![]() |
►Nboost | This algorithm is to find coloring of a graph Algorithm: Let G = (V,E) be a graph with vertices v_1, v_2, ..., v_n |
►Nflopoco | Forward declarations of FloPoCo classes |
►Nstd | Definition of hash function for EdgeDescriptor |
►Ntest_panda | |
C_brick | |
C_entity | |
C_obj_description | |
C_random_state_t | |
CAadlFlexLexer | |
►CAadlInformation | |
CAadlParser | |
CAadlParserData | |
CAadlParserNode | STD include |
CAbsControlStep | Absolute Control step First field is the basic block Second field is the relative control step |
Caction_o | This class describes a generic systemC action |
CActorGraphBackend | |
Cadd_library | |
CAddArtificialCallFlowEdges | Superclass include |
CAddBbEcfgEdges | Class to extend basic block cfg |
Cadder_conn_obj | This class is used when pointers arithmetic is implicitly performed |
CAddLibrarySpecialization | Information about speciaization of add_library |
CAddOpExitFlowEdges | Class to perform adding of flow edges to operation graph |
CAddOpLoopFlowEdges | Class to perform adding of flow edges to operation graph |
CAddOpPhiFlowEdges | Superclass include |
Caddress_var_pp_functor | Address version functor that returns the name of a variable with "&" in front |
Caes256_context | |
Caggr_init_expr | AGGR_INIT_EXPRs have a variably-sized representation similar to that of CALL_EXPRs |
Caggregate | |
Calgorithm | This structure records a sequence of operations |
Callocation | This wrapper collects all the methods used by the High-level synthesis classes to retrieve information about the functional units |
CAllocationInformation | |
CAlteraBackendFlow | Superclass include |
CAlteraWrapper | |
CAPInt | |
Capplication_manager | |
CApplicationFrontendFlowStep | |
Carea_info | |
Carray_type | Struct definition of the array_type tree node |
CASLAP | Class managing ALAP and ASAP algorithms |
CASMModuleGenerator | |
CAsnFlexLexer | |
CAsnParser | |
CAsnParserData | |
CAsnParserNode | Data associated with a node of the asn parser |
CAsnType | |
Cattr | Struct definition of the field attr on function_decl, field_decl, var_decl tree node |
Cattribute | |
Cattribute_sequence | |
CAugmentedVector | |
CAuxDesignFlowStep | Class describing auxiliary steps in design flow |
CAvgIterations | Map storing number of average iterations |
CBackendFlow | |
CBackendStep | |
CBambuFrontendFlow | |
CBambuParameter | |
Cbaselink | This struct represents a reference to a member function or member functions from a base class |
Cbash_flow_wrapper | Main class for wrapping bash_flow tool by NANOXPLORE |
CBashBackendFlow | |
CBasicBlocksCfgComputation | Superclass include |
CBasicBlocksGraphConstructor | Class providing methods to manage a basic blocks graph |
CBasicBlocksProfiling | Class to perform profiling |
CBasicBlocksProfilingCWriter | Class use to write the C code with instruented edges for basic blocks profiling |
CBB_based_stg | |
Cbb_feedback_edges_computation | Compute the feedback edges of the basic block control flow graph |
Cbb_vertex_order_by_map | The key comparison function for vertices set based on levels |
CBBCdgComputation | Superclass include |
CBBEdgeExecutions | Map storing number of executions of each basic block edge |
CBBEdgeInfo | Information associated with a basic block edge |
CBBEdgeSorter | |
CBBEdgeWriter | Class which prints the edge of a basic block graph in dot format |
CBBExecutions | Map storing number of executions of each basic block |
CBBGraph | Class used to describe a particular graph with basic blocks as nodes |
CBBGraphInfo | Information associated with the whole basic-block graph |
CBBGraphsCollection | This structure defines graphs where nodes are basic_blocks |
CBBNodeInfo | Definition of the node_info object for the basic_block graph |
CBBOrderComputation | Superclass include |
CBBReachabilityComputation | Superclass include |
CBBVertexSorter | |
CBBWriter | |
CBehavioralHelper | |
Cbench_args_t | |
Cbin_tree | |
Cbinary_expr | Struct definition of the binary node structures |
CBinaryOpNode | A constraint like sink = source1 operation source2 intersect [l, u] |
Cbinfo | This struct specifies the binfo node |
Cbipartite_matching_clique_covering | Clique covering based on bipartite matching procedure |
CBit_Value | Full implementation of Bit Value analysis as described in BitValue Inference: Detecting and Exploiting Narrow Bitwidth Computations Mihai Budiu Seth Copen Goldstein http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~seth/papers/budiu-tr00.pdf |
CBit_Value_opt | Class performing some optimizations on the IR exploiting Bit Value analysis |
CBitLatticeManipulator | |
CBitValueIPA | Inter-Procedural extension of the Bit Value analysis as described in BitValue Inference: Detecting and Exploiting Narrow Bitwidth Computations Mihai Budiu Seth Copen Goldstein http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~seth/papers/budiu-tr00.pdf |
CBitValueRange | |
Cblackbox_pragma | |
Cbloc | This struct specifies the field bloc (basic block) |
Cblock | This struct specifies the block node |
CBlockFix | Restructure the tree control flow graph |
CBooleanAsnType | |
Cbuffer_state | |
CBuildVirtualPhi | |
CBuiltinWaitCallModuleGenerator | |
CBuiltinWaitCallNModuleGenerator | |
Cbus_connection_o | This class describes a generic bus connection |
Ccall_expr | This struct specifies the call_expr node |
