 8192, 8192 }

Definition at line 1136 of file sha.h.

◆ indata

const BYTE indata[VSIZE][BLOCK_SIZE]

Definition at line 52 of file sha.h.

◆ sha_info_count_hi

INT32 sha_info_count_hi

Definition at line 33 of file sha.h.

◆ sha_info_count_lo

INT32 sha_info_count_lo

Definition at line 33 of file sha.h.

◆ sha_info_data

INT32 sha_info_data[16]

Definition at line 34 of file sha.h.

◆ sha_info_digest

INT32 sha_info_digest[5]

Definition at line 32 of file sha.h.

Generated on Mon Feb 12 2024 13:03:08 for PandA-2024.02 by doxygen 1.8.13