Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567]
 CAadlInformation::AadlParameterStrucutre containing the characteristics of a parameter
 CAadlParserNodeSTD include
 CalgorithmThis structure records a sequence of operations
 CASLAPClass managing ALAP and ASAP algorithms
 CAsnParserNodeData associated with a node of the asn parser
 CattrStruct definition of the field attr on function_decl, field_decl, var_decl tree node
 CAugmentedVector< T >
 CBasicBlocksGraphConstructorClass providing methods to manage a basic blocks graph
 CblocThis struct specifies the field bloc (basic block)
 CCallGraphManagerThis class manages the accesses to the CallGraph
 Ccc_compatibility_graph_edge_selector< Graph >Predicate functor object used to select the proper set of edges
 Ccc_compatibility_graph_vertex_selector< Graph >Graph includes
 Ccdfc_graph_edge_selector< Graph >Predicate functor object used to select the proper set of edges
 Ccdfc_graph_vertex_selector< Graph >Predicate functor object used to select the proper set of vertices
 Ccdfc_resource_ordering_functorFunctor used to compare which of two resources has to be considered first during the binding
 CChainingSetHeader include
 Ccheck_clique< vertex_type >
 Ccheck_long_double< T >Concept checking class This class is used to check that an object can be converted into long double
 CCInitializationParserFunctorSTD include
 CCInitializationParserNodeSTD include
 Cclique_covering< VertexType >
 Cclique_covering< vertex_type >
 Ccompatibility_edge_writerFunctor used by boost::write_graphviz to write the edge info
 Ccompatibility_node_info_writerFunctor used by boost::write_graphviz to write the node info
 CCompilerWrapper::CompilerClass storing information of a compiler
 CCompilerWrapperMain class for wrapping the frontend compiler
 Cconn_bindingClass managing the interconnection binding
 Cconnection_objGeneric class managing elements used to interconnect generic objects into datapath
 Ccs_ordering_functorFunctor used to compare two vertices with respect to an order based on the control steps associated with the vertices
 CCWriterClass used to write the C code representing a program, this class can't be directly instantiated since the backend is not specified yet
 CDataXmlParserThis class collects information about generic data
 Cboost::degree_compare_functor< VertexListGraph >Degree compare functor
 CDesignFlowStepThe base class for design step
 CDLContextA Device context for Tensor and operator
 CDLDataTypeThe data type the tensor can hold
 CDLManagedTensorC Tensor object, manage memory of DLTensor. This data structure is intended to faciliate the borrowing of DLTensor by another framework. It is not meant to transfer the tensor. When the borrowing framework doesn't need the tensor, it should call the deleter to notify the host that the resource is no longer needed
 CDLTensorPlain C Tensor object, does not manage memory
 Cdom_info< GraphObj >Store the intermediate information used to compute dominator or post dominator information
 Cdominance< GraphObj >Dominator o post-dominator data structure
 Cdominance< BBGraph >
 Cboost::dsatur2_coloring_helper< VertexListGraph, ColorMap, size_type >Helper used to color the graph
 Cboost::dsatur2_heap_compare_functor< size_type >Heap compare functor
 Cboost::dsatur_coloring_helper< VertexListGraph, ColorMap, size_type >
 Cboost::dsatur_d_list< size_type >
 Cboost::dsatur_degree_compare_functor< size_type, VertexListGraph >
 Cboost::dsatur_degree_predicate_functor< size_type, VertexListGraph >
 Ccompatibility_based_register::edge_compatibility_propertyEdge property
 CEdgeInfoBase class storing user data information
 CEdgePropertyThe property associated with edge
 CEdgeWriterFunctor used to write the content of the edges to a dotty file
 CevaluationClass definition for high level synthesis result evaluationThis class is the abstract class for all kind of result evaluations
 CFactory< Base, Args >
 CFactory< ModuleGenerator, const HLS_managerRef &>
 Cfilter_clique< vertex_type >Functor used to reduce the size of clique: the rationale of filtering is that too many sharing may create problem to the timing closure of the design
 Cfilter_clique< vertex >
 Cfind_eq_moduleUsed to test if a component has been already inserted into the component list
 CfirFixedClass< filter_len >
 Cflopoco_wrapperMain class for wrapping the FloPoCo code generator
 Cfu_bindingClass managing the functional-unit binding
 CFunctionExpanderUsed to avoid expansion of c library function or type
 Cgeneric_deviceGeneric device description
 Cgeneric_objGeneric class managing all resources into datapath
 Cgraph_info_tCustom graph property: GraphInfo
 CGraphInfoBase class storing user data information to the whole graph
 CGraphWriterFunctor used to write the content of the property of a graph to a dotty file
 Cboost::heap_compare_functor< size_type >
 ChlsData structure that contains all information about high level synthesis process
 CHLS_constraintsData structure used to store all the HLS constraints
 CHLSFlowStepSpecializationAbstract class containing information about specialization of the single steps
 CIndentedOutputStreamClass to print indented code
 CFactory< Base, Args >::Key
 Cklut_network_nodeHelper structure that better represents a mockturtle::klut_network's node
 Clanguage_writerHDL writer base class used to specify the interface of the different language writers
 CTranslator::LatexColumnFormatClass describing the characteristic of a column of latex table
 Clevel_constructorLevel manager
 Clibrary_managerThis class manages the specific library structure
 Clt_tree_reindexFunctor used to correctly compare two tree_reindex
 Cltedge< Graph >Functor used to sort edges
 Cboost::maxclique_dsatur_coloring_helper< VertexListGraph, ColorMap, size_type, SET_container >
 Cmeilp_solverBase class providing several methods to encapsulate the interface to several ilp solver