Ccall_expr_fix | Restructure the tree control flow graph |
Ccall_graph_computation | Build call graph structures starting from the tree_manager |
Ccall_hw_pragma | Directive represinting mapping of a software function on a component |
Ccall_point_hw_pragma | Directive represinting mapping of a function call on a component |
CCalledFunctionsVisitor | Visitor to identify the list of called functions |
CCallGraph | This class is the view of a call graph |
CCallGraphBuiltinCall | Pass to add function called through pointers to the call graph |
CCallGraphInfo | The info associated with the call graph |
CCallGraphManager | This class manages the accesses to the CallGraph |
CCallGraphsCollection | This class collects information concerning the set of functions that will be analyzed by the PandA framework |
CCallGraphUnfolding | |
CCallSitesCollectorVisitor | |
CCallSitesInfo | |
Ccase_label_expr | This struct specifies the case_label_expr node |
Ccast_expr | This struct specifies the cast_expr node |
CCBackend | Class simply used to drive the backend in order to print C code |
CCBackendInformation | Base class to pass information to a c backend |
CCBackendStepFactory | |
CCbcBranchUserDecision | Branching decision user class |
CCbcSimpleIntegerFixed | Define a single integer class where branching is forced until fixed |
Ccc_compatibility_graph_edge_selector | Predicate functor object used to select the proper set of edges |
Ccc_compatibility_graph_vertex_selector | Graph includes |
Ccdfc_graph_edge_selector | Predicate functor object used to select the proper set of edges |
Ccdfc_graph_vertex_selector | Predicate functor object used to select the proper set of vertices |
Ccdfc_module_binding | Class managing the module allocation |
Ccdfc_resource_ordering_functor | Functor used to compare which of two resources has to be considered first during the binding |
CCdfcEdgeInfo | |
CCdfcEdgeWriter | |
CCdfcGraph | Cdfc graph |
CCdfcGraphInfo | The info associated with a cdfc graph |
CCdfcGraphsCollection | Cdfc collection of graphs |
CCDFCModuleBindingSpecialization | |
CCdfcWriter | |
CCdfgEdgeInfo | Information associated with an operation or basic block graph |
Ccg_edge_info | Information associated with a circuit graph edge |
Ccg_edge_writer | |
Ccg_graph_info | Information associated with the whole graph of a circuit |
Ccg_label_writer | |
Ccg_node_info | Information associated with a circuit graph node |
Cchaining | |
CChainingInformation | |
CChainingSet | Header include |
Cchannel_o | This class describes a generic channel |
Ccheck_clique | |
Ccheck_long_double | Concept checking class This class is used to check that an object can be converted into long double |
CCheckSystemType | Class which system_flag to tree_node of variables and types when necessary |
CChoiceAsnType | |
Cchordal_coloring_register | Class containing the chordal coloring algorithm implementation |
CCInitializationFlexLexer | |
CCInitializationParser | |
CCInitializationParserFunctor | STD include |
CCInitializationParserNode | STD include |
Cclassic_datapath | |
CClassicalHLSSynthesisFlow | Superclass include |
Cclique_covering | |
Ccoloring_based_clique_covering | |
Ccommandport_obj | This class manages command ports into datapath |
Ccommutative_expr_restructuring | |
Ccompare_vertex_by_name | Functor to sort vertex by node name |
►Ccompatibility_based_register | |
Ccompatibility_edge_writer | Functor used by boost::write_graphviz to write the edge info |
Ccompatibility_node_info_writer | Functor used by boost::write_graphviz to write the node info |
►CCompilerWrapper | Main class for wrapping the frontend compiler |
CCompleteBBGraph | |
CCompleteCallGraph | |
Ccomplex_cst | This struct specifies the complex_cst node |
Ccomplex_t | |
Ccomplex_type | Struct definition of the complex_type tree node |
Ccomponent_o | This class describes a generic component |
Ccompute_implicit_calls | |
CComputeReservedMemory | Functor used to compute size of memory objects |
CCondExprRestructuring | |
CConditionalValueRange | |
Cconflict_based_register | |
►Cconn_binding | Class managing the interconnection binding |
Cconn_binding_creator | Generic class managing interconnection binding algorithms |
Cconn_binding_cs | |
Cconnection_obj | Generic class managing elements used to interconnect generic objects into datapath |
Cconst_decl | Struct definition of the const_decl tree node |
Cconstant_o | This class describes a constant value |
Cconstructor | Constructor: return an aggregate value made from specified components |
CControlDepNode | Specific type of OpNode used in Nuutila's strongly connected components algorithm |
CControlFlowChecker | |
Ccontroller_cs | |
CControllerCreatorBaseStep | Generic class managing controller creation algorithms |
Ccreate_tree_manager | Class that creates the tree_manager starting from the source code files |
CCreateAddressTranslation | Class which creates source code of hdl module to translate addresses from pci address space to bambu address space |
Ccs_interface | |
Ccs_ordering_functor | Functor used to compare two vertices with respect to an order based on the control steps associated with the vertices |
CCSE | CSE analysis |
Ccst_node | This struct specifies super class for constant nodes |
CCTestbenchExecution | |
CCustomOrderedSet | |
CCustomUnorderedSet | |
