behavior Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for behavior:


file  application_manager.cpp [code]
 Implementation of some methods to manage a generic C application.
file  application_manager.hpp [code]
 Definition of the class representing a generic C application.
file  basic_block.cpp [code]
 Class implementation of the basic_block structure.
file  basic_block.hpp [code]
 Class specification of the basic_block structure.
file  basic_blocks_graph_constructor.cpp [code]
 This class provides methods to build a basic blocks graph.
file  basic_blocks_graph_constructor.hpp [code]
 This class provides methods to build a basic blocks graph.
file  behavioral_writer_helper.cpp [code]
 Implement all structs used to write a graph in the dot format.
file  behavioral_writer_helper.hpp [code]
 Collect all structs used to write a graph in the dot format.
file  call_graph.cpp [code]
 Call graph hierarchy.
file  call_graph.hpp [code]
 Call graph hierarchy.
file  call_graph_manager.cpp [code]
file  call_graph_manager.hpp [code]
 Wrapper to call graph.
file  cdfg_edge_info.cpp [code]
 Data structures used to represent an edge in operation and basic block graphs.
file  cdfg_edge_info.hpp [code]
 Data structures used to represent an edge in operation and basic block graphs.
file  function_behavior.cpp [code]
 A brief description of the C++ Source File.
file  function_behavior.hpp [code]
 A brief description of the C++ Header File.
file  level_constructor.cpp [code]
 Data structore used to build the topological order of the operations vertices.
file  level_constructor.hpp [code]
 Data structore used to build the topological order of the operations vertices.
file  op_graph.cpp [code]
 Data structures used in operations graph.
file  op_graph.hpp [code]
 Data structures used in operations graph.
file  operations_graph_constructor.cpp [code]
 This class provides methods to build a operations graph.
file  operations_graph_constructor.hpp [code]
 This class provides methods to build an operations graph.
file  OrderedInstructions.cpp [code]
file  OrderedInstructions.hpp [code]
file  profiling_information.cpp [code]
 Class implementation for storing profiling information.
file  profiling_information.hpp [code]
 Class specification for storing profiling information.

Generated on Mon Feb 12 2024 13:04:12 for PandA-2024.02 by doxygen 1.8.13