 Cmemory_accessStruct representing memory information
 Cmult_costThis structure holds the "cost" of a multiply sequence
 Cnetwork_flow::nf_cost_tEdge tags
 Cnetwork_flow::nf_name_tVertex tags
 Cnode_kind_prec_infoThis structure collect the information of input and output precision of nodes and the node kind
 CNP_functionalityNot parsed functionality descriptor of a module
 Cnull_deleterNull deleter
 Cobject_visitorObject visitor template
 Coperations_graph_constructorClass providing methods to manage an operations graph
 COpNodeThis class represents a generic operation in our analysis
 CPointToSolutionThis struct specifies a point-to solution
 Cpragma_managerThis class is used to manage the pragma directives found in the source code
 CPragmaParserMain class for parsing: contains the context associated with a parsing action and the methods to retrieve all the information
 CprettyPrintVertexClass used to print a vertex of a graph
 Cpriority_compare_functor< Type >Functor used to compare two vertices with respect to a priority object
 Cpriority_data< dataType >Base class used to define the priority associated with each vertex of a list base scheduling problem
 Cpriority_data< int >
 CProfilingInformationDefinition of the profiling information class
 Crefcount< T >::Ref
 Crefcount< T >Template borrowed from the ANTLR library by Terence Parr ( - Software rights:
 Crefcount< AllocationInformation >
 Crefcount< area_info >
 Crefcount< AsnType >
 Crefcount< BackendFlow >
 Crefcount< BBGraph >
 Crefcount< CallSitesInfo >
 Crefcount< ChainingInformation >
 Crefcount< conn_binding >
 Crefcount< const AllocationInformation >
 Crefcount< const BBGraph >
 Crefcount< const BehavioralHelper >
 Crefcount< const FunctionBehavior >
 Crefcount< const OpGraph >
 Crefcount< const tree_manager >
 Crefcount< const tree_manipulation >
 Crefcount< const tree_node >
 Crefcount< const var_pp_functor >
 Crefcount< DesignParameters >
 Crefcount< EdgeInfo >
 Crefcount< fu_binding >
 Crefcount< functions >
 Crefcount< generic_obj >
 Crefcount< hls >
 Crefcount< HLS_device >
 Crefcount< HWDiscrepancyInfo >
 Crefcount< IndentedOutputStream >
 Crefcount< library_manager >
 Crefcount< liveness >
 Crefcount< Loop >
 Crefcount< memory >
 Crefcount< NP_functionality >
 Crefcount< PointToSolution >
 Crefcount< priority_data< int > >
 Crefcount< priority_data< Type > >
 Crefcount< reg_binding >
 Crefcount< Schedule >
 Crefcount< SimulationInformation >
 Crefcount< SimulationTool >
 Crefcount< StateTransitionGraphManager >
 Crefcount< StorageValueInformation >
 Crefcount< structural_manager >
 Crefcount< structural_object >
 Crefcount< structural_type_descriptor >
 Crefcount< SynthesisTool >
 Crefcount< technology_manager >
 Crefcount< technology_node >
 Crefcount< time_info >
 Crefcount< ToolManager >
 Crefcount< tree_manager >
 Crefcount< tree_manipulation >
 Crefcount< tree_node >
 Cresource_ordering_functorFunctor used to compare which of two resources has to be considered first in the scheduling
 CScheduleClass managing the schedule of the operations
 Cboost::select_vertex< SET_container >Predicate functor object used to select the proper set of vertices
 CSelectEdge< Graph >Predicate functor object used to select the proper set of edges
 CSelectVertex< Graph >Predicate functor object used to select the proper set of vertexes
 Csig_variationThis class models a single variation of a signal in vcd
 Csimple_indentVery simple pretty printer functor
 CsrcpStruct definition of the source position
 CStateTransitionGraphManagerClass used to manage a graph into finite state machine representation; it contains methods to build the graph, to add nodes, edges..
 Cstring_separatorFunctor to tokenize string used with boost::tokenizer
 Cstructural_managerThis class manages the circuit structures
 Cstructural_objectBase object for all the structural objects
 Cstructural_type_descriptorStructure representing the most relevant information about the type of a structural object
 Ctechnology_managerThis class manages the technology library structures
 Ctechnology_nodeAbstract pure class for the technology structure
 CTimeStampThe type used for timestamp
 CTranslatorClass to translate data from a format to another one
 Ctree_helperThis class collects some utility functions used to extract information from tree-based data structures
 Ctree_managerThis class manages the tree structures extracted from the raw file
 Ctree_manipulationThis class creates a layer to add nodes and to manipulate the tree_nodes manager
 Ctree_nodeAbstract pure class for the tree structure
 CTTT_maximal_weighted_clique< Graph >Class computing the maximal weighted clique from a generic graph
 CTTT_maximal_weighted_clique_fast< Graph >Fast version that just returns the first maximal clique found
 CTVMByteArrayByte array type used to pass in byte array When kBytes is used as data type
 CTVMParallelGroupEnvEnvironment for TVM parallel task
 CTVMValueUnion type of values being passed through API and function calls
 CUEdgeWriterFunctor used to write the content of the edges to a dotty file
 Cupdatecopy_HLS_constraints_functorConstraint functor used by get_attribute_of_fu_per_op
 CUVertexWriterFunctor used to write the content of a vertex to dotty file
 Cvar_pp_functorBase class functor used by prettyPrintVertex to print variables
 CVertexWriterFunctor used to write the content of a vertex to dotty file
 Cweak_dominanceClass used to compute weak dominance
 CWrefcount< T >
 CWrefcount< const DesignFlowManager >
 CWrefcount< const fu_binding >
 CWrefcount< const HLS_manager >
 CWrefcount< structural_object >
 Cxml_script_node_tThis is the abstract class which describes a generic synthesis script node, and some static helper methods
 CXMLDomParserXML DOM parser

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