CCWriter | Class used to write the C code representing a program, this class can't be directly instantiated since the backend is not specified yet |
Ccyclic_topological_sort_visitor | |
Cdata_o | This class describes a generic data declaration object |
CDataDependenceComputation | |
Cdataflow_cg_ext | |
Cdatapath_creator | Generic class managing datapath creation algorithms |
Cdatapath_cs | |
Cdatapath_parallel_cs | |
Cdataport_obj | Primary ports of datapath |
Cdataset_t | |
CDataXmlParser | This class collects information about generic data |
Cdead_code_elimination | |
Cdead_code_eliminationIPA | Inter-procedural dead code elimination analysis |
Cdecl_node | Struct definition of the declaration node structures |
CDesignFlow | |
CDesignFlowDependenceInfo | |
CDesignFlowEdgeWriter | Functor used to write the content of the design flow edge to dotty file |
CDesignFlowFactory | |
CDesignFlowGraph | |
CDesignFlowGraphInfo | |
CDesignFlowGraphsCollection | |
CDesignFlowManager | |
CDesignFlowStep | The base class for design step |
CDesignFlowStepFactory | |
CDesignFlowStepInfo | |
CDesignFlowStepNecessitySorter | The key comparison functor for design flow step; it puts necessary steps before unnecessary ones; in this way steps which depend on unnecessary steps are executed later |
CDesignFlowStepSet | |
CDesignFlowStepSorter | A set of design flow step |
CDesignFlowStepWriter | Functor used to write the content of the design flow step to dotty file |
CDesignParameters | |
Cdetermine_memory_accesses | |
CDFSInfo | |
Cdirect_conn | Class to represent direct connections |
CDiscrepancy | |
Cdiscrepancy_instruction_writer | |
CDiscrepancyAnalysisCWriter | |
CDiscrepancyFlexLexer | |
CDiscrepancyLog | |
CDiscrepancyOpInfo | |
Cdjgraph_dfs_tree_visitor | Header include |
CDLContext | A Device context for Tensor and operator |
CDLDataType | The data type the tensor can hold |
CDLManagedTensor | C Tensor object, manage memory of DLTensor. This data structure is intended to faciliate the borrowing of DLTensor by another framework. It is not meant to transfer the tensor. When the borrowing framework doesn't need the tensor, it should call the deleter to notify the host that the resource is no longer needed |
CDLTensor | Plain C Tensor object, does not manage memory |
Cdom_info | Store the intermediate information used to compute dominator or post dominator information |
Cdom_post_dom_computation | Loops computation analysis step |
Cdominance | Dominator o post-dominator data structure |
Cdominator_allocation | |
CDryRunEvaluation | Base class include |
Cdvector_t | |
Ceasy_module_binding | Superclass include |
CEdge | |
Cedge_cdfc_selector | |
Cedge_compatibility_selector | |
Cedge_integer_order_by_map | The key comparison function for edge-integer set based on levels |
Cedge_t_struct | |
CEdgeCWriter | Class use to write the C code with instrumented edges |
CEdgeInfo | Base class storing user data information |
CEdgeProperty | The property associated with edge |
CEdgeWriter | Functor used to write the content of the edges to a dotty file |
Cenumeral_type | Struct definition of the integer_type tree node |
CEnumeratedAsnType | |
Cerror_mark | Any erroneous construct is parsed into a node of this type |
CeSSA | |
CEucalyptusParameter | |
CEvaluation | |
Cevaluation | Class definition for high level synthesis result evaluationThis class is the abstract class for all kind of result evaluations |
CEvaluationBaseStep | Superclass include |
Cevent_o | This class describes a generic event |
Cexpr_node | Struct definition of the common part of an expression |
Cexpr_pack_expansion | Represents an expression that will be expanded into a list of expressions when instantiated with one or more argument packs |
Cexpr_stmt | This struct represent a statement expression |
Cextract_patterns | Class extracting patterns extending the GCC/CLANG IR |
CExtractGimpleCondOp | Superclass include |
CExtractOmpAtomic | Superclass include |
CExtractOmpFor | Superclass include |
Cf_assign_conn_obj | This class is used to specify the type of a connection object: REAL |
►CFactory | |
Cfanout_opt | Fanout_opt analysis |
Cff_conv_conn_obj | This class is used to convert real into real |
Cfield_decl | Struct definition of the field_decl tree node |
Cfilter_clique | Functor used to reduce the size of clique: the rationale of filtering is that too many sharing may create problem to the timing closure of the design |
Cfind_eq_module | Used to test if a component has been already inserted into the component list |
CFindMaxTransformations | Class to find the maximum admissible value of max-transformations |
CfirFixedClass | |
CFixCharacterization | Step which fixes characterization |
CFixStructsPassedByValue | |
CFixVdef | Compute the control flow graph for the operations |
CFloatFormat | |
Cflopoco_wrapper | Main class for wrapping the FloPoCo code generator |
Cfor_each_functor | Functor used to traverse sequences with std::for_each |
CFrontendFlowStep | |
CFrontendFlowStepFactory | |
Cfsm_controller | |
CFSM_NI_SSA_liveness | |
Cfu_binding | Class managing the functional-unit binding |
Cfu_binding_creator | Generic class managing module binding algorithms |
Cfu_binding_cs | |
Cfun_dominator_allocation | |
Cfunction_allocation | Allocation function class |
Cfunction_decl | Struct definition of the function_decl tree node |
Cfunction_decl_refs | |
Cfunction_type | Struct definition of the function_type tree node |
Cfunctional_unit | This class specifies the characteristic of a particular functional unit |
Cfunctional_unit_template | This class describe a functional unit template |
CFunctionalUnitStep | Step which loads device dependent technology information |
CFunctionArchitecture | |
CFunctionBehavior | |
CFunctionCallOpt | |
CFunctionCallTypeCleanup | |
CFunctionEdgeInfo | Information associated with a call_graph edge |
CFunctionEdgeWriter | Functor used by write_graphviz to write the edges of a function graph |
CFunctionExpander | Used to avoid expansion of c library function or type |
CFunctionFrontendFlowStep | |
CFunctionInfo | Information associated with a call_graph node |
Cfunctions | |
CFunctionVersion | |
CFunctionWriter | Functor used by write_graphviz to write the label of the vertices of a function graph |
Cfunit_obj | Class representing functional units in the datapath |
Cgenerate_hdl | |
CGenerateFuList | |
CGenerateSimulationScripts | Superclass include |
CGenerateSynthesisScripts | Superclass include |
CGenerateTasteHDLArchitecture | Superclass include |
CGenerateTasteSynthesisScript | Superclass include |
Cgeneric_device | Generic device description |
Cgeneric_obj | Generic class managing all resources into datapath |
CGenericObjSorter | |
CGenericObjUnsignedIntSorter | |
Cgimple_asm | This struct specifies the gimple_asm node |
Cgimple_assign | This struct specifies the gimple_assign node (GCC 4.3 tree node) |
Cgimple_bind | GIMPLE_BIND <VARS, BLOCK, BODY> represents a lexical scope |
Cgimple_call | This struct specifies the gimple_call node |
Cgimple_cond | This struct specifies the gimple_cond node |
Cgimple_for | This struct specifies the for expression Used to represent a for construct |
Cgimple_goto | This struct specifies the gimple_goto node |
Cgimple_label | This struct specifies the gimple_label node |
Cgimple_multi_way_if | This struct specifies a multi-way-if construct |
Cgimple_node | Struct definition of the common part of a gimple with virtual operands |
Cgimple_nop | |
Cgimple_phi | This struct specifies the gimple_phi node |
Cgimple_pragma | |
Cgimple_predict | This struct specifies a hint for branch prediction |
Cgimple_resx | |
Cgimple_return | This struct specifies the gimple_return node |
Cgimple_switch | GIMPLE_SWITCH <INDEX, DEFAULT_LAB, LAB1, ..., LABN> represents the multiway branch: |
Cgimple_while | This struct specifies the while expression Used to represent a while construct |
CGimpleWriter | |
Cglpk_solver | Autoheader include |
CGraph | |
Cgraph | General class used to describe a graph in PandA |
Cgraph_info_t | Custom graph property: GraphInfo |
CGraphInfo | Base class storing user data information to the whole graph |
Cgraphs_collection | Bulk graph |
CGraphWriter | Functor used to write the content of the property of a graph to a dotty file |
Cgzstreambase | |
Cgzstreambuf | The big change with respect to the original code is a refactoring for a header based library |
Chandler | A HANDLER wraps a catch handler for the HANDLER_TYPE |
CHDL_manager | |
CHDLFunctionDeclFix | Superclass include |
CHDLVarDeclFix | Pre-analysis step |
Chls | Data structure that contains all information about high level synthesis process |
CHLS_constraints | Data structure used to store all the HLS constraints |
CHLS_device | |
Chls_div_cg_ext | Add to the call graph the function calls associated with the integer division and modulus operations |
CHLS_manager | |
CHLS_step | |
CHLSCWriter | |
CHLSFlowStepFactory | |
CHLSFlowStepSpecialization | Abstract class containing information about specialization of the single steps |
CHLSFunctionBitValue | Superclass include |
CHLSFunctionIR | |
CHLSFunctionStep | Superclass include |
CHLSInstructionWriter | |
CHLSSynthesisFlow | |
CHostProfiling | Class to perform profiling |
CHWCallInjection | |
CHWCallPathCalculator | |
CHWDiscrepancyAnalysis | |
CHWDiscrepancyInfo | |
CHWPathComputation | |
Ci_assign_conn_obj | This class is used to specify the type of a connection object: INT |
Cidentifier_node | Struct definition of the function_decl tree node |
Cigzstream | User classes |
Cii_conv_conn_obj | This class is used to convert signed into signed int |
CIndentedOutputStream | Class to print indented code |
CInitializeHLS | |
CInstructionWriter | |
Cinteger_cst | This struct specifies the integer_cst node |
Cinteger_type | Struct definition of the integer_type tree node |
CIntegerAsnType | |
►CInterfaceInfer | |
CIntermediateRepresentation | |
CIntersection | |
CIR_lowering | Compute the control flow graph for the operations |
Cisolated_var_pp_functor | |
Cissue_pragma | |
CIterations | Map storing number of abs/max iterations |
Ciu_conv_conn_obj | This class is used to convert signed into unsigned int |
Civector_t | |
Cjms_sorter | |
Cklut_network_ext | klut_network_ext class provides operations derived from the one already existing in mockturtle::klut_network |
Cklut_network_node | Helper structure that better represents a mockturtle::klut_network 's node |
Clanguage_writer | HDL writer base class used to specify the interface of the different language writers |
Clast_intermediate_state | |
Clattice_flow_wrapper | Main class for wrapping lattice_flow tool by Lattice |
CLatticeBackendFlow | Superclass include |
CLatticeWrapper | |
Clevel_constructor | Level manager |
Clibrary_manager | This class manages the specific library structure |
Cliveness | |
Cliveness_computer | |
CLoadBuiltinTechnology | Technology steps which loads builtin components |
CLoadDefaultTechnology | Step which loads default technology libraries |
CLoadDeviceTechnology | Step which loads device dependent technology information |
CLoadFileTechnology | Step which loads technology library from file |
CLoadOpNode | |
CLoadTechnology | Step which loads device dependent technology information |
CLoop | |
CLoops | |
Cloops_computation | Loops computation analysis step |
CLoopsAnalysisBambu | Loops computation analysis step |
Clt_tree_reindex | Functor used to correctly compare two tree_reindex |
Cltedge | Functor used to sort edges |
Clut_expr | This struct specifies the lut_expr node |
Clut_transformation | |
Cmap_pragma | |
Cmap_wrapper | Main class for wrapping ISE tools by Xilinx |
CMeet | |
Cmeilp_solver | Base class providing several methods to encapsulate the interface to several ilp solver |
Cmem_dominator_allocation | |
Cmem_dominator_allocation_cs | |
Cmemory | |
Cmemory_access | Struct representing memory information |
Cmemory_allocation | Allocation memory class |
Cmemory_cs | |
Cmemory_symbol | |
Cmemory_tag | Memory tags used in tree-ssa to represent memory locations in virtual SSA |
CMemoryAllocationSpecialization | The information about how memory allocation has to be specialized |
CMemoryInitializationCWriter | Functor used to write initialization of the memory throw C instructions added to values.c |
CMemoryInitializationWriter | Functor used to write initialization of the memory writer |
CMemoryInitializationWriterBase | Functor used to write initialization of the memory writer |
Cmethod_type | Struct definition of the method_type tree node |
Cminimal_interface | Class generating minimal interfaces |
CmodelsimWrapper | STD include |
Cmodule | This class describes a generic module |
Cmodule1_output_t | |
Cmodule2_output_t | |
Cmodule_binding_check | |
Cmodule_binding_check_no_filter | |
Cmodule_interface | |
Cmodule_register_binding_spec | |
CModuleArchitecture | |
►CModuleGenerator | |
CModuleGeneratorManager | |
Cmult_cost | This structure holds the "cost" of a multiply sequence |
Cmulti_unbounded_obj | Class modeling a register object |
Cmulti_way_if | Structure the original short circuit |
CMultipleEntryIfReduction | Class performing some optimizations exploiting the reduction of BB with n inputs and m outputs |
Cmux_conn | This class is used to represent a connection through multiplexers |
Cmux_connection_binding | Class managing the connection binding of datapath |
Cmux_obj | This class is a specialization of generic_obj class to represent a multiplexer into the datapath |
Cnamespace_decl | Struct definition of the label_decl tree node |
CNanoXploreBackendFlow | |
CNanoXploreWrapper | |
Cneighbor_t | |
►Cnetwork_flow | |
Cnext_unique_state | |
Cngdbuild_wrapper | Main class for wrapping ISE tools by Xilinx |
CNI_SSA_liveness | |
Cno_check_clique | |
Cno_filter_clique | |
CNode | |
Cnode_kind_prec_info | This structure collect the information of input and output precision of nodes and the node kind |
Cnode_t_struct | |
CNodeContainer | |
CNodeInfo | |
CNonDeterministicFlows | Class to test non deterministic flows |
Cnontype_argument_pack | |
CNP_functionality | Not parsed functionality descriptor of a module |
Cnull_deleter | Null deleter |
Cnull_node | |
CNuutila | |
Cnxpython_flow_wrapper | Main class for wrapping nxpython_flow tool by NANOXPLORE |
Cobject_visitor | Object visitor template |
Cobjective_function | |
COctetStringAsnType | |
Cogzstream | |
Comp_atomic_pragma | |
Comp_critical_pragma | |
Comp_declare_simd_pragma | |
Comp_for_pragma | |
Comp_parallel_pragma | |
Comp_parallel_sections_pragma | |
Comp_pragma | |
Comp_section_pragma | |
Comp_sections_pragma | |
Comp_simd_pragma | |
Comp_target_pragma | |
Comp_task_pragma | |
COmpAllocation | Superclass include |
COmpBodyLoopSynthesisFlow | |
COmpForWrapperCSSynthesisFlow | |
COmpFunctionAllocation | Superclass include |
COmpFunctionAllocationCS | Superclass include |
COmpFunctions | |
Cop_feedback_edges_computation | Compute the feedback edges of the operations graphs |
Cop_vertex_order_by_map | The key comparison function for vertices set based on levels |
COpCdgComputation | Superclass include |
COpEdgeInfo | The info associated with an edge of operation graph |
COpEdgeSet | |
COpEdgeSorter | |
COpEdgeWriter | Edge writer for operation graph |
COpenCSModuleGenerator | |
COpenModuleGenerator | |
COpenNModuleGenerator | |
COpenP1NModuleGenerator | |
COperand | |
Coperation | This class specifies the characteristic of a particular operation working on a given functional unit |
Coperations_cfg_computation | Compute the control flow graph for the operations |
Coperations_graph_constructor | Class providing methods to manage an operations graph |
COpGraph | Class used to describe a particular graph with operations as nodes |
COpGraphInfo | Information associated with the whole graph |
COpGraphsCollection | This structure defines graphs where nodes are operations |
COpNode | This class represents a generic operation in our analysis |
COpNodeInfo | Information associated with a generic operation node |
COpOrderComputation | Superclass include |
COpReachabilityComputation | Superclass include |
COptionMap | |
COpVertexMap | Map from operation vertices to value |
COpVertexSchedSorter | |
COpVertexSet | A set of operation vertices |
COpVertexSorter | |
COpWriter | |
COrderedBasicBlock | |
COrderedInstructions | |
Coverload | This struct represents a list-like node for chaining overloading candidates |
Cp_update_check | Terminate function used during improve_ASAP_with_constraints visiting and updating of ASAP_p vector |
Cpar_wrapper | Main class for wrapping ISE tools by Xilinx |
CParallelMemoryConnBinding | Superclass include |
CParallelMemoryFuBinding | Superclass include |
CParameter | |
Cparametric_list_based | Class managing list based scheduling algorithms |
CParametricListBasedSpecialization | Information about specialization of parametric list based step |
Cparm2ssa | Pre-analysis step |
Cparm_decl | Struct definition of the parm_decl tree node |
Cparm_decl_taken_address_fix | |
CParserFlowStep | |
CParserFlowStepFactory | |
CPathProfilingInformation | Map storing path profiling information |
CPhiOpNode | A constraint like sink = phi(src1, src2, ..., srcN) |
CPhiOpt | Restructure the tree control flow graph |
Cphoton | |
Cpipeline_controller | |
Cpointer_type | Struct definition of the pointer_type tree node |
Cpointer_var_pp_functor | Pointer version functor that returns the name of a variable with a star in front |
CPointToSolution | This struct specifies a point-to solution |
Cpolybench_data_ptrs | |
Cport_o | This class describes a port associated with a component or a channel |
Cport_swapping | Superclass include |
Cpragma_manager | This class is used to manage the pragma directives found in the source code |
CPragmaAnalysis | Restructure the tree control flow graph |
CPragmaParser | Main class for parsing: contains the context associated with a parsing action and the methods to retrieve all the information |
CPragmaSubstitution | Superclass include |
CPredicateBase | |
CPredicateStatements | Superclass include |
CPredicateWithEdge | |
CprettyPrintVertex | Class used to print a vertex of a graph |
CPrintfCSModuleGenerator | |
CPrintfModuleGenerator | |
CPrintfNModuleGenerator | |
CPrintfP1NModuleGenerator | |
Cpriority_compare_functor | Functor used to compare two vertices with respect to a priority object |
Cpriority_data | Base class used to define the priority associated with each vertex of a list base scheduling problem |
Cpriority_dynamic_mobility | This is a specialization based on mobility |
Cpriority_fixed | This is a specialization based on a given fixed priority value |
Cpriority_static_mobility | This is a specialization based on mobility |
CPrioritySorter | Sorter for connection |
Cprng_rand_t | |
Cproblem_dim | |
Cprofiling_pragma | |
CProfilingInformation | Definition of the profiling information class |
CQuartus13ReportWrapper | Main class for wrapping quartus_report tool by Altera |
CQuartus13Wrapper | |
CQuartusPowerWrapper | Main class for wrapping quartus_pow tool by Altera |
CQuartusReportWrapper | Main class for wrapping quartus_report tool by Altera |
CQuartusWrapper | |
Cquaternary_expr | Struct definition of the Quaternary node structures |
CRange | |
CRangeAnalysis | |
Craw_writer | |
CRawGraph | |
CRead_acknowledgeModuleGenerator | |
CRead_axisModuleGenerator | |
CRead_fifoModuleGenerator | |
CRead_handshakeModuleGenerator | |
CRead_noneModuleGenerator | |
CRead_validModuleGenerator | |
CReadWrite_arrayModuleGenerator | |
CReadWrite_m_axiModuleGenerator | |
CReadWriteDP_arrayModuleGenerator | |
Creal_cst | This struct specifies the real_cst node |
Creal_type | Struct definition of the real_type tree node |
CRealAsnType | |
CRealRange | |
Crebuild_initialization | Rebuild initialization function flow front-end step |
Crebuild_initialization2 | Rebuild initialization function flow front-end step done after IR_lowering |
Crecord_type | Struct definition of the record_type tree node |
CRedefineAsnType | |
►Crefcount | Template borrowed from the ANTLR library by Terence Parr (http://www.jGuru.com - Software rights: http://www.antlr.org/license.html) |
CRefCountOrder | The key comparison function for refcount |
Creference_type | Struct definition of the reference_type tree node |
Creg_binding | Class managing the register binding |
Creg_binding_creator | Generic class managing the different register allocation algorithms |
Creg_binding_cs | |
Cregister_obj | Class modeling a register object |
Crehashed_heap | Class used to represent a priority queue of vertex with rehash |
Cremove_clobber_ga | Superclass include |
CRemoveEndingIf | STL include |
Cresource_ordering_functor | Functor used to compare which of two resources has to be considered first in the scheduling |
Cresult_decl | Struct definition of the result_decl tree node |
Creturn_stmt | This struct represent a 'return' statement |
CRTLCharacterization | |
CRTS_based_clique_covering | |
CScalarSsaDataDependenceComputation | Ssa data flow analysis step |
Csched_based_chaining_computation | |
CSchedule | Class managing the schedule of the operations |
CScheduleWriter | |
CScheduling | Generic class managing scheduling algorithms |
Cscope_ref | This struct specifies reference to particular overloaded struct method The tree walker structure of this node is: #(TOK_SCOPE_REF) |
CSDCCodeMotion | Superclass include |
CSDCScheduling | |
CSDCSorter | Class used to sort operation using ALAP in ascending order as primary key and ASAP ascending order as secondary key |
CSelectEdge | Predicate functor object used to select the proper set of edges |
CSelectVertex | Predicate functor object used to select the proper set of vertexes |
CSequenceAsnType | |
CSequenceOfAsnType | |
CSerializeMutualExclusions | Superclass include |
CSetAsnType | |
CSetOfAsnType | |
Cshort_circuit_taf | STL include |
Csig_variation | This class models a single variation of a signal in vcd |
CSigmaOpNode | Specific type of UnaryOp used to represent sigma functions |
Csignal_o | This class describes a simple logic/RTL signal |
Csimple_code_motion | Restructure the tree control flow graph |
Csimple_indent | Very simple pretty printer functor |
CSimulationEvaluation | |
CSimulationInformation | |
CSimulationTool | |
Cslack_based_filtering | |
Csoft_float_cg_ext | Add to the call graph the function calls associated with the floating point primitive operations |
CSpiderParameter | Superclass include |
CSplitReturn | STL include |
Csrcp | Struct definition of the source position |
Cssa_name | This struct specifies the ssa_name node |
Cstack | |
Cstack_node | |
Cstandard_hls | |
CStartingTimeSorter | |
CStateInfo | Structure holding information about a node into graph |
Cstatement_list | This struct specifies the statement_list node |
CStateTransitionGraph | Class used to describe a state transition graph |
CStateTransitionGraph_constructor | |
CStateTransitionGraphInfo | Structure holding information about the whole graph |
CStateTransitionGraphManager | Class used to manage a graph into finite state machine representation; it contains methods to build the graph, to add nodes, edges.. |
CStateTransitionGraphsCollection | This structure defines the bulk for the state transition graph |
CStateWriter | Functor template used to write the content of the nodes to a dotty file |
Cstatistical_profiling | |
Cstd_var_pp_functor | Standard functor that returns the name of a variable |
CSTG_creator | Generic class managing all the stg creation algorithms |
Cstorage_value_insertion | |
CStorageValueInformation | |
CStorageValueInformationFsm | |
CStorageValueInformationPipeline | |
Cstring_cst | This struct specifies the string_cst node |
Cstring_cst_fix | Pre-analysis step |
Cstring_separator | Functor to tokenize string used with boost::tokenizer |
Cstructural_manager | This class manages the circuit structures |
Cstructural_object | Base object for all the structural objects |
Cstructural_type_descriptor | Structure representing the most relevant information about the type of a structural object |
CSwitchFix | Superclass include |
CSymbolicApplicationFrontendFlowStep | |
CSymbRange | This is an interval that contains a symbolic limit, which is given by the bounds of a program name, e.g |
CSynthesisEvaluation | Superclass include |
CSynthesisTool | |
Csystem_verilog_writer | |
Ctarget_expr | This struct implements the target_expr node |
Ctarget_mem_ref | Low-level memory addressing |
Ctarget_mem_ref461 | Low-level memory addressing |
CTasteInterfaceGeneration | Class generating taste interfaces |
Ctechnology_manager | This class manages the technology library structures |
Ctechnology_node | Abstract pure class for the technology structure |
CTechnologyFlowStep | |
CTechnologyFlowStepFactory | |
Ctemplate_decl | Struct definition of the template_decl tree node |
Ctemplate_parm_index | |
Cternary_expr | Struct definition of the ternary node structures |
CTernaryOpNode | |
CTestbenchAcknowledgeModuleGenerator | |
CTestbenchArrayModuleGenerator | |
CTestbenchAXIMModuleGenerator | |
CTestbenchAxisModuleGenerator | |
CTestbenchDUTModuleGenerator | |
CTestbenchFifoModuleGenerator | |
CTestbenchGeneration | |
CTestbenchHandshakeModuleGenerator | |
CTestbenchNoneModuleGenerator | |
CTestbenchOvalidModuleGenerator | |
CTestbenchValidModuleGenerator | |
CTestVectorParser | |
Cthread_data | |
Ctime_info | |
CTimeStamp | The type used for timestamp |
CToDataFileStep | |
CToDataFileStepFactory | |
CToolManager | |
Ctop_entity | |
Ctop_entity_cs | |
Ctop_entity_parallel_cs | |
CTopEntityMemoryMapped | Build a wrapper layer on the top entity implementing the momory mapped interface |
Ctopological_based_sorting_visitor | |
CTransitionInfo | Structure holding the information about an edge into the graph |
CTransitionWriter | Functor used to write the content of the edges to a dotty file and it is used to write specific edge properties such as condition |
►CTranslator | Class to translate data from a format to another one |
Ctrce_wrapper | Main class for wrapping ISE tools by Xilinx |
Ctree_helper | This class collects some utility functions used to extract information from tree-based data structures |
Ctree_list | This struct specifies the tree_list node |
Ctree_manager | This class manages the tree structures extracted from the raw file |
Ctree_manipulation | This class creates a layer to add nodes and to manipulate the tree_nodes manager |
Ctree_node | Abstract pure class for the tree structure |
Ctree_node_dup | |
Ctree_node_factory | |
Ctree_node_finder | |
Ctree_node_index_factory | |
Ctree_node_mask | Class factorizing the mask initialization which is common to all visitor classes |
Ctree_node_reached | |
Ctree_node_visitor | |
Ctree_panda_gcc_parameter | Superclass include |
Ctree_rehashed_heap | Class used to represent a tree of priority queues |
Ctree_reindex | This class is used to perform the re-index of all tree nodes |
Ctree_reindexCompare | |
Ctree_vec | This struct specifies the tree_vec node |
CTreeFlexLexer | |
CTreeNodeConstSet | A set of const tree node |
CTreeNodeConstSorter | |
CTreeNodeMap | A map with key tree_nodeRef |
CTreeNodeSet | |
CTreeNodeSorter | A set of tree node |
CTreeNodesPairSet | |
CTreeNodesPairSorter | |
►CtreeVocabularyTokenTypes | |
Ctry_block | This struct represents a try-block statement |
CTS_based_clique_covering | |
CTTT_based_clique_covering | |
CTTT_based_clique_covering_fast | Second fast version of the TTT_based_clique_covering |
CTTT_maximal_weighted_clique | Class computing the maximal weighted clique from a generic graph |
CTTT_maximal_weighted_clique_fast | Fast version that just returns the first maximal clique found |
CTVMByteArray | Byte array type used to pass in byte array When kBytes is used as data type |
CTVMParallelGroupEnv | Environment for TVM parallel task |
CTVMValue | Union type of values being passed through API and function calls |
Ctype_argument_pack | Represents an argument pack of types (or templates) |
Ctype_casting | |
Ctype_decl | Struct definition of the type_decl tree node |
Ctype_node | Struct definition of the type node structures |
Ctype_pack_expansion | Represents a type expression that will be expanded into a list of types when instantiated with one or more argument packs |
CTypedNodeInfo | |
Cu_assign_conn_obj | This class is used to specify the type of a connection object: UINT |
CUEdgeWriter | Functor used to write the content of the edges to a dotty file |
Cugraph | General class used to describe a graph in PandA |
Cui_conv_conn_obj | This class is used to convert unsigned into signed int |
Cunary_expr | Struct definition of the unary node structures |
CUnaryOpNode | A constraint like sink = operation(source) [l, u] Examples: unary instructions such as truncation, sign extensions, zero extensions |
CUnComparisonLowering | Superclass include |
Cundirected_graphs_collection | Bulk graph |
CUnfoldedCallGraph | |
CUnfoldedCallInfo | |
CUnfoldedFunctionInfo | |
Cunion_type | Struct definition of the union_type tree node |
Cunique_binding | Class managing the module allocation |
Cunique_binding_register | |
Cupdatecopy_HLS_constraints_functor | Constraint functor used by get_attribute_of_fu_per_op |
CUpdateSchedule | Update schedule of all the instructions |
Cuse_counting | Superclass include |
Cuu_conv_conn_obj | This class is used to convert unsigned into unsigned int |
CUVertexWriter | Functor used to write the content of a vertex to dotty file |
CValueDFS | |
CValueDFS_Compare | |
CValueInfo | |
CValueRange | |
Cvalues_scheme | |
Cvar_decl | Struct definition of the label_decl tree node |
Cvar_pp_functor | Base class functor used by prettyPrintVertex to print variables |
CVarComputation | |
CVarDeclFix | Pre-analysis step |
Cvariable2obj | Class managing map of the storage values on a generic object |
CVarNode | |
Cvc_t | |
Cvcd_parser | |
Cvcd_sig_info | |
Cvcd_trace_head | |
Cvcd_utility | |
►CvcDouble | |
CVcdSignalSelection | |
►CvcFloat | |
Cvector_cst | This struct specifies the vector_cst node |
Cvector_type | Struct definition of the vector_type tree node |
CVectorize | |
CVerilatorWrapper | Main class for wrapping Verilator |
Cverilog_writer | |
Cvertex2float | |
Cvertex2int | |
Cvertex2obj | Class managing map of the vertexes on a generic object |
Cvertex_coloring_register | |
CVertexWriter | Functor used to write the content of a vertex to dotty file |
CVHDL_writer | |
Cvirtual_hls | |
Cvirtual_phi_nodes_split | |
CVirtualAggregateDataFlowAnalysis | Superclass include |
Cvivado_flow_wrapper | Main class for wrapping vivado_flow tool by XILINX |
CVIVADO_xsim_wrapper | Main class for wrapping VIVADO XSIM Xilinx |
CWB4_interface | |
CWB4Intercon_interface | Class generating the top WB4 module |
Cweak_dominance | Class used to compute weak dominance |
Cweighted_clique_register | |
CWeightedCliqueRegisterBindingSpecialization | |
CWeightedNode | Struct definition of common part of WeightedNode (gimple_assign, expr_node) |
CWrefcount | |
CWrite_acknowledgeModuleGenerator | |
CWrite_axisModuleGenerator | |
CWrite_fifoModuleGenerator | |
CWrite_handshakeModuleGenerator | |
CWrite_none_registeredModuleGenerator | |
CWrite_noneModuleGenerator | |
CWrite_validModuleGenerator | |
CWriteHLSSummary | Superclass include |
CWriteTechnology | Step which write technology information |
CXilinxBackendFlow | |
CXilinxTasteBackendFlow | Superclass include |
CXilinxWrapper | |
Cxml_att_decl_node | |
Cxml_attribute | |
Cxml_child | |
Cxml_command_t | Command line of the synthesis tool |
Cxml_comment_node | |
Cxml_document | |
Cxml_element | |
Cxml_foreach_t | Foreach block, where the set of script nodes is applied to each parameter |
Cxml_ite_block_t | If/Then/Else block, evaluated at compile-time |
Cxml_node | |
Cxml_parameter_t | Command line parameter |
Cxml_script_node_t | This is the abstract class which describes a generic synthesis script node, and some static helper methods |
Cxml_set_entry_t | String entry of a multiple values variable (set) |
Cxml_set_variable_t | Variable assignment, either single value or multiple entries set |
Cxml_shell_t | Command line of the native shell |
Cxml_text_node | |
CXMLDomParser | XML DOM parser |
CXmlFlexLexer | |
Cxst_wrapper | Main class for wrapping ISE tools by Xilinx |